

Where are you going to?

2019-08-30 16:26:10 | 日記

In a today's TV debate program, a commentator said, “Republic of Korea may leave the US, Japan, and South Korea side.”

If so, where is Republic of korea going to?

Speaking of which, Korea has recently stand against to the United States and has been conducting military training in Takeshima, Japan's territory.


2019-08-29 09:03:44 | 日記

I think that the majority of the Japanese citizens are affirming the Japanese government's way of doing the current Japan-Republic of Korea relationship.
However, I wonder if some of the opposition parties are starting to criticize the Japanese government's way.
I think that the attitude to oppose anything against government measures should be considered time and case.


2019-08-26 09:34:21 | 日記

Japan-Korea relations are still reported.However, according to recent reports, many suspicions have been revealed in the person appointed as the next Minister of Justice in South Korea, and the approval rate of the president seems to be gradually decreasing.
What about the facts?