Dinner at Jinryoku

No, my arm is not broken, baby is resting peacefully in the 'sling'.

First board meeting at MY Tower

Check out our new board table.......

Happy Birthday Stan!!!

Beautiful cake at K'Shiki-Mandarin Orient Hotel Tokyo.

Westin Hotel YCA Graduation Party


Yamano College of Aesthethics Graduation


Make a wish.......... 願い・・・・

Six years ago we made a wish...............we didn't know what each 
other wished for........

Last month our wishes came true so we filled in the other side!!!

What did we wish for???

Without knowing, we wished for the same thing!!!

Our wishes were to have a healthy baby!!!

March 16-and the day goes on.........

We rushed back to MY Tower to change kimono again and to celebrate the graduating class from our night school.

Again, many of the graduates were wearing kimono.  It brought back 
memories for me as I also graduated from night

Presenting the diplomas to the graduates.

Stan is presenting the "Sokatsu" awards.

Then we moved on to the party!



The students wrote us notes on our name cards.

March 16- Saying Good Bye

It was a very sad day as we had to say good bye to Uncle Dick.

Uncle Dick made us laugh, cry, and taught us so much about the 
beauty and trade industries.

It was a very emotional day as he was very close to me and also was 
one of the first to be kind to Stan when he moved to Japan.  When I 
first moved to Japan he took us to an English Church at Christmas 
time as my father was in Europe for the school trip.  Uncle Dick also 
brought us skiing during our first few years in Japan.  In later 
years, we used to travel to beauty shows around the world together 
and he would introduce me to everyone and take care of me.  I have 
very fond memories of our travels together.

I was thinking about when I first brought a group to NY it snowed and 
we ended up getting there a day late, but just in time for the beauty 
show we needed to attend.  As the bus pulled up to the hotel, Uncle 
Dick was waiting for us even though it was very late at night.  Then 
the next day I wore my kimono and there was still a lot of snow on 
the ground.  As I was getting off the bus he jumped in front of me,  
took off his coat, laid it on the ground and told me to step on it so 
feet wouldn't get stuck in the snow!  It was just like something 
right out of the movies!

He was thoughtful in many ways, loved the newest electronic gadget 
and made us all laugh and cry!   Those of you who knew him, knew  
he had a big heart!!  Uncle Dick, we love you, miss you and you 
will always be in our hearts!!

March 16 Yamano Medical School Graduation

There's never a dull moment and today we have another busy day ahead of us. 
It starts off with Yamano Medical School's Graduation Ceremony.

Congratulations to all the graduates for all their hard work over 
the 3 years and best wishes!!!

March 15 Yamano Beauty College Graduation Party

Graduation Party at the Park Hotel.

The graduating class thanking us and presenting us with flowers and  a gift.

Congratulations to all the graduates and thank you for your thoughtfulness!!

Introducing the third generation of Aiko Yamano!

We weren't planning on bringing her out, but we thought that since these students
were in school during my pregnancy and her birth we wanted them to see her.

I'm thanking them for all their warm wishes!!!

March 15 Graduation

Graduation Ceremony for Yamano Beauty College at  Yamano Hall

The Yamano Hall was full of the graduating class and some of their 

This day marks the first day for using the new Yamano Hall for 

It was nice to see many of the graduates wearing kimono.

Passing out certificates to the graduates.

It took over an hour to read all the names of the graduates and 
give the diplomas to representatives from each class.

...........and now the speeches  Look at our graduating students
listening closely. Our guest speaker was Mr. Shimamura member
of the House of Representatives.


Rijicho giving his speech to the graduates, ONLY ONE.

I'm hoping that at Yamano we were able to provide a strong 
foundation for the graduates and hope that they have successful 
careers in the beauty industry.

March 15 MY Tower

In the car........

Baby's first visit to MY Tower!!

Teachers seeing the baby for the first time. 

Everyone was so excited.

March 13th - 3 weeks old

We celebrated baby's 3rd week birthday at Unkai in Akasaka.  Thank you for the 


Meeting to finalize designs for the kimonos we plan to use during MY Tower Opening.

Making a few last minute changes.

Baby.....Going Home February 25, 2007

Going home on the 5th day feeling pretty good

Thanking the nurses who were so very kind and caring during our stay.

All bundled up ready to go home.

Leaving the hospital on our way home.

We had welcome home messages from her cousins on our door to greet us

All tucked in and still sleeping as we got home 

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