心の運動・胃の運動 #6 -BLOGRAFFITI- / Honeyの見たり食べたり…vol.6

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CNN: Donald Trump Interview on Larry King Live - October 8, 1999

2020-10-02 08:10:52 | 美しい日本を (~web読み日記)
CNN: Donald Trump Interview on Larry King Live - October 8, 1999

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Donald Trump interviewed by Larry King on CNN before he announced his 2000 Presidential campaign for the Reform Party. Uploaded to YouTube for archival purposes by Factba.se (https://factba.se)

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248 件のコメント

1 年前
The entire interview is great, yet if you are here for the letter from JFK Jr. it begins at 36:55.
Alexandria Ocasional-Cortex
Alexandria Ocasional-Cortex
6 か月前
Plane crash 1999.
HRC Senate 2000.
The “Start.”
Enjoy the show.
1 年前
Interesting how JFK jr wrote him a note 3 days after his plane crash that took his life....... Interesting very Interesting #WWG1WGA🇺🇸
Gayle Fynaut
Gayle Fynaut
1 年前
sounds like they were sending a message, even back then. the start.
All Well
All Well
1 年前
What a great surprise they planned to save us! JfK Jr and DJT and Generals....thank you with all our hearts
Lovely Dianna
Lovely Dianna
1 年前
This is like looking into the face of Baron❤️❤️
Billie Knoll
Billie Knoll
1 年前
WE are the GREATEST movement of all times !!! He LIVES... We LOVE you JOHN JOHN..
Gigi Aube
Gigi Aube
1 年前
Dixie sent me! ❤🇺🇸❤🇺🇸❤
Truth Hurts2016
Truth Hurts2016
9 か月前
WWG1WGA ❤️❤️❤️ Q sent me! I never thought John F Kennedy jr. died that day and I won’t until I see him in the casket! It didn’t seem right to me! I pray he is q and is helping Trump drain the swamp!
Star Karma
Star Karma
1 年前
Oprah As vp. Not sure he’d say that today ...
Pray and Trust
Pray and Trust
1 年前
July 19 the 1999. Mmm.
Patriot Girl
Patriot Girl
1 年前(編集済み)
Check out 37:56... DJT smiles directly at the camera as King reads the part of the letter when JFK jr comments on how Trump's dad would pick up nails at construction sites & 'never lost perspective' (hint, hint). He then continues to smile - without a hint of sadness - while reminiscing about his friend who had supposedly passed tragically young just 3 months earlier. That was definitely a knowing smile, AKA 'Duper's Delight'. Enjoy the show!
1 年前
that look on his face says he still alive
Nan Ese
Nan Ese
1 年前
37:20 Oh my goodness! Take a look at The Donald's glance sideways. It's like he's saying, "Does he believe me"?
Finn Lander
Finn Lander
1 年前
Q send me😁
Gary Bizzell
Gary Bizzell
1 年前
What I find curious is that Mr. Trump (at that time) decided look into running for president at this time, soon after JFK Jr.'s supposed death. And the way he looked down when talking about the letter being one of the last things he did before his 'death'. I really think that Trump knew what JFK JR was doing. I am hoping that he is still alive. There are so many things pointing to him still being alive.
penn hudson
penn hudson
1 年前
King reads the date off the letter, why he gets the month wrong, I don't know but he says "19th" as he is looking at the letter itself, for whatever that is worth.
1 年前
Oh President Trump has Definitely brought back the SPIRIT!!!!! MAGA!!! LOVE IT!!!!
Brandon Brown
Brandon Brown
4 か月前
This just removed any form of doubt .I've been a journey for truth for a long time. I can't believe I missed this. Welcome back jfk even though you never left
1 年前
Matt Orfalea
Matt Orfalea
1 年前
17:10 “I’m very large to put it mildly”...good lord
Julie DePuydt
Julie DePuydt
1 年前
"This letter that you got from JFK", Larry King first says. Yes Trump got the letter from him. Then Larry King is reading from the handwritten letter, you see his eyes on the piece of paper in front of him, reading it, trying to spit the date out correctly, July 19th. He's not reading a postmark on an envelope, his eyes are looking at the paper and he's reading from the handwritten letter.

Personally I think Larry King fumbled because he was confused by the date, as he should have been, right, and why he then stopped and asked, "your father passed away when in July?".

It's important to know Trump's father died on June 25th and JFK Jr. "died" on July 16th.

People are only focusing on the date, which is important, but Trump's response is just as important. 1) His dad did not die in July, like Larry King asked him, but in June. A man would know what month his dad died in. 2) Larry King made a mistake that had nothing to do with the date. At the beginning, he said JFK, not JFK Jr.

So to this point, Larry King has only said you got this letter, fumbled on the name, fumbled over a date and landed on July 19th and then asked Trump about the date his father died stating the wrong month. And what was Trump's exact response? "JFK Jr., that's exactly right." So understand this, Trump was correcting Larry King getting JFK wrong and said JFK Jr., correcting him on that point, and then he said that's exactly right. Well it surely wasn't that his dad died in July now was it? So what was exactly right? The only other thing that Larry said was the date that he fumbled over...and Trump said that's EXACTLY right to the date, that Larry King was finally able to spit out. Trump, who just had to correct King on saying only JFK and not JFK Jr., but wouldn't correct him on the date if it had been wrong also? Plus, he totally ignored the mistake on the month of his father's death because Trump, who seemed to be a stickler on the other 2 points, was focused on JFK Jr., not his own father.

Hum? The haters are gonna hate and will say Trump was only trying to use JFK Jr. and would throw his own father under the bus. OR Something about JFK Jr. was so important that Trump's only focus was on JFK Jr. A message already being sent to the DS? Some believe the DS has known JFK Jr. has been alive all this time as well. I mean, wouldn't they know that they botched the whole thing? Which would mean they had him hidden and protected very well by this time in October and Trump was safe to send that message to them. The DS would have picked up on it, obviously, but the people? Come on, this was a couple of months later. The people are such sheeple and were easily distracted by Larry King's misdirection, they wouldn't have picked up on it back then. Heck, people even now listening to it aren't picking up on the subtleties of it all.

Now another thing that makes this whole thing seem even more believable to me is, and I watched a ton of videos on this researching it, and that is, up until this date, the media seemed to love Trump. It was when he decided to threaten to run for President, RIGHT AFTER, JFK Jr. "died", coincidentally on both counts, things changed at this moment in time. Up until this point, Trump said he had no interest in running for President. Did you hear the Oprah interview? What changed? Oprah loved him and so did many others. They were practically begging him to run. What changed? It was at this time the media started to smear Trump. Why? What changed?
NoCoincidences M
NoCoincidences M
1 年前
I'm a believer that JFK Jr. is still alive; however I must say I wouldn't suggest using this as more proof ! Larry King is obviously bumbling over the month for some odd reason but keeps correcting until he finally ends with him GETTING (receiving) it on July 19th. Plane went down July 16. DJT's dad died June 25. It takes a few days to get mail after you send it. So it figures that he wrote it probably sometime in July and mailed it just before he went on his flight. DJT would receive it on the 19th. That's why DJT says he must have sent it right before also. It was sort of awkward wording for both but that's how I took it.
It's stretching it too far and it's this kind of thing that turns people off to believing other things that are true. Just stick to the obvious ones like the comparison pictures of his wife Carolyn at the rally last year, facial overlays of him, etc. As for the Q posts saying no to his being alive, IMO it was a "stress test" of our reactions, plus for whatever reasons, they don't need us to push this at this time & wanted the Deep State to be confused perhaps. Perhaps he's in more danger - don't know. Looks to me it's scheduled for next year or something....after their mission is completed with the Deep State and all is safe.
Chorus Frog
Chorus Frog
1 年前
Letter dated 3 days after plane crash....37:10
Justin S
Justin S
1 か月前(編集済み)
Recommendations of the Official Trump for President Explatory Committee 2000:

The Committee recommends Donald Trum run for President... in 2016.
Matt Orfalea
Matt Orfalea
1 年前
0:40 I have a to lose Larry. I’m the biggest by far. I’m giving up a lot if I decide to run.
Looking Glass
Looking Glass
1 年前
Oooooooo July 19...
3 か月前
"losing a parent changes you" how interesting in current context.
ReSa Chase
ReSa Chase
1 年前
Dixie sent me
Matt Orfalea
Matt Orfalea
1 年前
3:25 I think there’s a tremendous lack of spirit LOL —that’s why he’s running for President haha
One 4 Liberty
One 4 Liberty
1 年前
Nunya Bizness
Nunya Bizness
1 年前
33:42 “For one thing i’m not in love with Adolph Hitler” 😂
1 年前
Promises Made, Promises Kept. 💜🇺🇸💜 #MAGA
Matt Orfalea
Matt Orfalea
1 年前
22:20 I don’t consided myself to have a big ego...LOLLLOLLL
Matt Orfalea
Matt Orfalea
1 年前
24:00 spectacular women. Amazing women
Matt Orfalea
Matt Orfalea
1 年前
22:05 everything is he best! The best location the. Eat building! Lolllllolol
Danielle Ohlund
Danielle Ohlund
2 週間前(編集済み)
Thing I find very interesting about this history video, it was uploaded 2 years ago and it took over a year for anyone to comment on this! This is history!!! In 1999!!! 27:58
Matt Orfalea
Matt Orfalea
1 年前
5:25 good trump broll
1 年前
...interesting, Very Interesting.... Thank you Dixie!!!
Dr. Jeanie Grace
Dr. Jeanie Grace
1 か月前(編集済み)
Do you see the look in (President) Trump's eyes when he says "it must be the last thing he did?" 37:21 What do you see in his expression?
keeley pomeroy
keeley pomeroy
6 か月前
13:30 bruh
1 年前
Dara Brumfield
Dara Brumfield
1 年前
Funny face Trump makes as Larry gets into letter???
Brave 85
Brave 85
3 か月前
Dee Magagula
Dee Magagula
1 週間前
15:02 wow! On the money😳
MyPug IsBacon
MyPug IsBacon
3 か月前
how the hell was it written july 19th, 99 when he crashed on the 16th?
Blood Gaming
Blood Gaming
2 か月前
Can’t believe CNN actually posted this 😂 even back then
southside suicide89
southside suicide89
3 週間前
Just Here
Just Here
1 年前
I love my president ! We can hope, wish, dream, pray JFK JR is alive and I would relish the day, however I don’t think the date is proof of anything - sigh
Antonio Luna
Antonio Luna
1 年前
Trump always do this sarcastic funny statements/stuffs to give clues and messages... Look at
- Trump and ISS astraunots live interview
- Trump speech " there is no space " Buzz Aldrin a few feet away from him
- JFK videos and a lot more
juntjoo nunya
juntjoo nunya
4 か月前
Did I miss the supposed part where he allegedly wanted to say "coffee" but said another word instead? If so where was it?
Sharon McComas
Sharon McComas
1 年前
Good video
Matt Orfalea
Matt Orfalea
1 年前
37:00 trump announcement of exploratory committee
Clark _Elite
Clark _Elite
11 か月前
JFK Jr is still alive, he is at every Trump rally. He's Vincent Vucna and even his wife is with him.
Kristi Philo King
Kristi Philo King
1 か月前
Agolf Tweetler
Agolf Tweetler
5 日前
Trump: Lead by example, Univ Healthcare as a right, Oprah as VP. 🍿 👀
Matt Orfalea
Matt Orfalea
1 年前
27:40 nothing I like better than nobody having guns****contradicted himself a dozen times in a row
Matt Orfalea
Matt Orfalea
1 年前
2:23 are you excited about running for President? Hilarious trump answer.
Valerie Gilbert
Valerie Gilbert
1 年前
Interesting how JFK Jr's life "ended" near Martha's Vineyard and things are heating up on Martha's Vineyard with the Obama's $15 million dollar vacation home purchase in August 2019.
1 年前
He wanted oprah for a veep in 2000???
MRS Sperry
MRS Sperry
6 か月前
That's MY President ❤ #WWG1WGA
Angelina Miari
Angelina Miari
1 年前
Um...we're talking 1999 here, people. Email wasn't heavily relied on & even the RICHEST people still used SNAIL MAIL (and there is a REASON it's called snail mail.). Fred Trump passed on June 25, 1999. The New York times article that JFK, Jr.'s note referred to was printed on July 12, 1999...and IF (and that's an ENORMOUS if) the letter WAS dated July 19, SO WHAT? ALL of us older people know that at one point, it was COMMON TO PRE-DATE A LETTER. There is also the possibility that, since JFK, Jr. ran a magazine & had people working for him, that SOMEONE IN THE OFFICE who knew of his friendship with Trump & wanted to make sure Trump received the note could've found it & sent it AFTER JFK,Jr. died.
TRUST ME...there is NOTHING on the planet that would make me happier than for the incredibly handsome young man that I used to see running in Central Park who ALWAYS smiled & said hi as he passed you by to be alive...but my logical side just can't see it. Q GAVE US CRUMBS TO DIG. Some of us actually dig, while others just follow whatever is said. The ENTIRE Larry King interview is on YouTube. The article on Fred Trump is also online that the note referred to. The person who posted this video is OBVIOUSLY very going with no knowledge of how the world functioned BEFORE the internet was relied on for everything....which to me says that ZERO research was done. Go do some ACTUAL digging & stop putting out false information.
Mikmom Talbert
Mikmom Talbert
4 か月前
On the mark. Even then. Smart prez. "I'm giving up alot". I love him for his sacrifice.
banjo playing bison
banjo playing bison
1 年前
What the hell happen to him? He sounds so much saner here than he does now!
Matt Orfalea
Matt Orfalea
1 年前
28:45 good point about alcohol
Tonimarie Landino
Tonimarie Landino
4 か月前
Hmmm I don’t see it
Nick Krikorian
Nick Krikorian
1 か月前
did anybody notice he said his brother died from alchol in the 80s but this week the media reported his brother died?? he only had 1 brother?
Mya Hollandia
Mya Hollandia
2 週間前
Oh dear
Lori Cheeseman
Lori Cheeseman
1 か月前
First Q Drop: Letter From JFK Jr Dated July 19, 1999 JFK Jr Allegedly Died In A Plane Crash On July 16, 1999. - WWG1WGA --
Matt Orfalea
Matt Orfalea
1 年前
10:00 great question. What would a trump presidency be?
Eileen Hansen
Eileen Hansen
1 年前
Do u think the letter was actually dated September 19th? How could LK say September, August, then July if he was staring right at it?
10 か月前
Lol how did CNN not pick up on that date
Jessica Nelson
Jessica Nelson
5 か月前(編集済み)
According to Larry king, on the show, the letter was dated three days after JFK Jr. died. Did he miss speak?
Derek Grieser
Derek Grieser
3 か月前
I'd walk through a wall for trump no doubt. He was right.
9 時間前
Did anyone catch on to the fact that the letter says "I read over THE WEEKEND of your father's passing"? In other words, wouldn't it seem as though the WEEKEND in question would be closer to 25 June, 1999 being the date of Fred Trump's passing? Could the date have been a mistake?
MyPug IsBacon
MyPug IsBacon
3 か月前
why cant Trump look up when talking about Jfk jr's death?
the Trayne
the Trayne
1 年前
Shane Mcvittie
Shane Mcvittie
1 年前
Favorite moment at 25:12 " I think nobody knows more about campaign finance than I do." This will be Exhibit A at Trump's NY trial after he leaves office. lol
Matt Orfalea
Matt Orfalea
1 年前
19:45 I know the smartest people...says it over and over again. ...lol
Lisa Hughes
Lisa Hughes
1 年前
He said this letter you got on July 19. He got the letter on the 19th.
That's what I heard.
Matt Orfalea
Matt Orfalea
1 年前
8:05 what do you want in a president. *****style and class...demeanor...class act...
Matt Orfalea
Matt Orfalea
1 年前
4:45 “I really support people” really?
Matt Orfalea
Matt Orfalea
1 年前
13:30 talks about healthcare. For universal healthcare. Ever followed through.
Curious Lucy
Curious Lucy
1 年前
What a guy
1 か月前
He said that he RECEIVED the letter on July 19th - and that it was probably one of the last letters JFK jr. wrote. It takes at least five days in the mail...so it's not that weird. I'm disappointed - I wanted it to be true that the letter was written three days AFTER he died. Sigh.
Beverly Baker
Beverly Baker
7 か月前
He is talking about running for the reform party, this is couple months after his friend JFK jr "died" on July 16, 1999 JFK jr wrote DJTrump a letter 3 days after his death on July 19, 1999 watch it at the 37.03 point on video.
John Jakobsen
John Jakobsen
1 年前(編集済み)
How many times did Ol´ Larry change the date/month/year? Did JJ send it on 17th or did DJT receive it that day? Far out IMO...
Alex Charles
Alex Charles
1 か月前
Even in the 1970s Larry king still looks like a old senior citizen grandpa 👴🏼 he is the only human being that his shoulders comfortably rest above his ears he has the worst posture in the world 👴🏼 🌎 🤮
John Doe
John Doe
1 年前
So much was made about the Simpsons predicting Trump’s presidency, but Trump had been putting it out there for the past 20 years.
Patriot Reload
Patriot Reload
6 か月前
Trump clearly says that the letter must have been "one of the last things he did" ... Trump received a letter ... RECEIVED a letter after JFK Jr.s death ... NOT a letter written after his death.
Dead. Deader than dead. So completely dead that a dead man looks at him and says 'Dude, you look dead'.
Agolf Tweetler
Agolf Tweetler
5 日前
Trump supports Universal Healthcare, thinks it is a right. Play this in a debate. 👍
1 年前
Trump sounds so articulate here and normal.... shocking the difference 20 years later ! And his hair looks normal and real here!!
4 週間前
Trump 2020
Sasa Bogdanovic
Sasa Bogdanovic
1 年前
Until a few months ago, the Albanians were declared as terrorists and then shortly before the bombing as a victim!
3 週間前
Did you see Donald Trump look at Larry King when he said Jfk jr "...was a friend of mine"? At the 40:15 mark.
Do you think Donald knew that John John was alive at this interview?
Matt Orfalea
Matt Orfalea
1 年前
22:45 “I build better building, I better, U build a better product”
Peter Christain
Peter Christain
10 か月前
This video drugs on for so long to get to the points were Trump denies Christ
Matt Orfalea
Matt Orfalea
1 年前
25:90 nobody knows more about campaign finance than me. I’m the best. Bc is the biggest contributor
Kubie Q
Kubie Q
1 年前
EVERYTHING TRUMP talked about has come to pass except universal healthcare. If we can fix and defend the other things then That might be on the way.
Matt Orfalea
Matt Orfalea
1 年前(編集済み)
15:55 “I would never lie...I would not lie . I absolutely won’t lie********************”
Matt Orfalea
Matt Orfalea
1 年前
12:30 brags about all the lobbyists he hires. All the congressman he buys too***”I think I’m one of the largest contributors...I think they’re very fine people”...
fatbully 777
fatbully 777
2 か月前
Notice the letter also says "WHEREVER YOU ARE...IN LIFE"... I don't know what to think concerning JFK Jr. being alive or not, but you gotta pay attention to wording. One thing no one can deny...Trump is REEEEEEAAAAAAALLLLLYYYYYY smart.
Matt Orfalea
Matt Orfalea
1 年前
21:00 can you be president without thinking about business?
Peter Christain
Peter Christain
10 か月前
Get to the point!
2 週間前
President Trump is the same person he’s psychic I guess he’s meant to be our president because he’s never been a politician he’s always been a business man👍
Joan Mills
Joan Mills
1 年前
Fred Trump died June 25,1999 Frederick Christ Trump (October 11, 1905 – June 25, 1999) King says July. Maybe he misspoke
Danny Roitman
Danny Roitman
7 か月前
Not sure what happened to Trump in the last 20 years (or since he started running for president). In this interview he sounds and looks like a normal descent person. Was he just acting for Peter King? Today he is an insane liar and the most corrupt human ever! Totally unfit for the office. What happened to him since this interview in 1999.
Is he sick or senile or what???🇺🇸

