

Question time

2017-10-31 16:01:55 | 日記

The ruling coalition and opposition party are talking about question time. Basically, the question at the Diet is to aim for the improvement of the country and people's lives. Therefore, it is important quality rather than quantity. What the people expect is a sound debate in the Diet session.

Judgment by video

2017-10-30 11:13:52 | 日記

In the Japan series last night, the judgment by video was used around the home in. The referee took a long time, but for the team the result of this decision was very important.
In sumo wrestling, they will do it again, but in the case of baseball, it can not be reset.
As a result of this judgment, the referee judged safe, and after that Hawks won the game.


2017-10-29 17:37:33 | 日記
Three days and two nights stay,  3 year old granddaughter came to our house with her parents. She's a cheeky way of speaking, but pretty.
We used a lot of mind so as not to get injured, so we got tired a bit.
As the typhoon had been approached, the grandchildren left our house for the next visit. We feel relieved.

Attack to the typhoon

2017-10-28 16:23:12 | 日記

Japan should think more seriously about measures against typhoons.
The Japan Meteorological Agency predicts that typhoons will become even more powerful during the century.
The other day, Nagoya University group was shooting images of typhoon eye from the sky. Next, can we make some kind of attack towards this eye?
Is my thought just a


2017-10-28 15:51:44 | 日記

I read the newspaper at the library. Although neither are interested, headlines are not particularly interesting. Why? The reason is that the headline contains the subjectivity of the editor. There is no need to see the content of the article, we can see what you are trying to tell the reader.
If you would like to appeal to the reader, please write it in the editorial column.