

買い物;Lexicon generum bivalvium (O)

2018-01-17 21:55:52 | 日記

Oblimopa (f.) Iredale, 1939, 5(6), Moll., pt. 1: 241, 242, type species (OD) Oblimopa macgillivrayi actaviva Iredale, 1939, 5(6): 242-243, pl. 1, figs. 11 & 11a; Limopsidae. –ob, L. over, against, toward, facing (usually changed before c, f, g and p to oc, of, og and op) (Jaeger, 1959); Limopsis Sassi, 1827, 1(5): 476. シラスナガイ属に対するもの;シラスナガイ科シラスナガイ属 49

Obovalis (f.) Simpson, 1900b, 22(1205): 840, type species (OD) Pseudodon loomisi Simpson, 1900a, 52: 84-85, pl. 4, fig. 7 [= Unio omiensis H. v. Heimburg, 1884, 16: 93-94]; Unionidae. –ob, L. over, against, toward, facing (usually changed before c, f, g and p to oc, of, og and op) (Jaeger, 1959); Fr. oval, ovale, elliptical, oval (Jaeger, 1959). 楕円形に対するもの;イシガイ科カタハガイ属 115

-odes Gr. suffix  [odes], like. 似た

odon Gr.odon, o, gen odontos, a tooth (Liddell & Scott, 1953). 歯

Offadesma (n.) Iredale, 1930, 17(9): 387, type species (OD) Periploma angasi Crosse & Fischer, 1864, 12: 349; Periplomatidae. L. offa, ae, f., a small ball, a lump, mass; desma, Gr. desmos, o, anything for binding, a band, bond (Jaeger, 1959). 塊状の靭帯;リュウグウハゴロモガイ科オナガリュウグウハゴロモガイ属 310

Ohshimaia (f.) Habe, 1977: 153, type species (OD) Entovalva semperi Oshima, 1930, 13(1): 25-26; Galeommatidae. Dedicated to Prof. Hiroshi Ohshima (1885-1971). 九州大学大島廣教授に因む;ウロコガイ科ヒナノズキン属 153

-oides N.L., a contraction of Gr. –o+eidos, denoting likeness of form, a thing that is like (Jaeger, 1959). …に似たもの

-oides; -oideus -a, -um; -odes Gr. adjectival suffix, indicates resemblance; noun base (Stearn, 1983). 名詞に付いて“類似”を表す形容詞的接尾辞

olivifer L., era, erum, adj., olive-bearing (Marchant & Charles, 1952). オリーブを生じる、オリーブの枝でできた

-olus, a, um L. diminutive suffix (Jaeger, 1955). ラテン語の縮小辞

Omala (f.) Schumacher, 1817: 43, 128-129, type species (M) Omala inaequivalvis Schumacher, 1817: 129, pl. 10, fig. 1 [= Tellina planata Spengler, 1798, 4, 2: 108, no. 39, ref. Linnaeus, 1767, ed. 12, 1(2): 1117, no. 52 and Chemnitz, 1782, 6: 107, pl. 11, fig. 99, = Tellina planata Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 675, ref. Gualtieri, 1742, pl. 89, fig. G (not T. planata L., 1758) and Regenfuss, 1758, pl. 3, fig. 28 (not T. planata L., 1758), = Tellina hyalina Gmelin, 1791, ed. 13, 1(6): 3235, no. 33, ref. Chemnitz, 1782, 6: pl. 11, fig. 99]; Tellinidae. Gr. homalos], of a surface, even, level. 平らなもの;ニッコウガイ科クサビザクラガイ属 195

Omphaloclathrum (n.) Mörch, 1853, (2): 24, objective synonym of Antigona Schumacher, 1817: 51, 154-155; Veneridae. Gr. omphalos, ou, o, the navel, L. umbilicus (Liddell & Scott, 1953); Gr. clethrum = clethrum, to, a bolt or bar for closing a door (Liddell & Scott, 1955) or L. clatri (clathri), orum, m., pl., a trellis, grates. 留め金付きの臍;マルスダレガイ科 246

-onus, -na, -onum Latin suffix that arguments the force or meaning (Brown, 1956). 力や意味を示すラテン語の接尾辞

Opis (f.) Defrance, 1825, (2), 36: 219-220, type species (M) Trigonia cardissoides Lamarck, 1819, 6: 65; Astartidae. (1) Ops, Opis, surnom de la terre (Chenu, 1847a: 78; 1847b: 158), (2) Gr. s [Opis], a name of Artemis (Jaeger, 1959). オピス、ギリシャ神話の狩猟の女神アルテミスの名前;エゾシラオガイ科

Opisocardium (n.) Bayle, 1879, 27: 35, unnecessary new name for Lunulicardia Gray, 1853, [2], 11: 41 [non Lunulacardium Münster, 1840, (3): 69-71, ?Lunulacardiidae, Ambonychioidea]; Cardiidae. Gr. opiso, backwards (Jaeger, 1959); Cardium Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 678. 未発達のザルガイ類;ザルガイ科 166