ギター練習日誌~Guitar Practice Room~


【TAB/補足/解説/Supplements/explanations】ヴィヴァルディ「四季~冬3」#1 vivaldi the four seasons winter3 #1

2022年12月03日 10時01分44秒 | ギター/Guitar

【運指、アーティキュレーションの補足/Supplementary information on fingering, fingering, articulations, etc.】







【3:11~】の補足理由/Supplementary reason



・The note bars on the staff staff overlap the numbers on the tablature and are no longer visible.

・The TAB position was on the same string and could not be written.





* is the 22nd fret




Measure 3, beat 3 - This is what it sounded like when I copied the sound source I listened to back then by ear.

When I checked the score later, it was "B♮-A♮-B♮" (corrected in the video)


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I unraveled the sound source recorded in 1993 like a time capsule, listened to it again, and made many discoveries while working on the tab score.




I couldn't remember my own performance at that time, and I was worried, "How did I play it?"

This is a record of "reference and analysis" to the last

It may be a blog that tries to leave "trivial things" that only people who have played the guitar can understand.



自身の記録として/As my own record


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I add any points I notice, such as how to play or fingering, as I go along.




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