

Misuse by the foreigners of our health insurance system

2018-03-30 11:28:08 | 日記

According to the NHK news in this morning, Japanese national health insurance seems to be abused by foreigners.
He pretends to be dependent on a person living in Japan, pretends that he became seriously ill during his stay, uses health insurance, and returns home after treatment.
It seems that they are using an excellent medical institution in Japan with just 30% of the burden.
Our health insurance system is skillfully used by foreigners like this. 

Questioning ability

2018-03-27 17:38:55 | 日記

A last night 's TV,  the prosecutor's OB was giving an impression of how to argue in the National Diet. For example, "involvement" has many meanings, and if you do not share the definition in advance, the receiving side gets confused.It can lead to mislead.His opinion is persuasive, I agree with him at all.

Troubles both at home and abroad

2018-03-16 10:19:34 | 日記

Domestic issues in Japan are continuing with the Moritomo problem. At the same time,Overseas, there seems to be a new battle over hacking and spying activities among the major countries such as the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom etc.Besides this, trade friction starting from the United States is about to expand.

A variety of unpredictable problems seems to happen this year.