英語で活かすあなたのキャリア 『ジャパントゥデイジョブ』


GaijinPot インターン生日記(日本語・英語)

2005-08-14 01:14:29 | ブログ記事

When the light is out and no one is around, walking in the dark is scary.
We do not know what will be in the front, and we are afraid something will suddenly jump out of nowhere and grab us from behind or make us fall. Do these descriptions sound like life? Well, to me, life is nowhere not making me feel that way.

New things are flooding toward us everyday; out of many of them, we have no choice but to handle them without possibly getting wised guidance from other people; people we love, or people who care about us. Some ones simply call this “growing up”.

There is a point in life where all of a suddenly the ways we used to feel and think have changed, in a degree making us feel so scared; suddenly no one around us understand us and that not even one can make us open our heart to talk about feelings or to believe the world. Someone simply call this “getting tough”.

Why I am making all these boring and yet maybe pointless speech about what is life? Well, when you wake up on a working day and the second you open your eyes, you wonder why the sunlight coming through the window is so much like afternoon sun but not morning sunshine, you hurriedly look for the alarm and check the time. The God does spare no mercy, you realize it is already 12 o’clock in the afternoon, and have already late for work for 3 hours, and that the alarm has run of battery as it stopped at 4:25AM. At this point, the only thing you are can think of is how you are going to explain this “high school” excuse to your boss: “sorry boss, my alarm did not go off”. Sure, he will buy the excuse.

See what I mean?

“Life is crucial, so eat it!”
