ギター練習日誌~Guitar Practice Room~


【TAB譜】サラサーテ「ツィゴイネルワイゼン」~Sarasate 「Zigeunerweisen」(ギター練習用)

2023年10月22日 08時00分22秒 | ギター/Guitar

《注釈/Annotation》  🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 


※ギターの「ハーモニクス奏法」の譜面表記について  (動画内では♪1:10~、♪1:30~部分)

※Regarding the notation of guitar "harmonics playing"   (♪1:10~ and ♪1:30~ parts in the video)



In the case of harmonics playing (picking with the left hand touching it lightly instead of holding it normally)



There is a difference between the ``position'' and the ``actual sound'' (the same note may be an octave higher, or it may be a different sound.)


下の譜例の場合:In the case of the example below~



When you play the 5th fret of the 4th string (where the G note is), the actual sound you hear is the “D” sound.



When you play the 5th fret of the 5th string (where the D note is), the actual note you hear is the A note.



When you play the 5th fret of the 1st string (where the A note is), the actual sound you hear is the “E” sound.




In this way, the "sounds on the staff notation" are different, so if you don't know it, it will lead to misunderstandings.



Perhaps in the case of ``general sheet music,'' they are conscious of this when creating ``detailed sheet music.''



..However, I'm omitting it here because the music software I use isn't that good.


 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 


《ギター練習用TAB譜》TAB score for guitar practice~

「ツィゴイネルワイゼン」サラサーテ~Sarasate ”Zigeunerweisen”


※左手の指番号と名称/Japanese left hand finger number notation
1→人(人差し指/first finger/index finger)
2→中(中指/second finger/middle finger)
3→薬(薬指/third finger/ring finger)
4→小(小指/little finger)


《補足と解説/Supplements and explanations》




How to take a position -a-


How to take a position -b-



How to take a position -a-


How to take a position -b-


How to take a position -c-



How to take a position -a-


How to take a position -b-



How to take a position -a-


How to take a position -b-


It is the same sound type as [ex.4], but note that the "second pitch" is different!



How to take a position -a-


How to take a position -b-


How to take a position -c-


Smooth sweep-like playing with economy picking


タイプ A / Type A

タイプ B /Type B



If the violin was played like this in the 19th century...



Isn't it possible to play like this on the guitar?






...That kind of trial and error is a good time to practice and generate countless ideas.



・ゆっくり練習/Practice slowly


【TAB譜】「パガニニアーナ」Paganiniana (GuitarPractice)

2023年10月22日 08時00分04秒 | ギター/Guitar


Paganiniana/Nathan Milstein


本家パガニーニの「24のカプリース」も凄いけど「Paganiniana/Nathan Milstein」も(昔聴いて)かっこよかったので


The original Paganini's ``24 Caprices'' is amazing, and ``Paganiniana/Nathan Milstein'' was also cool (I listened to it a long time ago), so I created a TAB score of some of it for guitar practice.



Even if you can't play it, there are many points to learn.




《補足と解説/Supplements and explanations》















The block from here is in a position that is difficult to play on the guitar, and the original song on the violin is very fast, so I prepared three patterns in the video: "Slow," "Medium," and "Fast."



Just record it as a ``practice TAB score'' for ``various meanings''.

















※左手の指番号と名称/Japanese left hand finger number notation
1→人(人差し指/first finger/index finger)
2→中(中指/second finger/middle finger)
3→薬(薬指/third finger/ring finger)
4→小(小指/little finger)


【Guitar ETUDE】~15世紀の変な踊り~15th century bell (original)

2023年10月22日 07時58分02秒 | ギター/Guitar






“Guitar practice piece” I made a long time ago 



There was a time when I "forced myself to" practice the "complicated" order of the right hand in dispersed chord phrases with three strings.



A melody that came to mind at that time...



Listening to it now, even I find it confusing...(lol)



I think I had a certain “commitment” back then.





Now... "I don't care" (lol)



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However, it was because of that kind of "commitment" that I was able to continue practicing,



I think it's important to be particular about things when you're young because you're now able to do things you can't do.



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Having a “commitment” means... Maybe it's a happy thing...



   🍀  🍀  🍀  🍀  🍀  🍀  🍀  🍀  







...and the ``physical strength'' to maintain it.




【TAB譜と解説/commentary】「カプリース変奏曲 No.44」~Caprice Variations No.44

2023年10月22日 07時29分52秒 | ギター/Guitar

【TAB譜】カプリース変奏曲 No 44

Caprice Variations/George Rochberg





A long time ago, I really liked copying (practicing) beautiful phrases from classical music on the guitar.






At that time, I came across this song, which is a very beautiful, difficult, and rewarding song.

I wasn't able to play it perfectly, but I thought it would be a waste, so I decided to record it on the TAB score.




This song is impossible to play on the guitar unless you use “tapping”⇩

(※Tapping: A playing technique that produces sound by alternately tapping the fingerboard with left and right fingers, like on a piano.)




Meanwhile, the way to play the ☆ part of this song was divided into two, depending on the music score and the performer.







Is this "three notes" in the left hand part "D-D-F" or "D-F-F"? ··The difference of






I tried various things, but the tempo of the song was fast, so...

(※Actually, the violin performance I heard was faster.)

I feel like either is fine





Since we are humans, there may be cases where we intended to go "D-F-F" but the tempo was so fast that we couldn't get the "second F" in time and ended up with "D-D-F"...



Actually, I think there is no problem as long as the player chooses the one that is easier for them to play (this is just my personal opinion).






However, the real pleasure of music is that you can spend a fulfilling time just by stopping and stoically considering such trivial points 👍🎸


※左手の指番号と名称/Japanese left hand finger number notation
1→人(人差し指/first finger/index finger)
2→中(中指/second finger/middle finger)
3→薬(薬指/third finger/ring finger)
4→小(小指/little finger)