ギター練習日誌~Guitar Practice Room~


【TAB譜】パガニーニ「24の奇想曲~No.1」Paganini / 24 Caprices~no.1 (GuitarPractice)

2024年01月11日 17時53分17秒 | ギター/Guitar

【ギター練習用TAB譜】パガニーニ「24の奇想曲~No.1」24 Caprices/Paganini  (TAB score for guitar practice)


(*Staff notation is written in an octave lower)



《補足と解説/Supplements and explanations》



This song uses the "sweep technique using economy picking", so the basic picking will be as below (↓)



However, if you change the second measure like this, it will be easier to play on the guitar and have a more familiar shape.

【ex.2】Bコードの箇所は「原曲の音並び」だとギターではとても弾きにくいので ↓ のようにギターで弾きやすい音並びに変えて、さらに【ex.1】のようにプリングを加えるとギターらしいフレーズになってくる

The B chord part would be very difficult to play on the guitar if it were in the original song's note order, so I changed it to a note order that is easier to play on the guitar as shown below.

Furthermore, if you add pulling off like【ex.1】 it becomes a guitar-like phrase.


(However, since the goal of this song is to "experience the violin-like feel," I don't want to arrange it too much so that it can be played easily on the guitar.)


It's a shame that there aren't enough frets at the "diminished phrase" location, but it's important to try and error to find out how to deal with it.


The example below (↓) is "another form of diminished phrase", but if there are more frets, this form will have a more "violin-like" feel (however, the position in the video is easier)


Another position pattern for the E chord part. This is not a question of "which one is easier to play?", but both are useful positions, so keep this in mind.


The last chord part: The sound arrangement of the original song is very difficult to play on the guitar, so I tried to think about the positioning, but I couldn't find the "best one!" (Unfortunately)


“The movement of the 3rd string of the B chord” is different between Ⓐ and Ⓑ

(Although Ⓑ is easier to play, Ⓐ has a more natural flow of sound.)


My favorite is this Ⓒ pattern



By the way, how to play the E chord at the end of the video with the right hand.


This is a very "violin-like" sound sequence, but it is not familiar to electric guitars (especially since the 3rd string is empty), so I filled in the 3rd string as in【ex.5】



By the way, this shape becomes a "minor chord" when you lower the 2nd string a semitone.

※Aコードの場合・・For A code


この「AとAm」は「24の奇想曲 No.5」のアタマとラストに出てくる

This "A and Am" appears in the head and last part of "24 Caprices No.5"

♪0:33~ ♪2:52~



It has a very "violin-like sound arrangement", so you want to do your best to play it "this way" instead of choosing "a position that is easy to play on the guitar".




I didn't make it into a video, but...  As the song progresses, minor chords also appear.


Various variations of B chord positioning


Although it is not written, the way to play from the 19th fret to the 14th fret of the 1st string is "pulling off".






I add anything I notice about how to play, fingering, etc.



※1、コードネームに関して/Regarding the code name:



Normally, chord names are not written in classical music scores, but here they are for electric guitar.

I added this (as a guide) because it's a song that plays dispersed chords.




However, when it comes to ``interpreting fractional chords'', it is difficult to understand if everything is written in detail (just because the starting note is not the root note).

I think the intention can be conveyed even if you don't go that far, so I've omitted some parts.






※左手の指番号と名称/Japanese left hand finger number notation

1→人(人差し指/first finger/index finger)
2→中(中指/second finger/middle finger)
3→薬(薬指/third finger/ring finger)
4→小(小指/little finger)