

Right person for the right job

2017-07-28 09:05:37 | 日記
Leaders who lead organizations such as ministers and leaders of the opposition party have been kicking off one after another.
It is quite natural to take the position of the right people in the right place.
We are just encountering the violation of territorial waters from neighboring countries are frequent as well as damage caused by natural disasters.
I believe the existence of a healthy opposition leads the future of the country in the right direction.

Question quoting from newspaper and magazine articles

2017-07-27 10:19:07 | 日記
In the National Assembly, members often question while quoting articles from newspaper articles and weekly magazines.
As parliamentarians, they get political activity expenses and research expenses.
We can do as long as we ask questions based on information studied by others. Such a method is easy and it will be easy to get empathy of newspaper and weekly magazine subscribers.
However, please also note that the question beginning with these quotations is likely to be a way to ease and take advantage.

Turn your attention to outside!

2017-07-25 16:20:51 | 日記
The examination of the Diet during closing was over. I was watching it on TV, but contrary to my expectations, nothing came out. What on earth are they doing? Many citizens will not understand.
Meanwhile, several neighboring ships have invaded Japan's territorial waters.
Legislators, I would like you to discuss not only inward but also outward.

Kyoto people's heart

2017-07-24 17:20:31 | 日記
I was born and raised in Kyoto. Therefore, I know the heart of the Kyoto people.
Kyoto is an international tourism city. At the same time, Kyoto is a city of students. The Kyoto people has cherished their students and tourists by suppressing themselves.
But here they are beginning to claim. Why?
It is because there are so many foreign tourists threatening their lifestyle.
For example, city buses are always full and sometimes they can not ride. Their feet are being deprived. Besides, preferential treatment for passengers for foreigners is overpaid.
This is just example.

3 years later

2017-07-24 08:54:22 | 日記
Recently, natural disasters have occurred somewhere in the Japanese archipelago.
The public's feelings are never bright.
Even so, three years later,just around the same time, the 2020 Olympic Games will be held, but perhaps recorded disasters such as heavy rain, natural disasters such as earthquakes and typhoons might be also hitting.
Under such circumstances, would you be willing to welcome foreigners coming to Japan and enjoy the Olympic Games from the bottom of our heart?
Of course, people in the disaster area will not feel like welcoming the Olympic Games.