
H. Rider Haggard ヘンリー・ライダー・ハガードが大好きです。

Ayesha (novel) 2

2014-02-26 05:51:06 | 日記

As Leo and Holly ascend the Mountain they are intercepted by the people of Hes, who are then joined by a ghost-like Messenger, who leads them up the mountain. After they arrive at the vast temple-palace complex near the summit, they are taken into the presence of the veiled Hesea, who admits that she is the Messenger who guided them up the Mountain.


In accordance with ancient custom, Atene comes to the mountain temple for the funeral of Rassen. The Hesea now declares that she is indeed the reincarnation of Ayesha, and that Atene is the reincarnation of her ancient rival, Amenartas. To the horror of Leo and Holly, Ayesha reveals she has been reborn into the body of a wizened old crone, her beauty gone. Atene challenges Ayesha, but Leo declares his love for Ayesha, regardless of the form in which she appears. With his choice, the mysterious life-force within the volcano reaches out and engulfs her – when it clears, her former beauty and majesty has been restored.

古代の習慣に従って、AteneはRassenの葬式のために、山寺院に来ます。Heseaは、彼女が本当にアーイシャの生まれ変わりである、そして、Ateneが彼女の古代のライバル(Amenartas)の生まれ変わりであると現在断言します。レオとホリーの恐怖は、アーイシャは彼女がしわだらけの年をとった老婆の身体に生まれ変わっていたことを明らかにします。そして、彼女の良さがなくなります。Ateneはアーイシャを難詰します、しかし、彼女が現れる形に関係なく、レオはアーイシャに対する彼の愛情を告白します。彼の選んだ方で、火山の中の不可解なエランビタールは、接触しようとして、彼女をのみ込みます – 晴れるとき、彼女の前の良さと壮大さは回復しました。

Ayesha vows that if Leo still loves her, they will return to her ancient home in Africa. There they will both bathe in the Flame of Life, become immortal, and rule the world together. However she refuses Leo's entreaties to marry him right away, saying that they must wait for the change of seasons and the weather to clear, before they can travel.


While waiting out the winter, Ayesha writes her memories (which are the basis for the fourth book in the series, Wisdom's Daughter). Ayesha shows Holly and Leo how she commands mortals, spirits, and demons. She questions Holly at length about the modern world and expounds to him her plan that, once united with Leo, they will rule the world, conquering the existing Empires by flooding the world's gold supply with her alchemy. Appalled, Holly fears that Ayesha may succeed.


Leo presses Ayesha to marry him without delay, but she is unwilling, insisting they must wait. Bored with his confinement, Leo goes hunting in the mountains but Ayesha, fearful for his safety, uses her psychic powers to watch him and sees that he and his men have been attacked by a leopard, and that Leo has been injured. When the party returns, the furious Ayesha sentences Leo's retainers to death, but Leo is horrified by her cruelty and prevails on her to spare them.


Soon after, Atene sends Ayesha an ultimatum, challenging her to battle. Ayesha marshalls her forces and marches out, but while they are camped at the foot of the mountain, Atene uses her magic to appear in the guise of Ayesha, luring Holly and Leo away from Ayesha's protection, and Leo is captured.


Enraged, Ayesha declares that she will destroy Atene and rescue Leo. Although greatly outnumbered, she leads her men into battle, and when the two armies meet Ayesha reveals her power over the elements, summoning up a terrible lightning storm. In the ensuing holocaust, Ayesha obliterates Atene's army and lays waste to Kaloon, while her own army reaches the city without the loss of a single man.


When Ayesha and Holly burst into the room where Leo is confined, they discover that Atene has realised her utter defeat and taken poison. They see the wizard Simbri standing poised to kill Leo, but Ayesha paralyses him with her power, and Leo is released unharmed. Leo demands that Ayesha must give herself to him immediately, and she yields to his wish. They kiss, but Ayesha's power proves too great for his mortal body, and he dies in her arms. Ayesha then charges the wizard Simbri to go ahead into the realm of Death and carry a message to the departed spirits, and with these words Simbri falls dead where he stands.


The distraught Ayesha takes Leo's body to the temple on the peak, where the flames rise up from the crater and consume their bodies. Holly is led down from the mountain and finds his way back to the lamasery.


Literary history[edit]

Haggard dedicated the novel to his friend Andrew Lang.[2] Eighteen years pass between books, and in the characters’ lives.[3]

野生のタカは、本の間で、そして、性格のlives.[3]で小説を彼の友人アンドリューLang.[2] Eighteen年パスにささげました

It is set in Tibet, reincarnation being a familiar tenet of Tibetan Buddhism; however the back story is set in the ancient Mediterranean, of Egypt, Arabia, etc.


Haggard's daughter, Lilias, in her biography explained the origin of the names: 'She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed' was a doll in the author's nursery. Ayesha was borrowed from Arabic, being traditionally one of Mohammed's wives’ names; a note by Haggard indicates that it should be pronounced "Assha");[1] Hes is an alternative name for Isis.[4]

彼女の伝記の野生のタカの娘(Lilias)は、名前の起源を説明しました:『She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyedされた』ものは、著者の保育園の人形でした。アーイシャは、アラビア語(伝統的にモハメッドの妻の名前の1つであること)から借りられました;Haggardによるメモはそれがはっきりした「Assha」でなければならないことを示します); HesIsis.[4]の他の名前です[1]

Ayesha (novel) 1

2014-02-26 05:48:56 | 日記




 Rider Haggard ヘンリー・ライダー・ハガードの作品で日本語に翻訳されている市販本は次の8冊です。

①『ソロモン王の洞窟』(King Solomon's Mines ,1885)創元推理文庫、大久保康雄訳
②『洞窟の女王』(She: a History of Adventure,1887)創元推理文庫、大久保康雄訳
③『女王の復活』(Ayesha The Return of She ,1905)創元推理文庫、大久保康雄訳
④『二人の女王』(Allan Quatermain ,1887)創元推理文庫、大久保康雄訳
⑤アランの妻』(Allan's Wife;and Other Tales ,1887)『マイワの復讐・アランの妻』創元社、大久保康雄訳
⑥『マイワの復讐』(Maiwa's Revenge ,1888)『マイワの復讐・アランの妻』創元社、大久保康雄訳
⑦『クレオパトラ』(Cleopatra ,1889)創元推理文庫、森下弓子訳
⑧『古代のアラン』(The Ancient Allan ,1920)国書刊行会、山下諭一訳










巨匠ハガードが奔放な想像力で描く『洞窟の女王』の続編! 山本耀也 画


ヘンリー・ライダー・ハガード。イギリスの作家。1856年生まれ。1885年、 当時話題の 『宝島』 に対抗意識を燃やして書き上げたという第2作 『ソロモン王の洞窟』 で一躍人気作家の仲間入りをする。その成功に気をよくして 『洞窟の女王』 や 『二人の女王』 を発表、 物語作家としての名声を高めた。 着想の奇抜さと、 読むものをたちまち怪奇幻想の世界へひきずりこむ迫力は、 まさにその独壇場である。1925年歿。

二人の女王   洞窟の女王  ソロモン王の洞窟







レオ・ヴィンシイ Leo Vincey ・・・本編の主人公
ルードウィヒ・ホーレス・ホリー Ludwig Horace Holly・・レオの後見人
アボット・コウエン Abbot Kou-En・・・ラマ教寺院の老僧・・・《abbot 大修道院長》
アーテン Atene・・・カルーン国の王女
シンブリ Simbri・・・アーテンの叔父
オロス Oros・・・祭司長
アッシャ Ayesha・・洞窟の女王の名前
やつれた閣下H.ライダー・・・Sir Henry Rider Haggrd 
H. やつれたライダー ・・・H. Rider Haggard ヘンリー・ライダー・ハガード
haggardの意味・・・・ 心配や睡眠不足で)やつれた、げっそりした

Ayesha (novel)

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以下へジャンプしてください: ナビゲーション, 捜してください
第一版は、パブをおおいます。「区ロック」によって - First edition cover pub. by
First edition cover pub. by "Ward Lock"
H. Rider Haggard
H. やつれたライダー
United Kingdom
Ayesha Series
Fantasy, Adventure novel
Ward Lock
Publication date
Media type
Print (hardback & paperback)
384 pp
Preceded by
Followed by
She and Allan

Ayesha, the Return of She is a gothic-fantasy novel by the popular Victorian author H. Rider Haggard, published in 1905, as a sequel to his far more popular and well known novel, She. It was serialised in the Windsor Magazine in 1904-5.

は、彼のはるかにより人気で有名な小説(She)の続きとしての人気のビクトリア朝の著者H. Rider Haggard(1905年に発表される)によるゴシック体-ファンタジー小説です。それは、1904-5でウィンザーMagazineで順番に並べられました。

Its significance was recognised by its republication by the Newcastle Publishing Company as the fourteenth volume of the celebrated Newcastle Forgotten Fantasy Library series in October 1977.


In the introduction, Sir H. Rider Haggard links the name Ayesha to Muhammad's wives, and the Arabic name (Arabic: عائشة, ʻĀʼishah, pronounced [ˈʕaːʔiʃa]), stating that it should be pronounced "Assha" /ˈɑːʃə/,[1] although the pronunciation A·ye·sha /ɑːˈjʃə/ is perhaps more common.



Ayesha (novel) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2014-02-26 05:44:39 | 日記
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayesha_(novel) - キャッシュ

Ayesha, the Return of She is a gothic-fantasy novel by the popular Victorian author H. Rider Haggard, published in 1905, as a sequel to his far more popular and well known novel, She. It was serialised in the Windsor Magazine in 1904-5.

Synopsis - Literary history - Influences - References

Ayesha, the Return of She (2)

2014-02-25 20:24:17 | 日記

In accordance with ancient custom, Atene comes to the mountain temple for the funeral of Rassen. The Hesea now declares that she is indeed the reincarnation of Ayesha, and that Atene is the reincarnation of her ancient rival, Amenartas. To the horror of Leo and Holly, Ayesha reveals she has been reborn into the body of a wizened old crone, her beauty gone. Atene challenges Ayesha, but Leo declares his love for Ayesha, regardless of the form in which she appears. With his choice, the mysterious life-force within the volcano reaches out and engulfs her – when it clears, her former beauty and majesty has been restored.

古代の習慣に従って、AteneはRassenの葬式のために、山寺院に来ます。Heseaは、彼女が本当にアーイシャの生まれ変わりである、そして、Ateneが彼女の古代のライバル(Amenartas)の生まれ変わりであると現在断言します。レオとホリーの恐怖は、アーイシャは彼女がしわだらけの年をとった老婆の身体に生まれ変わっていたことを明らかにします。そして、彼女の良さがなくなります。Ateneはアーイシャを難詰します、しかし、彼女が現れる形に関係なく、レオはアーイシャに対する彼の愛情を告白します。彼の選んだ方で、火山の中の不可解なエランビタールは、接触しようとして、彼女をのみ込みます – 晴れるとき、彼女の前の良さと壮大さは回復しました。

Ayesha vows that if Leo still loves her, they will return to her ancient home in Africa. There they will both bathe in the Flame of Life, become immortal, and rule the world together. However she refuses Leo's entreaties to marry him right away, saying that they must wait for the change of seasons and the weather to clear, before they can travel.


While waiting out the winter, Ayesha writes her memories (which are the basis for the fourth book in the series, Wisdom's Daughter). Ayesha shows Holly and Leo how she commands mortals, spirits, and demons. She questions Holly at length about the modern world and expounds to him her plan that, once united with Leo, they will rule the world, conquering the existing Empires by flooding the world's gold supply with her alchemy. Appalled, Holly fears that Ayesha may succeed.


Leo presses Ayesha to marry him without delay, but she is unwilling, insisting they must wait. Bored with his confinement, Leo goes hunting in the mountains but Ayesha, fearful for his safety, uses her psychic powers to watch him and sees that he and his men have been attacked by a leopard, and that Leo has been injured. When the party returns, the furious Ayesha sentences Leo's retainers to death, but Leo is horrified by her cruelty and prevails on her to spare them.


Soon after, Atene sends Ayesha an ultimatum, challenging her to battle. Ayesha marshalls her forces and marches out, but while they are camped at the foot of the mountain, Atene uses her magic to appear in the guise of Ayesha, luring Holly and Leo away from Ayesha's protection, and Leo is captured.


Enraged, Ayesha declares that she will destroy Atene and rescue Leo. Although greatly outnumbered, she leads her men into battle, and when the two armies meet Ayesha reveals her power over the elements, summoning up a terrible lightning storm. In the ensuing holocaust, Ayesha obliterates Atene's army and lays waste to Kaloon, while her own army reaches the city without the loss of a single man.


When Ayesha and Holly burst into the room where Leo is confined, they discover that Atene has realised her utter defeat and taken poison. They see the wizard Simbri standing poised to kill Leo, but Ayesha paralyses him with her power, and Leo is released unharmed. Leo demands that Ayesha must give herself to him immediately, and she yields to his wish. They kiss, but Ayesha's power proves too great for his mortal body, and he dies in her arms. Ayesha then charges the wizard Simbri to go ahead into the realm of Death and carry a message to the departed spirits, and with these words Simbri falls dead where he stands.


The distraught Ayesha takes Leo's body to the temple on the peak, where the flames rise up from the crater and consume their bodies. Holly is led down from the mountain and finds his way back to the lamasery.

Literary history

Haggard dedicated the novel to his friend Andrew Lang.[2] Eighteen years pass between books, and in the characters’ lives.[3]

ハガードは、本の間で、そして、性格のlives.[3]で小説を彼の友人アンドリューLang.[2] Eighteen年パスにささげました

It is set in Tibet, reincarnation being a familiar tenet of Tibetan Buddhism; however the back story is set in the ancient Mediterranean, of Egypt, Arabia, etc.

Haggard's daughter, Lilias, in her biography explained the origin of the names: 'She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed' was a doll in the author's nursery. Ayesha was borrowed from Arabic, being traditionally one of Mohammed's wives’ names; a note by Haggard indicates that it should be pronounced "Assha");[1] Hes is an alternative name for Isis.[4]
彼女の伝記のハガードの娘(Lilias)は、名前の起源を説明しました:『She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyedされた』ものは、著者の保育園の人形でした。アーイシャは、アラビア語(伝統的にモハメッドの妻の名前の1つであること)から借りられました;Haggardによるメモはそれがはっきりした「Assha」でなければならないことを示します); HesIsis.[4]の他の名前です[1]


C.S. Lewis patterned Empress Jadis on She, in the sixth book of the Narnia series, The Magician's Nephew.

Ayesha is mentioned in Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams, and by Jung, in a lecture on Psychology and Literature.[5]

She may be one of the most influential characters ever created, having sold an estimated 87 million copies, in 44 different languages, and never being out of print, when Ursula Andress starred in a 1965 film adaptation, loosely based on the books.[6]

She is credited as an inspiration for J.R.R. Tolkien's characters as diverse as Shelob[7] and Galadriel.[8]

The character has inspired more than ten film adaptations.[9] The 1925 version of She involved Haggard himself, who wrote the intertitles. The film combines elements from all the books in the series.

Ayesha, the Return of She (1)

2014-02-25 20:22:25 | 日記

Ayesha (novel)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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以下へジャンプしてください: ナビゲーション, 捜してください
第一版は、パブをおおいます。「区ロック」によって - First edition cover pub. by
First edition cover pub. by "Ward Lock"
H. Rider Haggard
H. やつれたライダー
United Kingdom
Ayesha Series
Fantasy, Adventure novel
Ward Lock
Publication date
Media type
Print (hardback & paperback)
384 pp
Preceded by
Followed by
She and Allan

Ayesha, the Return of She is a gothic-fantasy novel by the popular Victorian author H. Rider Haggard, published in 1905, as a sequel to his far more popular and well known novel, She. It was serialised in the Windsor Magazine in 1904-5.

Ayesha, the Return of She 女王の復活
は、彼のはるかにより人気で有名な「洞窟の女王」(She)の続きとしての人気のビクトリア朝の著者H. Rider Haggard(1905年に発表される)によるゴシック体-ファンタジー小説です。それは、1904-5でウィンザーMagazineで順番に並べられました。

Its significance was recognised by its republication by the Newcastle Publishing Company as the fourteenth volume of the celebrated Newcastle Forgotten Fantasy Library series in October 1977.


In the introduction, Sir H. Rider Haggard links the name Ayesha to Muhammad's wives, and the Arabic name (Arabic: عائشة, ʻĀʼishah, pronounced [ˈʕaːʔiʃa]), stating that it should be pronounced "Assha" /ˈɑːʃə/,[1] although the pronunciation
/ɑːˈjʃə/ is perhaps more common.





In the book's prologue, the book's anonymous "Editor" receives a parcel. Opening it, he finds a letter from Horace Holly, with an enclosed manuscript containing a second memoir about She. There is also a second letter, from Holly's doctor, to whom Holly has entrusted his letter and manuscript, along with a wooden box, which contains an ancient sistrum. The doctor recounts how, when attending Holly in his last hours, he arrived at the house to find that Holly had risen from his deathbed and made his way to a local ring of ancient standing stones. Following him, the doctor glimpsed a manifestation that appears to Holly, but as the vision vanished, Holly had let out a happy cry and died.


When the narrative of Holly's manuscript begins, nearly twenty years have passed since their first adventure in Africa, but he and his ward Leo Vincey are convinced that Ayesha did not die. Following their dreams, they wander for years through Asia, eventually coming to "Thibet" (as it is spelled in the book). Taking refuge over winter in a remote lamasery, they meet the old Abbot Kou-En, who claims to recall a past-life encounter tales with a witch queen from the time of Alexander the Great. The Abbott tries to dissuade them from going on and warns them that, however beautiful, nothing is immortal, even if the Queen was born centuries ago in Ancient Egypt or remembers it from a past life. He believes the Queen is holding on to the distractions of life, which will lead them away from Enlightenment and peace, whether she is a demon, a fallen angel, or only a dream.


Despite the Abbot's warning, Leo is compelled to press on and Holly will not abandon his adopted son. When spring breaks, they travel out into the uncharted region beyond the monastery; after a perilous journey and many narrow escapes, they arrive in the city of Kaloon, which is ruled by the evil Khan Rassen and his imperious wife, the Khania Atene, who claim to be descendants of Alexander the Great's ancient Hellenist generals. The people of Kaloon live under an uneasy truce with the people who serve the Hesea, the Priestess of Hes, who dwells on the Mountain, a huge volcano that dominates the region, at the summit of which is a massive natural rock formation in the shape of an ankh. Atene declares her love for Leo, but the jealous and dissolute Rassen (who has been driven mad by the sorcery of Atene and her uncle, the wizard Simbri) wants to kill them.

アボットの警告にもかかわらず、レオは断行することを強要されます、そして、ホリーは彼の養子を捨てません。春が壊れるとき、彼らは修道院の向こうの未知の地域に外に旅行します;危険な旅行と多くの間一髪の後、彼らがKaloon(それは凶悪なカーンRassenと彼の傲慢な妻によって支配されます)の都市に到着することKhania Atene(アレキサンダー大王の古代のギリシア文明の崇拝者将軍の子孫であると主張します)。Kaloonの人々はHesea(HesのPriestess)を取り扱う人々と心配な休戦管轄下に生きます。そして、くよくよしますマウンテン、アンクの形をした大きい自然の岩構造が極限にある地域にそびえる巨大な火山。Ateneはレオに対する彼女の愛情を告白します、しかし、嫉妬深くて自堕落なRassen(Ateneと彼女のおじ(ウィザードSimbri)の魔法によってイライラした)は彼らを殺したいです。

Atene's rival, the mysterious Hesea, orders Atene to send Leo and Holly to her, or risk breaking their peace treaty. Atene vows to kill Leo, rather than let him go, but with the help of Rassen, they escape the city. However they soon realise that Rassen has betrayed them and is hunting them with his monstrous Death-Hounds. They make a dash to the foot of the mountain, where they are caught by Rassen, but after a desperate struggle they manage to kill the Khan and his hounds.


First edition illustration of Ayesha

As Leo and Holly ascend the Mountain they are intercepted by the people of Hes, who are then joined by a ghost-like Messenger, who leads them up the mountain. After they arrive at the vast temple-palace complex near the summit, they are taken into the presence of the veiled Hesea, who admits that she is the Messenger who guided them up the Mountain.



She and Allan(4)

2014-02-25 20:12:56 | 日記

Allan is summoned to meet Ayesha, who is camped among the ruins of the ancient city of Kôr. Ayesha remains veiled, although she briefly reveals herself to him, but in spite of her allure, he manages to resist her power, and throughout the story he remains skeptical of her claims that she is immortal and has supernatural powers.

Some days later Robertson disappears from the camp to seek out the rebel Armahagger who are holding Inez captive, hoping to rescue his daughter and, if possible, to kill their chief, the dreaded Rezu, who is also rumoured to be immortal. Allan and Hans learn that this rebel group are the descendants of an ancient sun-worshipping cult who perform human sacrifice, and that Inez will be married to Rezu and installed as Queen of all the Armahagger if they defeat Ayesha.

Knowing that Rezu is preparing to attack and try to overthrow her, Ayesha seeks help from Allan and Umslopogaas in the coming battle, asking Allan to lead the army of Kôr. He reluctantly agrees, but when Ayesha brings him before her generals, they at first refuse to accept him, until he displays the "Great Medicine", the amulet given to him by Zikali. Though outnumbered three-to-one, Allan draws up plans that he hopes will give Ayesha's army a tactical advantage, but he has little confidence in her Armahagger soldiers. As they advance, Hans scouts ahead; he discovers that Inez's unfortunate servant has already been eaten, and that the rebels have captured Robertson and intend to sacrifice him and eat him before his daughter's eyes. Soon after, a Zulu scout returns to warn that some of Ayehsa's soldiers are spies for Rezu, and that the enemy having found out their plans have set an ambush just ahead. Allan quickly draws his men into a defensive square just before Rezu's forces attack; they hold their ground against the first two waves, but the square breaks under a third onslaught. Allan fears all is lost, but at that moment a glowing apparition of Ayesha appears in their midst, bearing a wand, and she moves forward towards Rezu's soldiers, who become paralysed as she advances. Heartened, the Kôr soldiers surge forward, slaughtering most of Rezu's army.

As they reach the enemy camp, they see Rezu kill the helpless Robertson with an axe. They now confront the fearsome Rezu himself, a huge, bearded giant seven feet tall; Allan fires two heavy-gauge bullets, which hit Rezu, but they have no effect, and they realise he is heavily armoured. Now Umslopogaas steps forward and challenges Rezu to single combat. A desperate struggle ensues, and although Umslopogaas carries an ancient axe rumoured to be the only weapon that can kill Rezu, he makes no impression against Rezu's heavy armour. Finally Umslopogaas employs a ruse – he appears to flee, enabling him to reach higher ground, from which he makes a rapid run towards Rezu. Leaping into the air, he strikes Rezu down from behind with a mighty blow as he vaults over the giant's head. Ayesha's soldiers then surge forward and, before Allan can examine him, they hack Rezu's body to pieces. Allan and Hans now race to the tent where Inez is being held; she seems drugged or catatonic, and as they enter the handmaidens who guard her all commit suicide, and Inez is freed.
敵陣に着いて、彼らはRezuが斧でどうすることもできないロバートソンを殺すのを見ます。彼らは、現在自分自身ものすごいRezu(高さ7フィートの巨大な、ひげのある巨人)に直面します;アランは2つの重いゲージ弾丸(それはRezuを打ちます)を発砲します、しかし、彼らは影響を持ちません、そして、彼らは彼がかなり防具を着けると理解します。現在、Umslopogaasは前進して、Rezuに一騎討ちを挑みます。必死の闘いは起こります、そして、UmslopogaasがRezuを殺すことができる唯一の武器であるとのうわさの古代の斧を運ぶが、彼はRezuの重い機甲部隊に対して印象を作りません。最後に、Umslopogaasは計略を使用します – 彼は逃げるように見えます。そして、彼はより高い地面に到着することができます、そこから、彼はRezuの方へ迅速な疾走をします。空気に跳び込んで、巨人の頭を飛び越えて、彼は大変な打撃で後ろからRezuを襲います。それから、アーイシャの兵士は押し寄せます、そして、アランが彼を検査することができる前に、彼らはバラバラにRezuの体を傷つけます。アランとハンスは、アイネズが抱かれているテントまで、現在競走します;彼女は薬物を投与されるか精神分裂症的なようです、そして、彼らが彼女をガードする女中を入れて、すべては自殺します、そして、アイネズは自由にされます。

The day after the battle, Allan and Hans watch from a distance as Ayesha addresses her surviving troops and punishes the captured traitors. As she speaks, a fierce storm blows up, and lightning flashes around Ayesha and the captives, but it leaves the faithful soldiers unharmed. When the storm clears, Ayesha has vanished, and when they move forward to examine the captives, they find them dead, although their bodies are quite unmarked.

The next night Ayesha summons Allan to receive his reward. He balks at fulfilling his wish to see if his loved ones survive beyond the grave, but Ayesha takes control and her power paralyses him; he feels himself dying and his spirit moving into another realm. He sees visions of his family, but their spirits seem unaware of his presence; only the spirits of a faithful dog and an African woman whom he had loved seem aware of him and able to communicate with him. When he revives, Ayesha questions him but, despite his experience, he remains profoundly skeptical and he argues with Ayesha over what has transpired. Later that night Allan meets up with Umslopogaas, who tells him of his own experiences.

By now Inez has fully recovered from her ordeal although, as Ayesha had predicted, she remembers nothing of her traumatic experience or her father's death. Allan and Umslopogaas have no desire to remain, so Ayesha arranges for the surviving members of the party to be escorted back to Strathmuir. We learn that Inez never recovers her memory of what had transpired, and she is never told the truth; she eventually retires to a convent. Umslopogaas returns to his people to face his destiny, and Allan returns to Zululand to deliver Ayesha's message to Zikali.


External links[edit]

She and Allan(3)

2014-02-25 20:11:06 | 日記

She and Allan

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She and Allan
彼女とallan.jpg - She and allan.jpg
Dust-jacket from She and Allan
H. Rider Haggard
H. やつれたライダー
Enos B. Comstock (frontispiece)
United Kingdom
Ayesha Series
Fantasy novel
Publication date
Media type
Print (Hardback)
392 pp.
Preceded by
Followed by
Wisdom's Daughter

She and Allan is a novel by H. Rider Haggard, first published in 1921. It brought together his two most popular characters, Ayesha from She (to which it serves as a prequel), and Allan Quatermain from King Solomon's Mines.
彼女とアランH. Rider Haggardによる小説です。そして、最初が1921年に出版されます。それは、彼の2つの最も人気のある人格、She(それが前篇として用いられる)からのアーイシャとソロモン王のMinesからアランQuatermainをまとめました。

Its significance was recognized by its republication by the Newcastle Publishing Company as the sixth volume of the celebrated Newcastle Forgotten Fantasy Library series in September 1975.


Wanting to learn if he can communicate with deceased loved ones, adventurer and trader Allan Quatermain seeks a meeting with the feared Zulu witch-doctor Zikali. He tells Allan he must seek out a great white sorceress who rules a hidden kingdom far to the north, and he charges Allan to take a message to her. He also gives Allan a necklace with a strange amulet, carved in Zikali's own likeness. Zikali claims it has great magical powers that will protect Allan on his journey, but he must on no account take it off.

Allan is initially scornful of Zikali's claims, and sets off for the coast, but a series of odd events force him to go north in spite of his own wishes. On the journey he encounters Umslopogaas, a fearsome Zulu warrior chieftain. Umslopogaas tells Allan that he has discovered that he is about to be deposed and murdered, so he decides to leave his village and accompany Allan on his quest. Allan is again skeptical, but a few days later Umslopogaas and his band of warriors meet up with Allan's party, and Umslopogaas cements their friendship when he saves Allan from being killed by a lion.

Journeying into unknown country, they come to a remote settlement called "Strathmuir" run by a Scot, Robertson, a drunkard and former sea captain, who lives there with his beautiful daughter Inez. Her Portuguese mother had died years earlier and her father has now taken native wives and sired several children with them. A few days later, Robertson takes Allan on an expedition to hunt hippopotamus, but as they return they are intercepted by Allan's servant, Hans, who had stayed behind. He reports that, in their absence, Strathmuir has been attacked by a band of cannibal warriors from the north, who have killed and eaten many of the villagers (including Robertson's wives and children) and kidnapped Inez.

Allan, Robertson and Umsoplogaas set off in pursuit. At one point they catch up to the cannibals, and Allan and Hans almost succeed in freeing Inez, but her servant panics and alerts their captors, who escape. They track the cannibals through the treacherous swampland that surrounds the lost kingdom of Kôr, and as they approach the great mountain the cannibals turn and attack Allan's group, but they are driven off by the arrival of Bilali, the servant of Ayesha, who tells that that She has been expecting them, and that he is to bring them into her presence.


She and Allan(2)

2014-02-25 20:04:47 | 日記

Allan is summoned to meet Ayesha, who is camped among the ruins of the ancient city of Kôr. Ayesha remains veiled, although she briefly reveals herself to him, but in spite of her allure, he manages to resist her power, and throughout the story he remains skeptical of her claims that she is immortal and has supernatural powers.

Some days later Robertson disappears from the camp to seek out the rebel Armahagger who are holding Inez captive, hoping to rescue his daughter and, if possible, to kill their chief, the dreaded Rezu, who is also rumoured to be immortal. Allan and Hans learn that this rebel group are the descendants of an ancient sun-worshipping cult who perform human sacrifice, and that Inez will be married to Rezu and installed as Queen of all the Armahagger if they defeat Ayesha.

Knowing that Rezu is preparing to attack and try to overthrow her, Ayesha seeks help from Allan and Umslopogaas in the coming battle, asking Allan to lead the army of Kôr. He reluctantly agrees, but when Ayesha brings him before her generals, they at first refuse to accept him, until he displays the "Great Medicine", the amulet given to him by Zikali. Though outnumbered three-to-one, Allan draws up plans that he hopes will give Ayesha's army a tactical advantage, but he has little confidence in her Armahagger soldiers. As they advance, Hans scouts ahead; he discovers that Inez's unfortunate servant has already been eaten, and that the rebels have captured Robertson and intend to sacrifice him and eat him before his daughter's eyes. Soon after, a Zulu scout returns to warn that some of Ayehsa's soldiers are spies for Rezu, and that the enemy having found out their plans have set an ambush just ahead. Allan quickly draws his men into a defensive square just before Rezu's forces attack; they hold their ground against the first two waves, but the square breaks under a third onslaught. Allan fears all is lost, but at that moment a glowing apparition of Ayesha appears in their midst, bearing a wand, and she moves forward towards Rezu's soldiers, who become paralysed as she advances. Heartened, the Kôr soldiers surge forward, slaughtering most of Rezu's army.

As they reach the enemy camp, they see Rezu kill the helpless Robertson with an axe. They now confront the fearsome Rezu himself, a huge, bearded giant seven feet tall; Allan fires two heavy-gauge bullets, which hit Rezu, but they have no effect, and they realise he is heavily armoured. Now Umslopogaas steps forward and challenges Rezu to single combat. A desperate struggle ensues, and although Umslopogaas carries an ancient axe rumoured to be the only weapon that can kill Rezu, he makes no impression against Rezu's heavy armour. Finally Umslopogaas employs a ruse – he appears to flee, enabling him to reach higher ground, from which he makes a rapid run towards Rezu. Leaping into the air, he strikes Rezu down from behind with a mighty blow as he vaults over the giant's head. Ayesha's soldiers then surge forward and, before Allan can examine him, they hack Rezu's body to pieces. Allan and Hans now race to the tent where Inez is being held; she seems drugged or catatonic, and as they enter the handmaidens who guard her all commit suicide, and Inez is freed.

The day after the battle, Allan and Hans watch from a distance as Ayesha addresses her surviving troops and punishes the captured traitors. As she speaks, a fierce storm blows up, and lightning flashes around Ayesha and the captives, but it leaves the faithful soldiers unharmed. When the storm clears, Ayesha has vanished, and when they move forward to examine the captives, they find them dead, although their bodies are quite unmarked.

The next night Ayesha summons Allan to receive his reward. He balks at fulfilling his wish to see if his loved ones survive beyond the grave, but Ayesha takes control and her power paralyses him; he feels himself dying and his spirit moving into another realm. He sees visions of his family, but their spirits seem unaware of his presence; only the spirits of a faithful dog and an African woman whom he had loved seem aware of him and able to communicate with him. When he revives, Ayesha questions him but, despite his experience, he remains profoundly skeptical and he argues with Ayesha over what has transpired. Later that night Allan meets up with Umslopogaas, who tells him of his own experiences.

By now Inez has fully recovered from her ordeal although, as Ayesha had predicted, she remembers nothing of her traumatic experience or her father's death. Allan and Umslopogaas have no desire to remain, so Ayesha arranges for the surviving members of the party to be escorted back to Strathmuir. We learn that Inez never recovers her memory of what had transpired, and she is never told the truth; she eventually retires to a convent. Umslopogaas returns to his people to face his destiny, and Allan returns to Zululand to deliver Ayesha's message to Zikali.


External links[edit]

She and Allan(1)

2014-02-25 20:02:09 | 日記

She and Allan

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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She and Allan
She and allan.jpg
Dust-jacket from She and Allan
Author H. Rider Haggard
Illustrator Enos B. Comstock (frontispiece)
Country United Kingdom
Language English
Series Ayesha Series
Genre Fantasy novel
Publisher Longmans
Publication date
Media type Print (Hardback)
Pages 392 pp.
Preceded by Ayesha
Followed by Wisdom's Daughter

She and Allan is a novel by H. Rider Haggard, first published in 1921. It brought together his two most popular characters, Ayesha from She (to which it serves as a prequel), and Allan Quatermain from King Solomon's Mines.

Its significance was recognized by its republication by the Newcastle Publishing Company as the sixth volume of the celebrated Newcastle Forgotten Fantasy Library series in September 1975.


Wanting to learn if he can communicate with deceased loved ones, adventurer and trader Allan Quatermain seeks a meeting with the feared Zulu witch-doctor Zikali. He tells Allan he must seek out a great white sorceress who rules a hidden kingdom far to the north, and he charges Allan to take a message to her. He also gives Allan a necklace with a strange amulet, carved in Zikali's own likeness. Zikali claims it has great magical powers that will protect Allan on his journey, but he must on no account take it off.

Allan is initially scornful of Zikali's claims, and sets off for the coast, but a series of odd events force him to go north in spite of his own wishes. On the journey he encounters Umslopogaas, a fearsome Zulu warrior chieftain. Umslopogaas tells Allan that he has discovered that he is about to be deposed and murdered, so he decides to leave his village and accompany Allan on his quest. Allan is again skeptical, but a few days later Umslopogaas and his band of warriors meet up with Allan's party, and Umslopogaas cements their friendship when he saves Allan from being killed by a lion.

Journeying into unknown country, they come to a remote settlement called "Strathmuir" run by a Scot, Robertson, a drunkard and former sea captain, who lives there with his beautiful daughter Inez. Her Portuguese mother had died years earlier and her father has now taken native wives and sired several children with them. A few days later, Robertson takes Allan on an expedition to hunt hippopotamus, but as they return they are intercepted by Allan's servant, Hans, who had stayed behind. He reports that, in their absence, Strathmuir has been attacked by a band of cannibal warriors from the north, who have killed and eaten many of the villagers (including Robertson's wives and children) and kidnapped Inez.

Allan, Robertson and Umsoplogaas set off in pursuit. At one point they catch up to the cannibals, and Allan and Hans almost succeed in freeing Inez, but her servant panics and alerts their captors, who escape. They track the cannibals through the treacherous swampland that surrounds the lost kingdom of Kôr, and as they approach the great mountain the cannibals turn and attack Allan's group, but they are driven off by the arrival of Bilali, the servant of Ayesha, who tells that that She has been expecting them, and that he is to bring them into her presence.



2014-02-25 07:14:20 | 日記

昨年(2014年)5月頃から読み始めた創元推理文庫の本、H. Rider Haggard ヘンリー・ライダー・ハガードの作品「ソロモン王の洞窟」「二人の女王」「洞窟の女王」「女王の復活」(いずれも大久保康雄訳)はひと通り読み終えた。
























 H. Rider Haggard ヘンリー・ライダー・ハガード


  • The Witche's Head(1884)
  • 『ソロモン王の洞窟』(King Solomon's Mines ,1885)創元推理文庫、大久保康雄訳
  • 洞窟の女王』(She: a History of Adventure ,1887)創元推理文庫、大久保康雄訳
  • 『二人の女王』(Allan Quatermain ,1887)創元推理文庫、大久保康雄訳
  • 『アランの妻』(Allan's Wife;and Other Tales ,1887)『マイワの復讐・アランの妻』創元社、大久保康雄訳
  • 『マイワの復讐』(Maiwa's Revenge ,1888)『マイワの復讐・アランの妻』創元社、大久保康雄訳
  • 『クレオパトラ』(Cleopatra ,1889)創元推理文庫、森下弓子訳
  • The World's Desire(1890)アンドルー・ラングとの共著
  • Eric Brighteyes(1891)
  • 『モンテズマの娘』(Montezuma's Daughter ,1893)創元社、大久保康雄訳
  • Allan the Hunter;A Tale of Three Lions(1898)
  • Black Heart and White Heart;and Other Stories(1900)
  • 『女王の復活』(Ayesha The Return of She ,1905)創元推理文庫、大久保康雄訳
  • 『黄金の守護精霊』(Benita An African Romance ,1906)創元推理文庫、菊池光訳
  • The Morning Star(1910)
  • Marie(1912)
  • Child of Storm(1912)
  • The Wanderer's Necklace(1914)
  • The Holly Flower(1915)
  • The Ivory Child(1916)
  • Smith and the Phoraohs;and Other Tales(1916)
  • Finished(1917)
  • Moon of Israel; A Tale of the Exodus(1918)
  • 『古代のアラン』(The Ancient Allan ,1920)国書刊行会、山下諭一訳
  • She and Allan(1921)
  • Wisdom's Daughter;The Life and Love Story of She-who-must-be-obeyed(1923)
  • Heu-Heu;or the Monster(1924)
  • The Treasure of the Lake(1926)
  • Allan and the Ice-Gods(1929)


2014-02-24 14:33:29 | 日記

昨年(2014年)5月頃から読み始めた創元推理文庫の本、H. Rider Haggard ヘンリー・ライダー・ハガードの作品「ソロモン王の洞窟」「二人の女王」「洞窟の女王」「女王の復活」(いずれも大久保康雄訳)はひと通り読み終えた。


























 H. Rider Haggard ヘンリー・ライダー・ハガード


  • The Witche's Head(1884)
  • 『ソロモン王の洞窟』(King Solomon's Mines ,1885)創元推理文庫、大久保康雄訳
  • 洞窟の女王』(She: a History of Adventure ,1887)創元推理文庫、大久保康雄訳
  • 『二人の女王』(Allan Quatermain ,1887)創元推理文庫、大久保康雄訳
  • 『アランの妻』(Allan's Wife;and Other Tales ,1887)『マイワの復讐・アランの妻』創元社、大久保康雄訳
  • 『マイワの復讐』(Maiwa's Revenge ,1888)『マイワの復讐・アランの妻』創元社、大久保康雄訳
  • 『クレオパトラ』(Cleopatra ,1889)創元推理文庫、森下弓子訳
  • The World's Desire(1890)アンドルー・ラングとの共著
  • Eric Brighteyes(1891)
  • 『モンテズマの娘』(Montezuma's Daughter ,1893)創元社、大久保康雄訳
  • Allan the Hunter;A Tale of Three Lions(1898)
  • Black Heart and White Heart;and Other Stories(1900)
  • 『女王の復活』(Ayesha The Return of She ,1905)創元推理文庫、大久保康雄訳
  • 『黄金の守護精霊』(Benita An African Romance ,1906)創元推理文庫、菊池光訳
  • The Morning Star(1910)
  • Marie(1912)
  • Child of Storm(1912)
  • The Wanderer's Necklace(1914)
  • The Holly Flower(1915)
  • The Ivory Child(1916)
  • Smith and the Phoraohs;and Other Tales(1916)
  • Finished(1917)
  • Moon of Israel; A Tale of the Exodus(1918)
  • 『古代のアラン』(The Ancient Allan ,1920)国書刊行会、山下諭一訳
  • She and Allan(1921)
  • Wisdom's Daughter;The Life and Love Story of She-who-must-be-obeyed(1923)
  • Heu-Heu;or the Monster(1924)
  • The Treasure of the Lake(1926)
  • Allan and the Ice-Gods(1929)


2014-02-24 13:32:49 | 日記



She 1 of 9 (1925)
She 2 of 9 (1925)

She 3 of 9 (1925)
She 4 of 9 (1925)

She 5 of 9 (1925)

She 6 of 9 (1925)

She 7 of 9 (1925)

She 8 of 9 (1925)

She 9 of 9 (1925)

Ayesha, the Return of She 「女王の復活」・ウィキペディア(2)

2014-02-24 09:56:41 | 日記

2.Literary history

2-1.Haggard dedicated the novel to his friend Andrew Lang.[2] Eighteen years pass between books, and in the characters’ lives.[3]

2. 文学史
2-1. ハガードは彼の友達アンドリュー・ラングに小説を捧げました。[2]18、数年は本の間に、および文字の生命で過ぎます。[3]

 2-2.It is set in Tibet, reincarnation being a familiar tenet of Tibetan Buddhism; however the back story is set in the ancient Mediterranean, of Egypt, Arabia, etc.


2-3.Haggard's daughter, Lilias, in her biography explained the origin of the names: 'She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed' was a doll in the author's nursery. Ayesha was borrowed from Arabic, being traditionally one of Mohammed's wives’ names; a note by Haggard indicates that it should be pronounced "Assha");[1] Hes is an alternative name for Isis.[4]

 2-3. ハガードの娘、リリア、彼女の伝記の中で、名前の起源について説明した:



3-1.C.S. Lewis patterned Empress Jadis on She, in the sixth book of the Narnia series, The Magician's Nephew.

3. 影響
3-1.C.S. ルイスは、ナルニア・シリーズの6番目の本The Magician's Nephewの6番目の本の中で、本書の中の女帝Jadisをパターン化しました

31-2.Ayesha is mentioned in Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams, and by Jung, in a lecture on Psychology and Literature.[5]

31-2. アーイシャは心理学と文学上の講義の中で、フロイトのドリームの解釈で、およびユングによって言及されます。[5]

3-3. She may be one of the most influential characters ever created, having sold an estimated 87 million copies, in 44 different languages, and never being out of print, when Ursula Andress starred in a 1965 film adaptation, loosely based on the books.[6]

 3-3. 本書は44の異なる言語で、概算8700万のコピーを販売し、印刷が不足せずに、今まで作成された最も影響力のある人物描写のうちの一つかもしれません、ウルスラ・アンドレス主演の1965年の映画は本に基づいた。[6]




  3-4. She is credited as an inspiration for J.R.R. Tolkien's characters as diverse as Shelob[7] and Galadriel.[8]

3-4. 彼女は、Shelob[7]およびGaladrielほど種々のJ.R.R.トルキーンのキャラクターのためのインスピレーションとして信用されます。[8]

 3-5.The character has inspired more than ten film adaptations.[9] The 1925 version of She involved Haggard himself, who wrote the intertitles. The film combines elements from all the books in the series.


3-5. そのキャラクターは10を超える映画化を促した。[9]



[動](他)1 〈人を〉奮い立たせる;〈人を〉刺激して(…する)気にさせる((to do));〈人を〉促して(…を)する気にさせる((to ...))His speech inspired the crowd.|彼の演説は群衆を奮い立たせた ...
  • inspired

    [形]1 〈人が〉霊感[神感, 啓示]を受けた[に動かされた]an inspired musician|霊感を受けた音楽家.2 〈作品が〉霊感[神感, 啓示]を受けた結果のinspired poetry|霊感を受けて書かれた詩.3 〈考え・ ...







  1. ^ Jump up to: a b Haggard, H. Rider (1905). Ayesha: The Return of She. New York: Grosset & Dunlap. p. 7. 
  2. Jump up ^ Haggard, H. Rider (1905). Ayesha: The Return of She. New York: Grosset & Dunlap. p. 5. 
  3. Jump up ^ Burns, Christopher. "Ayesha: The Return of She". The Literature Network. 
  4. Jump up ^ Foreman, J. B. "Introduction". In: Haggard, H. Rider (1957) Ayesha, the return of She. London: Collins
  5. Jump up ^ Jung, C.G. (1971). The Spirit in Man, Art, and Literature. Princeton
  6. Jump up ^ "Cinema: Waiting for Leo". Time 86 (12): 133. 17 September 1965. 
  7. Jump up ^ Burns, Marjorie (2005). Perilous realms: Celtic and Norse in Tolkien's Middle-earth. University of Toronto Press. p. 104. 
  8. Jump up ^ Stoddard, William H. (July 2003). "Galadriel and Ayesha". Tryonvant.
  9. Jump up ^ "Results for 'She'". IMDb. 
  • Bleiler, Everett (1948). The Checklist of Fantastic Literature. Chicago: Shasta Publishers. p. 136. 

External links[edit]


She (1925 film)「洞窟の女王」1925年作映画

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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1.She is a 1925 British-German fantasy adventure film directed by Leander de Cordova and G.B. Samuelson and starring Betty Blythe, Carlyle Blackwell, Mary Odette. It was filmed in Berlin as a co-production, and based on H. Rider Haggard's novel of the same name. According to the opening credits, the intertitles were specially written for the film by Haggard himself (he died in 1925, the year the film was made). 

1. 映画「洞窟の女王」1925年バージョンは、Leander de CordovaレアンドロスdeコードバおよびG.B.サミュエルソンによって監督され、ベティー・ブライズが主演する1925年の英国・ドイツの空想冒険映画です、カーライル・ブラックウェル(メアリー・オデット)。

2.The book has been a popular subject for filmmakers in the silent and sound eras, with at least five short film adaptations produced in 1908, 1911, 1916, 1917, and 1919 respectively.[1]

The 1925 version was the first feature length adaptation, although it was trimmed from its original 98-minute running time down to 69 minutes for US release. It is the most faithful of the three feature-length adaptations to date and follows the action, characters and locations of the original novel closely.


2. 「洞窟の女王」に基ずく短編映画は少なくとも5つ、1908年、1911年、1916年、1917年および1919年にそれぞれ製作され、その本は、暗黙で正常な時代の映画製作者のためのポピュラーな主題でした。[1]




Cast 配役


Ayesha, the Return of She 「女王の復活」・ウィキペディア(1)

2014-02-23 19:27:50 | 日記

Ayesha (novel)

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First edition cover pub. by
First edition cover pub. by "Ward Lock"
Author H. Rider Haggard
Country United Kingdom
Language English
Series Ayesha Series
Genre Fantasy, Adventure novel
Publisher Ward Lock
Publication date
Media type Print (hardback & paperback)
Pages 384 pp
Preceded by She
Followed by She and Allan

Ayesha, the Return of She is a gothic-fantasy novel by the popular Victorian author H. Rider Haggard, published in 1905, as a sequel to his far more popular and well known novel, She. It was serialised in the Windsor Magazine in 1904-5.

Ayesha, the Return of She 「女王の復活」は、彼のはるかにポピュラーでより有名な小説、「洞窟の女王」の続編として、1905年に出版された人気のあるビクトリア朝著者H・ライダー・ハガードの中世の空想の小説です。

Its significance was recognised by its republication by the Newcastle Publishing Company as the fourteenth volume of the celebrated Newcastle Forgotten Fantasy Library series in October 1977.


In the introduction, Sir H. Rider Haggard links the name Ayesha to Muhammad's wives, and the Arabic name (Arabic: عائشة, ʻĀʼishah, pronounced [ˈʕaːʔiʃa]), stating that it should be pronounced "Assha" /ˈɑːʃə/,[1] although the pronunciation A·ye·sha /ɑːˈjʃə/ is perhaps more common.

 イントロダクションでは、H・ライダー・ハガードサーは、発音されるべきであると述べて、ムハンマドの妻への名前アーイシャおよびアラビアの名前(アラビア:عائشة,[ˈʕaːʔiʃa]), 発音された[??a?i?a])をリンクします「Assha」/ˈɑːʃə/、[1]であるが、発音はA·ye·sha /ɑːˈjʃə/ が恐らくより一般的です。





1-1.In the book's prologue, the book's anonymous "Editor" receives a parcel. Opening it, he finds a letter from Horace Holly, with an enclosed manuscript containing a second memoir about She. There is also a second letter, from Holly's doctor, to whom Holly has entrusted his letter and manuscript, along with a wooden box, which contains an ancient sistrum. The doctor recounts how, when attending Holly in his last hours, he arrived at the house to find that Holly had risen from his deathbed and made his way to a local ring of ancient standing stones. Following him, the doctor glimpsed a manifestation that appears to Holly, but as the vision vanished, Holly had let out a happy cry and died.

1. 要約
1-1.In 本のプロローグ、本の匿名の「エディター」は小包を受け取ります。

1-2.When the narrative of Holly's manuscript begins, nearly twenty years have passed since their first adventure in Africa, but he and his ward Leo Vincey are convinced that Ayesha did not die. Following their dreams, they wander for years through Asia, eventually coming to "Thibet" (as it is spelled in the book). Taking refuge over winter in a remote lamasery, they meet the old Abbot Kou-En, who claims to recall a past-life encounter tales with a witch queen from the time of Alexander the Great. The Abbott tries to dissuade them from going on and warns them that, however beautiful, nothing is immortal, even if the Queen was born centuries ago in Ancient Egypt or remembers it from a past life. He believes the Queen is holding on to the distractions of life, which will lead them away from Enlightenment and peace, whether she is a demon, a fallen angel, or only a dream.

 1-2. ホリーの原稿の話が始まる場合、ほぼ20年がそれらのアフリカで最初の冒険以来過ぎました。しかし、彼および監視レオVinceyは、アーイシャが死ななかったと確信しています。
遠隔のラマ教寺院の中で冬にわたる避難をとって、それらはその年を取ったAbbot Kouエンに会います、この人は過去の生命の遭遇をリコールすることを主張する、アレクサンドロス大王の時間からの魔女女王との物語。

1-3.Despite the Abbot's warning, Leo is compelled to press on and Holly will not abandon his adopted son. When spring breaks, they travel out into the uncharted region beyond the monastery; after a perilous journey and many narrow escapes, they arrive in the city of Kaloon, which is ruled by the evil Khan Rassen and his imperious wife, the Khania Atene, who claim to be descendants of Alexander the Great's ancient Hellenist generals. The people of Kaloon live under an uneasy truce with the people who serve the Hesea, the Priestess of Hes, who dwells on the Mountain, a huge volcano that dominates the region, at the summit of which is a massive natural rock formation in the shape of an ankh. Atene declares her love for Leo, but the jealous and dissolute Rassen (who has been driven mad by the sorcery of Atene and her uncle, the wizard Simbri) wants to kill them.

1-3. 僧院長の警告にもかかわらず、レオは、押し進めることを強いられます。また、ホリーは彼の養子を遺棄しないでしょう。

1-4.Atene's rival, the mysterious Hesea, orders Atene to send Leo and Holly to her, or risk breaking their peace treaty. Atene vows to kill Leo, rather than let him go, but with the help of Rassen, they escape the city. However they soon realise that Rassen has betrayed them and is hunting them with his monstrous Death-Hounds. They make a dash to the foot of the mountain, where they are caught by Rassen, but after a desperate struggle they manage to kill the Khan and his hounds.

1-4. Ateneのライバル、不可解なHesea、彼女のもとへレオとホリーを送り出す、注文Ateneあるいはそれらの和平条約を壊す危険。

First edition illustration of Ayesha

1-5.As Leo and Holly ascend the Mountain they are intercepted by the people of Hes, who are then joined by a ghost-like Messenger, who leads them up the mountain. After they arrive at the vast temple-palace complex near the summit, they are taken into the presence of the veiled Hesea, who admits that she is the Messenger who guided them up the Mountain.

 1-5.As レオとホリーは、それらが遮られる山に登る‥‥Hesの人々(その後、ゴーストのようなメッセンジャー(この人は山を上へそれらをリードする)が誰に加わる)。

1-6.In accordance with ancient custom, Atene comes to the mountain temple for the funeral of Rassen. The Hesea now declares that she is indeed the reincarnation of Ayesha, and that Atene is the reincarnation of her ancient rival, Amenartas. To the horror of Leo and Holly, Ayesha reveals she has been reborn into the body of a wizened old crone, her beauty gone. Atene challenges Ayesha, but Leo declares his love for Ayesha, regardless of the form in which she appears. With his choice, the mysterious life-force within the volcano reaches out and engulfs her – when it clears, her former beauty and majesty has been restored.


1-7.Ayesha vows that if Leo still loves her, they will return to her ancient home in Africa. There they will both bathe in the Flame of Life, become immortal, and rule the world together. However she refuses Leo's entreaties to marry him right away, saying that they must wait for the change of seasons and the weather to clear, before they can travel.

1-7. アーイシャは、レオがまだ彼女を愛していれば、アフリカの彼女の古代の家へそれらが返るだろうと誓う。

1-8.While waiting out the winter, Ayesha writes her memories (which are the basis for the fourth book in the series, Wisdom's Daughter). Ayesha shows Holly and Leo how she commands mortals, spirits, and demons. She questions Holly at length about the modern world and expounds to him her plan that, once united with Leo, they will rule the world, conquering the existing Empires by flooding the world's gold supply with her alchemy. Appalled, Holly fears that Ayesha may succeed.

1-8. 冬を待っている間、アーイシャは彼女の記憶(それらはシリーズ、知恵娘中の4番目の本の根拠である)を書く。

1-9.Leo presses Ayesha to marry him without delay, but she is unwilling, insisting they must wait. Bored with his confinement, Leo goes hunting in the mountains but Ayesha, fearful for his safety, uses her psychic powers to watch him and sees that he and his men have been attacked by a leopard, and that Leo has been injured. When the party returns, the furious Ayesha sentences Leo's retainers to death, but Leo is horrified by her cruelty and prevails on her to spare them.

1-9. レオは、すぐに彼と結婚するようにアーイシャに強要する。しかし、それらが待つに違いないことを要求して、彼女は気が進まない。

 1-10.Soon after, Atene sends Ayesha an ultimatum, challenging her to battle. Ayesha marshalls her forces and marches out, but while they are camped at the foot of the mountain, Atene uses her magic to appear in the guise of Ayesha, luring Holly and Leo away from Ayesha's protection, and Leo is captured.

1-10. すぐに後に、Ateneは彼女に戦うように促して、アーイシャに最後通牒を送る。

1-11.Enraged, Ayesha declares that she will destroy Atene and rescue Leo. Although greatly outnumbered, she leads her men into battle, and when the two armies meet Ayesha reveals her power over the elements, summoning up a terrible lightning storm. In the ensuing holocaust, Ayesha obliterates Atene's army and lays waste to Kaloon, while her own army reaches the city without the loss of a single man.

1-11. 激怒して、アーイシャは、彼女がAteneおよび救助レオを破壊するだろうと宣言する。

1-12.When Ayesha and Holly burst into the room where Leo is confined, they discover that Atene has realised her utter defeat and taken poison. They see the wizard Simbri standing poised to kill Leo, but Ayesha paralyses him with her power, and Leo is released unharmed. Leo demands that Ayesha must give herself to him immediately, and she yields to his wish. They kiss, but Ayesha's power proves too great for his mortal body, and he dies in her arms. Ayesha then charges the wizard Simbri to go ahead into the realm of Death and carry a message to the departed spirits, and with these words Simbri falls dead where he stands.

1-12. アーイシャとホリーが、レオが制限される部屋に乱入した時、それらはAteneが彼女の完全な敗北および得られた毒を悟ったことを発見する。

1-13.The distraught Ayesha takes Leo's body to the temple on the peak, where the flames rise up from the crater and consume their bodies. Holly is led down from the mountain and finds his way back to the lamasery.

1-13. 取り乱したアーイシャはピーク上で寺院にレオの体を持っていく。ここで炎は火口から上昇して上昇し、それらの体を消費する。

2.Literary history

2-1.Haggard dedicated the novel to his friend Andrew Lang.[2] Eighteen years pass between books, and in the characters’ lives.[3]

2. 文学史
2-1. ハガードは彼の友達アンドリュー・ラングに小説を捧げました。[2]18、数年は本の間に、および文字の生命で過ぎます。[3]

 2-2.It is set in Tibet, reincarnation being a familiar tenet of Tibetan Buddhism; however the back story is set in the ancient Mediterranean, of Egypt, Arabia, etc.


2-3.Haggard's daughter, Lilias, in her biography explained the origin of the names: 'She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed' was a doll in the author's nursery. Ayesha was borrowed from Arabic, being traditionally one of Mohammed's wives’ names; a note by Haggard indicates that it should be pronounced "Assha");[1] Hes is an alternative name for Isis.[4]

 2-3. ハガードの娘、リリア、彼女の伝記の中で、名前の起源について説明した: