

Big disasster in Kyushu!

2017-07-08 16:53:16 | 日記
Since the construction of the vice capital was cried out, no specific progress has been seen. It is most necessary for Japan with many natural disasters such as earthquakes and typhoons.
Once a disaster occurs in Tokyo, it will be inevitable that the functions in Japan fall into a state of paralysis. the government should work on as soon as possible.
If you are watching the disaster in Kyushu this time, the disaster in the current metropolitan area also will be not an exception.

Men after retirement

2017-07-08 10:08:09 | 日記
Men after retirement often retreat to their homes. The reason is likely to that unlike in the company, his home will be the Lord of the nation's castle. In other words, he makes so-called hedges with others, so it is difficult to cross each other.
On the other hand, since women have no such consciousness at all, women can talk with others at anytime.
Therefore, stepping away may be a male's privilege.