

Excessive commercial message(kabaraikin)

2018-01-30 19:18:03 | 日記

There are a lot of commercial messages on overpayment of debts.It is repeated many times at the same broadcast station.I have no relations with that, so change to another station soon. However, the situation is similar in other broadcasting stations too.
I have a illusion that such a many citizens are overpaying debts.

Concentration in Tokyo

2018-01-30 16:58:45 | 日記

The population movement report of 2017 was announced lately.
According to it, the Tokyo area has been overtaking for 22 consecutive years.
One concentration in Tokyo is said to have various harmful effects.For example, if a major earthquake hits Tokyo, the whole of Japan will be paralyzed.
Everyone knows the possibility and can not do anything.

Virtual world

2018-01-29 09:45:50 | 日記

By illegal access to digital coin, the equivalent of 58 billion yen was lost. However, it is reported that the exchange immediately supplements 46 billion yen to the 260 thousand parties in the transaction.
Where in the world is this story? Both the amount of money and the number of participants are incredible for us to believe.

Is Japanese language difficult?

2018-01-28 15:57:10 | 日記

For students studying in our Japanese language classroom, I recommend to learn Japanese maps, culture and history, along with words.
After spending about 3 or 4 years at work or school, they are planning to return to their respective home countries.However, some of them hope to stay in Japan.

Regardless of this cold, many learners were attending today.