

寒波;Lexicon generum bivalvium (R)

2018-01-24 06:24:16 | 日記

Radiolites (f.) Lamarck, 1801: 130, type species (M) Ostracites angeiodes Picot de la Peyrouse, 1781, Description de plusieurs nouvelles espèces d’Orthoceratites et d’Ostracites, pls. 12-13 (fide Lamarck, 1801: 130); Radiolitidae. Pierre à rayons (Chenu, 1847a: 115; 1847b: 195); radius, a ray (Woodward, 1868: 446); N.L. –lites, combining form from Gr. lithos, stone. 放射状の彫刻がある二枚貝化石;ラディオリーテス科

Radobornia (f.) Dall, Bartsch & Rehder, 1938, 153: 140, type species (OD) Radobornia araia Dall, Bartsch & Rehder, 1938, 153: 140-141, pl. 37, figs. 5-8; Lasaeidae. チリハギガイ科チチノシタタリガイ属 143

Radula (f.) Mörch, 1853, 2: 56-57, type species (T) Limaria vulgaris Link, 1807, (3): 157 [= Radula. Pecten testa ovali, …: Chemnitz, 7: 349-351, pl. 68, fig. 651, not binominal] [non Gray, 1842, ed. 44: 90 (fide Herrmannsen, 1848, 2: 386); = Lima Bruguière, 1797: pl. 206 (fide Habe, 1977: 99)]; Limidae. ミノガイ科(ミノガイ属)

Raeta (f.) Gray, 1853, [2], 11(61): 43, type species (M) Mactra campechensis Gray, 1825, n.s., 9 [25]: 135; Mactridae. Etymology unknown (Fischer, 1887: 1117); an artificial word without meaning (Emerson & Jacobson, 1976). 語源不詳、或は造語(意味は無い);バカガイ科アメリカヤチヨノハナガイ属 184

Raetella (f.) Dall, 1895, 1(5): 212, nom. nud.; Dall, 1898, 3(4): 882-883, type species (OD) Raeta tenuis [Hinds MS] Dall, 1898, 3(4): 883, footnote; Mactridae. Raeta Gray, 1853, [2], 11(61): 43; -ella. 小さなRaeta;バカガイ科

Raetellops (m.: ICZN Art. Habe, 1952, (3): 197, type species (OD) Poromya pulchella A. Adams & Reeve, 1850, (3): 83, pl. 23, fig. 1, Borneo, 1850; Mactridae. Raetella Dall, 1895; ops. Raetellaの外見をしたもの;バカガイ科チヨノハナガイ属 186

Raetina (f.) Dall, 1898, 3(4): 882, type species (OD) Raeta indica Dall, 1898, 3(4): 882-883, footnote; Mactridae. Raeta Gray, 1853, [2], 11(61): 43; -ina, “like Raeta but small” (Dall, 1898: 882). 小さなRaeta;バカガイ科ヤチヨノハナガイ属 184

Rangia (f.) Des Moulin, 1832, 5(25): 50-57, type species (M) Rangia cyrenoides Des Moulin, 1832, 5(25): 57-58, pl. (no number), figs. 1-3 [= Gnathodon cuneatus G. B. Sowerby I, 1832, 1: [genus no. 225], 2: pl. 40 [218]; Mactridae. Dedicated to French malacologist Sander Rang (1784-1859). フランスの貝類研究者ラングに因む;バカガイ科

Redicirce (f.) Iredale, 1936, 19(5): 276, type species (OD) Redicirce mistura Iredale, 1936, 19(5): 276, pl. 21, fig. 3; Veneridae. ?Redi, Francesco (1626-1698, Italian naturalist); Circe Schumacher, 1817: 152. イタリアの博物学者Rediに因む(?);マルスダレガイ科トモシラオガイ属 254

Regozara (m.) Iredale, 1936, 19(5): 275, type species (OD) Regozara olivifer Iredale, 1936, 19(5): 275-276, pl. 20, fig. 8; Cardiidae. Etymology unknown, or derived from surname Regozar? 人名Regozarに因む(?);ワダチザルガイ科リュウキュウザルガイ属 (Regozaraの性は原著者の扱いに従う)

Rengea (f.) Kuroda & Habe in Kuroda, Habe & Oyama, 1971: 736, 486, type species (OD) Myonera fluctuosa Kuroda, 1948, 15(1-4): 25-26, pl. 2, fig. 20 [= Cuspidaria (Myonera) caduca E. A. Smith, 1894, [6], 14: 170, pl. 5, figs. 9-10, Andaman Sea]; Cuspidariidae. renge, J., the ceramic spoon similar to the shape of a petal of lotus scattered. 蓮華(散り蓮華の略)、散った1枚の蓮の花びらの形に似た陶製匙;シャクシガイ科レンゲシャクシガイ属 323

Reniella (f.) Swainson, 1840: 386, type species (M) Reniella dilatata Swainson, 1840: 386, fig. 127; Malleidae. Gr. ren, a sheep or lamb (Jaeger, 1959), or L. renes (ium or um), m., the kidneys, reins (Lewis, 1915); -ella. 仔羊、小さな腎臓;ホウオウガイ科(ホウオウガイ属) 73

Requienia (f.) Mathéron, 1842, 6: 174, type species (OD) Chama ammonia Goldfuss, 1838, Petrefacta Germaniae, 2(6): 205, fig. 3, pl. 15, figs. 1-2 (fide Sherborn, 1922, sec. 2, (1): lx); Requieniidae. Dedicated to Esprit Requien (1788-1851), author of a Catalogue of Corsican Mollusca. 仏貝類研究者E.ラキェインに因む;ラキェイン科

Rexithaerus (m.) Tryon, 1869, Amer. Jour. Conch., 4(5): Appendix p. 104 (fide Habe, 1977: 209; Vokes, 1980: 146), type species (SD Dall, 1900b, 23(1210): 292) Tellina secta Conrad, 1837, 7(2): 257-258, Sta. Diego; Tellinidae. Gr. rexis, (Gr. regnumi), a breaking, a rent, cleft (Liddell & Scott, 1953); Gr. thaeros, the hinge of a door or gate (Liddell & Scott, 1953). 門扉の蝶番の裂け目;ニッコウガイ科サギガイ属 209

rhamphus Gr. ramphos, the crooked beak of birds (Liddell & Scott, 1953). 湾曲した嘴

rhino- (1) Gr. rhis, gen.Gr. rhinos, the nose, (2) Gr. rhinos, the skin of man; the hide of a beast, ox-hide, wolf’s skin, an oxhide shield (Liddell & Scott, 1953)

Rhinoclama (f.) Dall & E. A. Smith in Dall, 1886, 12(6): 300, new name for Rhinomya A. Adams, 1864a, [3], 13: 207; Cuspidariidae. (1) Gr. ris, gen.rinos, (2) Gr. rinos; clam. 鼻の形をした二枚貝、或は獣の膚をした二枚貝;シャクシガイ科 322

Rhinomya (f.) A. Adams, 1864a, [3], 13: 207, type species (SD Stoliczka, 1871, 3: 38) Neaera philippinensis Hinds, 1843, pt. 11, for 1843: 78, Mindanao and Luzon Islands, Philippines [non Rhinomya Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830, 2: 123, Dipt., nec Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1832, Études zoologiques, (I), Mamm. (fide Sherborn, 1930, (2): 5499), nec Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1832, 2: x, Classe 2, Oiseaux pl. 3, Aves]; Cuspidariidae. rhino-; myax シャクシガイ科 322

rhynchus Gr.rhynchos, eos, to, a beak, bill, nell of the birds (Liddell & Scott, 1953). 嘴

Rictocyma (n.) Dall, 1871, 7(2): 151, type species (OD) Astarte (Rictocyma) mirabilis Dall, 1871, 7(2): 151, pl. 14, fig. 6 [= Crassatella esquimalti Baird, 1863, for 1863: 70, Vancouver Island; Crassatellidae. Gr.rhktos, broken; Gr. kyma, wave (Dall, 1871, 7(2): 151). 壊された波;エゾシラオガイ科フルスダレシラオガイ属

Robaia (f.) Habe, 1958c, 6(3): 248, as Nuculana (Robaia), type species Leda robai Kuroda, 1929, 1(3): app. 7, text-figs. 6-7; 1(4): app. 9; Nuculanidae. J. robai, Chimonanthus praecox (L.) Link, 1822, (2): 66, a shrub in garden, with fragrant flowers in early spring. 蝋梅(の花);ロウバイガイ科チリロウバイガイ属 23

Rocellaria (f.) Blainville, 1828, 57: 244, type species (M) Gastrochaena modiolina Lamarck, 1818, 5: 447 [= Mya dubia Pennant, 1777, ed. 4, 4: 82]; Gastrochaenidae. ツクエガイ科(ツクエガイ属) 287

Rochefortia (f.) Vélain, 1877, 6: 132-133, type species (M) Rochefortia australis Vélain, 1877, 6: 133, pl. 5, figs. 9-11; Montacutidae. ブンブクヤドリガイ科

Rochefortina (f.) Dall, 1924, 37: 88, type species (OD) Rochefortia (Rochefortina) semele Dall, 1924, 37: 88, Oahu [= Ervilia sandwichensis E. A. Smith, 1885, 13(35), Zool.: 22, 81-82, pl. 25, figs. 5-5b, Honolulu]; Mesodesmatidae. チドリマスオガイ科ハコベノハナガイ属 188

rudis L. (1) is, f., slender stick, spatula, a foil used in practice-experiences by soldiers and gladiators, (2) adj. B, in the natural state, not improved, rudely finished, rude, unpolished (田中, 1966; W. Smith & Lockwood, 1976), rough, unused, raw, wild (Jaeger, 1959; 田中, 1966). (1) 棒、つえ、剣闘用の刀、(2) 粗い、ザラザラした、粗野な、洗練されていない

rudists L. rudis; L. ista, agent, one who (Brown, 1956). 棒状のもの;厚歯二枚貝類

Ruditapes (m.) Chiamenti, 1900, 20(1-2): 11, 13, type species (SD Dall, 1902, 26(1312): 363) Venus decussata Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 690; Veneridae. L. rudis; Tapes Megerle von Mühlfeld, 1811, 5(1): 51. ザラザラしたリュウキュウアサリ類;マルスダレガイ科アサリ属

Rugosoxyperas (n.) Habe, 1977: 182, type species (OD) Mactra (Spisula) asperaeformis Nomura & Zinbo, 1934, [2], 16(2): 126, 156-157, pl. 5, figs. 20a-b; Mactridae. L. rugosus, adj. A, wrinkled, shrivelled (W. Smith & Lockwood, 1976); Oxyperas Mörch, 1853, (2): 4. 縮んで皺が寄ったホクロガイ属;バカガイ科サメハダホクロガイ属 182

Rupellaria Fleuriau de Bellevue, 1802, 54: 347, type species (M) Venus lithophaga Retzius, 1788, 3, Mém. Corr.: 11-14; Petricolidae. イワホリガイ科クシケガイ属 275

Ryenella (f.) Fleming, 1959, 87: 172-173, type species (OD) Mytilus impactus Hermanns, 1782, 17: 152, Australia; Mytilidae. Naming after Dr. Tron Soot-Ryen, director of Tromso Museum, Norway; -ella. Soot-Ryenに因む小形の貝;イガイ科 59