

Tourism policy

2017-05-30 16:17:55 | 日記
There are few tourists staying in Nara city. As a countermeasure against it, there is a plan to divert old Nara juvenile prisons to hotels. It is thought that a vast site and buildings can be utilized as a hotel.
However, I think that closing time of souvenir shops and restaurants in Nara city is too early until now. so I do not think that it will be suitable for the tourists' excursions. I would like to expect further consideration.

Thinking in an abnormally high temperature

2017-05-30 10:49:13 | 日記
The G7 summit held in Italy has ended.
However, it seems that the steps did not stand with a lot of tasks.

In particular, the US's non-attendance in the 'Paris Agreement' related to global warming seems to have ended up in spite of persuasion by each countries. I am worried about abnormal phenomena on the earth such as heat waves, drought, heavy rain, floods, forest fires, tornadoes and cold weather.

Their working condition

2017-05-29 17:14:28 | 日記
I am volunteering on Sunday in a Japanese classroom nearby.
There are many young people from Asia working in Japan. And they want to be able to speak Japanese well.
We sometimes talk about their working conditions. Many of them work from Monday to Saturday, and working time seems to be from 8 am to 5 pm.
This is just the same as our previous working hours. They do not feel dissatisfied because the working conditions in their home countries are slmost like that.

Footpath and drivingway

2017-05-28 16:06:39 | 日記
When I walk footpath, I always think one thing. That is bad condition compare with the drivingway. Most of the sidewalks are inclined towards the roadway. So, walking tends toward the roadway automatically. In addition, the surface of the sidewalk is uneven and feel dangerous for pedestrians. After all, because the roadway is supported by automobile tax. Therefore,it might being maintained. Don't you think so?