ギター練習日誌~Guitar Practice Room~


【TAB/補足/解説/Supplements/explanations】ヴィヴァルディ「四季~夏1」/vivaldi the four seasons summer1

2022年12月03日 10時14分15秒 | ギター/Guitar

【運指、アーティキュレーションの補足/Supplementary information on fingering, fingering, articulations, etc.】






When two parts both press the 1st string, the numbers on the TAB staff overlap, so I had no choice but to use the notation 23rd and 24th frets on the TAB.

(*When playing there, change the position to deal with it)  ⇩ 





※左手の指番号/left hand finger number






Since I was using a 21st fret strat, the sound source was forcibly pressing around the 22nd fret to make a sound.

Since the musical notation software had a 21-fret specification, it was converted to such notation.

(actually hold down the 22nd fret)





If you have to move your hand, for example, slide your index finger down like this to rebuild your position



When playing phrases for instruments other than guitar, you need a lot of ingenuity like this



For those who like it, I think it's like a jigsaw puzzle and very interesting work



I always thought it was similar to "archaeological excavations"




前からの流れで同じ型を選択するならば下のようなカタチ ↓ になる。


It's a matter of personal preference, but it's also something I want to focus on.




An example of how to play five notes with a slur using hammer or slide.



The 12th fret of the 3rd string is a trill on the 14th and 12th frets.



There is also a trill at the 22nd fret, but there are not enough frets, so in actual performance, we will bend the 21st fret.


Here are the trills on the 10th and 11th frets.


その流れで最後も10&11フレットのトリルだが ⇩ のようにあえて2弦15フレットに人差し指でスライド気味に



In that same vein, the last tril is on the 10th and 11th frets, but it's also a good challenge to practice articulation by deliberately sliding your index finger to the 15th fret of the 2nd string, as in ⇩, to create an unusual nuance.

It seems worth trying out different things...





Considering the wide interval between the two strings, is the only way to play the second string melody from here by tapping?

I think so, but I have no recollection of doing that when recording a long time ago, so I'm having trouble...



How did I actually play it? (?_?)



Please note that the sound at the beginning of the second time is different.

The composer's intentions are interesting...



From here on, the shapes are similar but change little by little, so it's very difficult to remember.



I think the example above is easier for me to remember now.

However, when I recorded it a long time ago, I think I played it like below.(maybe...)





If you listen to the sound source from that time, you can hear the expression using pulling, hammering, and slide.

Ad-lib? I remember recording it with Feeling...







When I listen to the sound source, I hear that the bass goes from E♭→D→E, but when I recently checked the music score, I found that E♭ continued for 2 bars.

Was it a misunderstanding at the time?


Or was it intentional because he thought that the flow and melody up to this point could have been a D note?




Again, I can't remember myself at all here.

...But all I remember is that I was exhausted, my head was on the verge of shorting out, and I was smoking.



The bass note is actually an octave lower from the second measure (unavoidable due to TAB notation)

【4:39~】~個人的に好きなハーモニー(和声)の部分~Personally favorite part of harmony



If these two voices are written on one score, it will be difficult to read (on the staff score), so they are written separately here.

In terms of sound, I want to play in the right position an octave lower.


After that, the low note of ⇩C continues for a while, but it is omitted on the TAB score.



The bass of the melody part here is very beautiful, but it's frustrating that I can't play it alone.




The left position is an octave higher, but if you lower it, one note will be missing...

It's also possible to tune the release of the 6th string down one tone from E to D just for this part...






At times like this,

as a guitarist

I realize the greatness of the piano...

In terms of range, it also loses to the violin.




The first note is D on the 22nd fret.

At the time of recording, it was a Strat with a 21st fret, so I remember pressing down on the "wooden part" at the end of the 21st fret to forcefully make the sound.


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I unraveled the sound source recorded in 1993 like a time capsule, listened to it again, and made many discoveries while working on the tab score.




I couldn't remember my own performance at that time, and I was worried, "How did I play it?"

This is a record of "reference and analysis" to the last

It may be a blog that tries to leave "trivial things" that only people who have played the guitar can understand.



自身の記録として/As my own record


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【TAB譜】クラシック曲をエレキギターで弾いてみた~まとめ~Classical music on E.Guitar


【Sound Cloud】


【TAB/補足/解説/Supplements/explanations】ヴィヴァルディ「四季~冬3」#2 vivaldi the four seasons winter3 #2

2022年12月03日 10時08分22秒 | ギター/Guitar

【運指、アーティキュレーションの補足/Supplementary information on fingering, fingering, articulations, etc.】




※左手の指番号/left hand finger number


【2:22~】エンディング部分/Ending part


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I unraveled the sound source recorded in 1993 like a time capsule, listened to it again, and made many discoveries while working on the tab score.




I couldn't remember my own performance at that time, and I was worried, "How did I play it?"

This is a record of "reference and analysis" to the last

It may be a blog that tries to leave "trivial things" that only people who have played the guitar can understand.



自身の記録として/As my own record


  🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 






I add any points I notice, such as how to play or fingering, as I go along.




【TAB/補足/解説/Supplements/explanations】ヴィヴァルディ「四季~冬3」#1 vivaldi the four seasons winter3 #1

2022年12月03日 10時01分44秒 | ギター/Guitar

【運指、アーティキュレーションの補足/Supplementary information on fingering, fingering, articulations, etc.】







【3:11~】の補足理由/Supplementary reason



・The note bars on the staff staff overlap the numbers on the tablature and are no longer visible.

・The TAB position was on the same string and could not be written.





* is the 22nd fret




Measure 3, beat 3 - This is what it sounded like when I copied the sound source I listened to back then by ear.

When I checked the score later, it was "B♮-A♮-B♮" (corrected in the video)


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I unraveled the sound source recorded in 1993 like a time capsule, listened to it again, and made many discoveries while working on the tab score.




I couldn't remember my own performance at that time, and I was worried, "How did I play it?"

This is a record of "reference and analysis" to the last

It may be a blog that tries to leave "trivial things" that only people who have played the guitar can understand.



自身の記録として/As my own record


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I add any points I notice, such as how to play or fingering, as I go along.