


2013年02月24日 23時47分19秒 | パソコン



ケース Maicro ATX

マザー インテルのATOM330のやつ 疑似4コアです 1.60Ghz

DVD 東芝 SD-R5002 DVD書き込み2倍速の遅いやつ

HDD シーゲート 80GB S-ATA



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2013年02月21日 18時04分07秒 | パソコン

CPU セレロンD 2.93Ghz--> Pen4 650 3.40Ghzプレスコット

メモリ 2G 1GBx2 DDR-SDRAM

VGA GMA900(内蔵)--->FX5200 PCI 128MB






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2013年02月19日 19時00分51秒 | パソコン

CPU 省電力版AthlonXP 2200+ --->通常版AthlonXP 2600+

CPUク-ラ- COOLERMASTER サイレントドラコ --->ファルコンロックⅡ これも静かです(ファン自体もアルミ製)

VGA RADON 9200 PCI 128MB 1600x1200にしかならなかった




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2013年02月14日 19時17分21秒 | その他



2.IIJと比べるとカスタマーのレベルが低い<--電話での (HPでの説明等が少ないので)




6.当方の家での速度はLTE UP1.8 DOWN1.8  3GだとUP0.4 DOWN1.1-1.8くらいです。







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CE22D その後

2013年02月14日 18時06分47秒 | パソコン

PCIのVGAカードですのでWindowsXPが立ち上がるまでRADON 9200からは画面が出てきませんね。

後はAthlonXP 2600+で一応終わりですね。

メモリ2GBと128MB RADEON 9200 PCIが動いたと言う報告です。



CrystalDiskMark 3.0.2 (C) 2007-2013 hiyohiyo
Crystal Dew World :
* MB/s = 1,000,000 byte/s [SATA/300 = 300,000,000 byte/s]

Sequential Read : 63.253 MB/s
Sequential Write : 53.261 MB/s
Random Read 512KB : 33.743 MB/s
Random Write 512KB : 30.551 MB/s
Random Read 4KB (QD=1) : 0.574 MB/s [ 140.1 IOPS]
Random Write 4KB (QD=1) : 1.408 MB/s [ 343.7 IOPS]
Random Read 4KB (QD=32) : 0.736 MB/s [ 179.7 IOPS]
Random Write 4KB (QD=32) : 1.474 MB/s [ 359.8 IOPS]

Test : 100 MB [C: 4.5% (10.4/232.9 GB)] (x5)
Date : 2013/02/14 22:27:29
OS : Windows XP Professional SP3 [5.1 Build 2600] (x86)
CrystalDiskInfo 5.3.1 (C) 2008-2013 hiyohiyo
Crystal Dew World :

OS : Windows XP Professional SP3 [5.1 Build 2600] (x86)
Date : 2013/02/14 22:28:03

-- Controller Map ----------------------------------------------------------
+ SiS PCI IDE Controller [ATA]
+ プライマリ IDE チャネル (0)
- HDT722525DLAT80
+ セカンダリ IDE チャネル (1)

-- Disk List ---------------------------------------------------------------
(1) HDT722525DLAT80 : 250.0 GB [0/0/0, pd1]

(1) HDT722525DLAT80
Model : HDT722525DLAT80
Firmware : V44OA96A
Serial Number : VDR41DT4FW29MJ
Disk Size : 250.0 GB (8.4/137.4/250.0)
Buffer Size : 7674 KB
Queue Depth : 1
# of Sectors : 488397168
Rotation Rate : 不明
Interface : Parallel ATA
Major Version : ATA/ATAPI-7
Minor Version : ATA/ATAPI-7 T13 1532D version 1
Transfer Mode : Ultra DMA/133
Power On Hours : 21 時間
Power On Count : 23 回
Temparature : 34 C (93 F)
Health Status : 正常
Features : S.M.A.R.T., APM, AAM, 48bit LBA
APM Level : 0000h [OFF]
AAM Level : 80FEh [OFF]


CPU-Z TXT Report
CPU-Z version 1.63.0


Number of processors 1
Number of threads 1


Processor 1 ID = 0
Number of cores 1 (max 1)
Number of threads 1 (max 1)
Name AMD Athlon XP
Codename Thoroughbred
Specification AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2200+
Package Socket A (462)
CPUID 6.8.1
Extended CPUID 7.8
Core Stepping B0
Technology 0.13 um
Core Speed 1792.7 MHz
Multiplier x FSB 13.5 x 132.8 MHz
Rated Bus speed 265.6 MHz
Instructions sets MMX (+), 3DNow! (+), SSE
L1 Data cache 64 KBytes, 2-way set associative, 64-byte line size
L1 Instruction cache 64 KBytes, 2-way set associative, 64-byte line size
L2 cache 256 KBytes, 16-way set associative, 64-byte line size
FID/VID Control no

K7 Thermal sensor yes


Northbridge SiS 740 rev. 01
Southbridge SiS LPC Bridge rev. 04
Graphic Interface AGP
AGP Revision 2.0
AGP Transfer Rate 4x
AGP SBA supported, enabled
Memory Type DDR
Memory Size 2048 MBytes
CAS# latency (CL) 2.5
RAS# to CAS# delay (tRCD) 3
RAS# Precharge (tRP) 3
Cycle Time (tRAS) 6
Bank Cycle Time (tRC) 10

Memory SPD

DIMM # 1
SMBus address 0x50
Memory type DDR
Manufacturer (ID) Melco (7F7F7F8300000000)
Size 1024 MBytes
Max bandwidth PC3200 (200 MHz)
Part number
Number of banks 2
Data width 64 bits
Correction None
Registered no
Buffered no
Nominal Voltage 2.50 Volts
EPP no
XMP no
AMP yes
JEDEC timings table CL-tRCD-tRP-tRAS-tRC @ frequency
JEDEC #1 2.0-2-2-6-n.a. @ 133 MHz
JEDEC #2 2.5-3-3-7-n.a. @ 166 MHz
JEDEC #3 3.0-3-3-8-n.a. @ 200 MHz
AMP profile
Min Cycle time 1.#IO ns (0 MHz)
Max CL 0.0
Min tRP -1.#J ns
Min tRCD 1.#J ns
Min tRAS -1.#J ns
Min tRFC -1.#J ns
AMP timings table CL-tRCD-tRP-tRAS-tRC @ frequency
AMP #1 0.0--1073741824--1073741824--1073741824--1073741824 @ 0 MHz

DIMM # 2
SMBus address 0x51
Memory type DDR
Manufacturer (ID) Melco (7F7F7F8300000000)
Size 1024 MBytes
Max bandwidth PC3200 (200 MHz)
Part number
Number of banks 2
Data width 64 bits
Correction None
Registered no
Buffered no
Nominal Voltage 2.50 Volts
EPP no
XMP no
AMP yes
JEDEC timings table CL-tRCD-tRP-tRAS-tRC @ frequency
JEDEC #1 2.0-2-2-6-n.a. @ 133 MHz
JEDEC #2 2.5-3-3-7-n.a. @ 166 MHz
JEDEC #3 3.0-3-3-8-n.a. @ 200 MHz
AMP profile
Min Cycle time 1.#IO ns (0 MHz)
Max CL 0.0
Min tRP -1.#J ns
Min tRCD 1.#J ns
Min tRAS -1.#J ns
Min tRFC -1.#J ns
AMP timings table CL-tRCD-tRP-tRAS-tRC @ frequency
AMP #1 0.0--1073741824--1073741824--1073741824--1073741824 @ 0 MHz


Mainboard Model J240Y (0x00000139 - 0x00027590)


Hardware Monitors

PCI Devices

Description Host Bridge
Location bus 0 (0x00), device 0 (0x00), function 0 (0x00)
Common header
Vendor ID 0x1039
Model ID 0x0740
Revision ID 0x01
PI 0x00
SubClass 0x00
BaseClass 0x06
Cache Line 0x00
Latency 0x20
Header 0x80
PCI header
Address 0 (memory) 0xC0000000
Subvendor ID 0x10CF
Subsystem ID 0x1193
Int. Line 0x00
Int. Pin 0x00
PCI capability
Caps class AGP
Caps offset 0xC0
Caps version 2.0
Caps status enabled
Transfer rate 4x (max 4x)
Queue length 1 (max 17)

Description PCI to PCI Bridge
Location bus 0 (0x00), device 1 (0x01), function 0 (0x00)
Common header
Vendor ID 0x1039
Model ID 0x0001
Revision ID 0x00
PI 0x00
SubClass 0x04
BaseClass 0x06
Cache Line 0x00
Latency 0x63
Header 0x01
PCI header
Primary bus 0x00
Secondary bus 0x01
Int. Line 0x00
Int. Pin 0x00

Description PCI to ISA Bridge
Location bus 0 (0x00), device 2 (0x02), function 0 (0x00)
Common header
Vendor ID 0x1039
Model ID 0x0008
Revision ID 0x04
PI 0x00
SubClass 0x01
BaseClass 0x06
Cache Line 0x00
Latency 0x00
Header 0x80
PCI header
Subvendor ID 0x0000
Subsystem ID 0x0000
Int. Line 0x00
Int. Pin 0x00

Description SMBus Controller
Location bus 0 (0x00), device 2 (0x02), function 1 (0x01)
Common header
Vendor ID 0x1039
Model ID 0x0016
Revision ID 0x00
PI 0x00
SubClass 0x05
BaseClass 0x0C
Cache Line 0x00
Latency 0x00
Header 0x00
PCI header
Address 4 (port) 0x000010C0
Subvendor ID 0x0000
Subsystem ID 0x0000
Int. Line 0x00
Int. Pin 0x02

Description IDE Controller
Location bus 0 (0x00), device 2 (0x02), function 5 (0x05)
Common header
Vendor ID 0x1039
Model ID 0x5513
Revision ID 0x00
PI 0x8A
SubClass 0x01
BaseClass 0x01
Cache Line 0x00
Latency 0x80
Header 0x00
PCI header
Address 0 (port) 0x000001F0
Address 1 (port) 0x000003F4
Address 2 (port) 0x00000170
Address 3 (port) 0x00000374
Address 4 (port) 0x00004000
Subvendor ID 0x10CF
Subsystem ID 0x11CE
Int. Line 0x0E
Int. Pin 0x01
PCI capability
Caps class Power Management
Caps offset 0x58
Caps version 1.1

Description Modem
Location bus 0 (0x00), device 2 (0x02), function 6 (0x06)
Common header
Vendor ID 0x1039
Model ID 0x7013
Revision ID 0xA0
PI 0x00
SubClass 0x03
BaseClass 0x07
Cache Line 0x00
Latency 0x20
Header 0x00
PCI header
Address 0 (port) 0x0000B000
Address 1 (port) 0x0000B400
Subvendor ID 0x10CF
Subsystem ID 0x1155
Int. Line 0x12
Int. Pin 0x03
PCI capability
Caps class Power Management
Caps offset 0x48
Caps version 1.1

Description Audio device
Location bus 0 (0x00), device 2 (0x02), function 7 (0x07)
Common header
Vendor ID 0x1039
Model ID 0x7012
Revision ID 0xA0
PI 0x00
SubClass 0x01
BaseClass 0x04
Cache Line 0x00
Latency 0x20
Header 0x00
PCI header
Address 0 (port) 0x0000B800
Address 1 (port) 0x0000BC00
Subvendor ID 0x10CF
Subsystem ID 0x1217
Int. Line 0x12
Int. Pin 0x03
PCI capability
Caps class Power Management
Caps offset 0x48
Caps version 1.1

Description USB Controller (OHCI)
Location bus 0 (0x00), device 3 (0x03), function 0 (0x00)
Common header
Vendor ID 0x1039
Model ID 0x7001
Revision ID 0x0F
PI 0x10
SubClass 0x03
BaseClass 0x0C
Cache Line 0x08
Latency 0x20
Header 0x80
PCI header
Address 0 (memory) 0xE0143000
Subvendor ID 0x10CF
Subsystem ID 0x11CF
Int. Line 0x14
Int. Pin 0x01
PCI capability
Caps class Power Management
Caps offset 0xDC
Caps version 1.1

Description USB Controller (OHCI)
Location bus 0 (0x00), device 3 (0x03), function 1 (0x01)
Common header
Vendor ID 0x1039
Model ID 0x7001
Revision ID 0x0F
PI 0x10
SubClass 0x03
BaseClass 0x0C
Cache Line 0x08
Latency 0x20
Header 0x00
PCI header
Address 0 (memory) 0xE0140000
Subvendor ID 0x10CF
Subsystem ID 0x11D0
Int. Line 0x15
Int. Pin 0x02
PCI capability
Caps class Power Management
Caps offset 0xDC
Caps version 1.1

Description USB Controller (OHCI)
Location bus 0 (0x00), device 3 (0x03), function 2 (0x02)
Common header
Vendor ID 0x1039
Model ID 0x7001
Revision ID 0x0F
PI 0x10
SubClass 0x03
BaseClass 0x0C
Cache Line 0x08
Latency 0x20
Header 0x00
PCI header
Address 0 (memory) 0xE0141000
Subvendor ID 0x10CF
Subsystem ID 0x11D1
Int. Line 0x16
Int. Pin 0x03
PCI capability
Caps class Power Management
Caps offset 0xDC
Caps version 1.1

Description USB 2.0 Controller (EHCI)
Location bus 0 (0x00), device 3 (0x03), function 3 (0x03)
Common header
Vendor ID 0x1039
Model ID 0x7002
Revision ID 0x00
PI 0x20
SubClass 0x03
BaseClass 0x0C
Cache Line 0x08
Latency 0x20
Header 0x00
PCI header
Address 0 (memory) 0xE0142000
Subvendor ID 0x10CF
Subsystem ID 0x11D7
Int. Line 0x17
Int. Pin 0x04
PCI capability
Caps class Power Management
Caps offset 0x50
Caps version 1.1

Description VGA Controller
Location bus 0 (0x00), device 8 (0x08), function 0 (0x00)
Common header
Vendor ID 0x1002
Model ID 0x5960
Revision ID 0x01
PI 0x00
SubClass 0x00
BaseClass 0x03
Cache Line 0x08
Latency 0xFF
Header 0x80
PCI header
Address 0 (memory) 0xD8000000
Address 1 (port) 0x0000F900
Address 2 (memory) 0xF6BD0000
Subvendor ID 0x148C
Subsystem ID 0x2073
Int. Line 0x10
Int. Pin 0x01
PCI capability
Caps class Power Management
Caps offset 0x50
Caps version 1.1

Description Display Controller
Location bus 0 (0x00), device 8 (0x08), function 1 (0x01)
Common header
Vendor ID 0x1002
Model ID 0x5940
Revision ID 0x01
PI 0x00
SubClass 0x80
BaseClass 0x03
Cache Line 0x08
Latency 0x20
Header 0x00
PCI header
Address 0 (memory) 0xE8000000
Address 1 (memory) 0xF6BE0000
Subvendor ID 0x148C
Subsystem ID 0x2072
Int. Line 0xFF
Int. Pin 0x00
PCI capability
Caps class Power Management
Caps offset 0x50
Caps version 1.1

Description USB Controller (OHCI)
Location bus 0 (0x00), device 9 (0x09), function 0 (0x00)
Common header
Vendor ID 0x1033
Model ID 0x0035
Revision ID 0x41
PI 0x10
SubClass 0x03
BaseClass 0x0C
Cache Line 0x08
Latency 0x20
Header 0x80
PCI header
Address 0 (memory) 0xE0144000
Subvendor ID 0x9004
Subsystem ID 0x0335
Int. Line 0x11
Int. Pin 0x01
PCI capability
Caps class Power Management
Caps offset 0x40
Caps version 1.1

Description USB Controller (OHCI)
Location bus 0 (0x00), device 9 (0x09), function 1 (0x01)
Common header
Vendor ID 0x1033
Model ID 0x0035
Revision ID 0x41
PI 0x10
SubClass 0x03
BaseClass 0x0C
Cache Line 0x08
Latency 0x20
Header 0x00
PCI header
Address 0 (memory) 0xE0145000
Subvendor ID 0x9004
Subsystem ID 0x0335
Int. Line 0x12
Int. Pin 0x02
PCI capability
Caps class Power Management
Caps offset 0x40
Caps version 1.1

Description USB 2.0 Controller (EHCI)
Location bus 0 (0x00), device 9 (0x09), function 2 (0x02)
Common header
Vendor ID 0x1033
Model ID 0x00E0
Revision ID 0x02
PI 0x20
SubClass 0x03
BaseClass 0x0C
Cache Line 0x08
Latency 0x20
Header 0x00
PCI header
Address 0 (memory) 0xE0146000
Subvendor ID 0x9004
Subsystem ID 0x03E0
Int. Line 0x13
Int. Pin 0x03
PCI capability
Caps class Power Management
Caps offset 0x40
Caps version 1.1

Description Ethernet Controller
Location bus 0 (0x00), device 12 (0x0C), function 0 (0x00)
Common header
Vendor ID 0x10EC
Model ID 0x8139
Revision ID 0x10
PI 0x00
SubClass 0x00
BaseClass 0x02
Cache Line 0x00
Latency 0x20
Header 0x00
PCI header
Address 0 (port) 0x0000C400
Address 1 (memory) 0xE0147000
Subvendor ID 0x10CF
Subsystem ID 0x11BD
Int. Line 0x0B
Int. Pin 0x01
PCI capability
Caps class Power Management
Caps offset 0x50
Caps version 1.1

Description PCI to CardBus Bridge
Location bus 0 (0x00), device 13 (0x0D), function 0 (0x00)
Common header
Vendor ID 0x1180
Model ID 0x0476
Revision ID 0xAA
PI 0x00
SubClass 0x07
BaseClass 0x06
Cache Line 0x00
Latency 0x20
Header 0x82
PCI header
PCI capability
Caps class Power Management
Caps offset 0xDC
Caps version 1.1

Description PCI to CardBus Bridge
Location bus 0 (0x00), device 13 (0x0D), function 1 (0x01)
Common header
Vendor ID 0x1180
Model ID 0x0476
Revision ID 0xAA
PI 0x00
SubClass 0x07
BaseClass 0x06
Cache Line 0x00
Latency 0x20
Header 0x82
PCI header
PCI capability
Caps class Power Management
Caps offset 0xDC
Caps version 1.1

Description OHCI FireWire Controller
Location bus 0 (0x00), device 13 (0x0D), function 2 (0x02)
Common header
Vendor ID 0x1180
Model ID 0x0552
Revision ID 0x02
PI 0x10
SubClass 0x00
BaseClass 0x0C
Cache Line 0x00
Latency 0x20
Header 0x80
PCI header
Address 0 (memory) 0xE0152000
Subvendor ID 0x17C0
Subsystem ID 0x000B
Int. Line 0x11
Int. Pin 0x03
PCI capability
Caps class Power Management
Caps offset 0xDC
Caps version 1.1

Description VGA Controller
Location bus 1 (0x01), device 0 (0x00), function 0 (0x00)
Common header
Vendor ID 0x1039
Model ID 0x6325
Revision ID 0x00
PI 0x00
SubClass 0x00
BaseClass 0x03
Cache Line 0x00
Latency 0x00
Header 0x00
PCI header
Address 0 (memory) 0xC8000000
Address 1 (memory) 0xE0000000
Address 2 (port) 0x0000A000
Subvendor ID 0x10CF
Subsystem ID 0x11D2
Int. Line 0x0A
Int. Pin 0x01
PCI capability
Caps class Power Management
Caps offset 0x40
Caps version 1.1
PCI capability
Caps class AGP
Caps offset 0x50
Caps version 2.0
Caps status enabled
Transfer rate 4x (max 4x)
Queue length 1 (max 16)


vendor Phoenix Technologies, LTD
version R02-A1 F0
date 04/21/2003
ROM size 256 KB

DMI System Information
manufacturer FUJITSU
product FMVCE22D
version unknown
serial MA3510100

DMI Baseboard
vendor WISTRON
model J240Y
revision unknown
serial unknown

DMI System Enclosure
manufacturer unknown
chassis type Desktop
chassis serial unknown

DMI Processor
manufacturer AMD
model AMD Athlon(tm) XP
clock speed 1810.0 MHz
FSB speed 134.0 MHz
multiplier 13.5x

DMI Memory Controller
correction 8-bit parity
Max module size 1024 MBytes

DMI Memory Module
designation A0
size 1024 MBytes (double bank)

DMI Memory Module
designation A1
size 1024 MBytes (double bank)

DMI Port Connector
designation PRIMARY IDE (internal)
connector On Board IDE

DMI Port Connector
designation SECONDARY IDE (internal)
connector On Board IDE

DMI Port Connector
designation Keyboard (internal)
port type Keyboard Port
connector PS/2
connector PS/2

DMI Port Connector
designation PS/2 Mouse (internal)
port type Mouse Port
connector PS/2
connector PS/2

DMI Port Connector
designation USB (external)
port type USB

DMI Extension Slot
designation PCI0
type PCI
width 32 bits
populated yes

DMI Extension Slot
designation PCI1
type PCI
width 32 bits
populated yes

DMI Extension Slot
designation AGP
type AGP
width 32 bits
populated yes

DMI Physical Memory Array
location Motherboard
usage System Memory
correction None
max capacity 2048 MBytes
max# of devices 2

DMI Memory Device
designation A0
format DIMM
type SDRAM
total width 64 bits
data width 64 bits
size 1024 MBytes

DMI Memory Device
designation A1
format DIMM
type SDRAM
total width 64 bits
data width 64 bits
size 1024 MBytes


Number of adapters 3

Graphic APIs


Display Adapters

Display adapter 0
Name RADEON 9250
Codename RV280
Technology 0.15 um
Memory size 128 MB
PCI device bus 0 (0x0), device 8 (0x8), function 0 (0x0)
Vendor ID 0x1002 (0x148C)
Model ID 0x5960 (0x2073)
Performance Level 0

Display adapter 1
Name RADEON 9250 - Secondary
Memory size 128 MB
PCI device bus 0 (0x0), device 8 (0x8), function 1 (0x1)
Vendor ID 0x1002 (0x148C)
Model ID 0x5940 (0x2072)
Performance Level 0

Display adapter 2
Memory size 128 MB
PCI device bus 1 (0x1), device 0 (0x0), function 0 (0x0)
Vendor ID 0x1039 (0x10CF)
Model ID 0x6325 (0x11D2)
Performance Level 0

Win32_VideoController AdapterRAM = 0x8000000 (134217728)
Win32_VideoController AdapterRAM = 0x8000000 (134217728)


Windows Version Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (Build 2600)
DirectX Version 9.0c


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