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Working in the Japanese Games Industry

2010-08-02 15:26:01 | ブログ記事
Working in the Japanese Games Industry

Facebook game maker and hot US start-up Zynga recently announced a joint venture deal with Softbank, setting up a Japanese subsidiary to start bringing popular online social games from the west over to Japan for use on Softbank mobiles and Japanese web services. With that, we thought it might be a good time to take the first of a series of looks into the games industry in Japan, the changes taking place and how you might be able to take advantage.

Rico Shen / Wikimedia

Coming to Japan to make video games is the dream of many but breaking in can seem all-but impossible. However, scratch below the surface and it might not seam as hard as you think. While openings exist for translators, proofreaders and testers (GaijinPot has featured some from companies including Aeria Games and GALA) the need for developers continues to be huge.

Konami, Sega and other big game companies will recruit during job fairs, this one at UBX in Akihabara recently is a good example. They require Japanese, as will the majority of positions, but also have a need to add to their creative teams with new ideas.

Another way that is increasing in popularity is to go through the education system. Digital Hollywood and HAL are two examples here. Both are promoting their classes to foreigners and put graduates in touch with industry figures upon course completion. Again, although Japanese is required, conversational level is often enough to get by.

If going through a Japanese college does not sound your thing or you already have qualifications then taking the direct method of contacting game companies also pays off. In these cases however making the most of your foreign skills is paramount.

Game Score Blog / Flikr

If you can draw, bring a sketchbook portfolio and show it off. Japan produces some of the world’s best designers but they often end up lost in the corporate crowd, therefor you will need to stand out. Have your own game idea? Tell them all about it, especially if you can tie it in to something that they already do.

In addition, be prepared to harden yourself to big-company corporate culture. The successful game companies in Japan work round the clock and despite the fun products that they put out, they expect professionalism at all times.

Make sure this is something you want to do for your own development in the games industry too. Despite the Japanese games that meet with huge popularity overseas, 90% of titles that see the light of day locally are churned out to a smattering of applause and sales.

Check GaijinPot jobs for what developer jobs we have currently and check back to see new ones as they come in. Part 2 of this will look more at how the industry itself is changing.


2010-08-02 12:17:45 | 就職・転職情報(日本)
JAPAN JOBS ジャパンジョブズ
バイリンガルな日本人、外国人 求人 情報










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GaijinPot is the #1 Jobs and Lifestyle Website for Foreigners in Japan
GaijinPot, launched in 1999, is the leading jobs and living resources site for foreigners in Japan and people interested in coming to Japan to live and work. The site includes a free resume posting and job application service, classified ads, apartment search, hundreds of pages of information about living in Japan, and lively discussion forums.

蓋錦波特 (GaijinPot),创建于1999年,是日本领先的集多种信息资源优势的针对在日以及计划来日的外国人的专业人力资源和生活资源信息服务机构。它不仅提供免费上载简历,求职功能,并且提供其他各种关于日本的分类生活信息,广告和论坛。


GaijinPot est le site de référence pour la recherche d’emploi et les informations dédiées aux étrangers vivant au Japon.

Créé en 1999, GaijinPot est la source d’information

privilégiée des étrangers vivant au Japon ainsi que des personnes intéressées à venir vivre et travailler au Japon.

Le site offre notamment un service de recherche d’emploi gratuit ainsi que des petites annonces, annonces immobilières, des centaines de pages d’informations sur la vie au Japon et des forums interactifs.

GaijinPot è il miglior sito per gli stranieri sul lavoro e la vita in Giappone.

GaijinPot, in rete dal 1999, è il primo sito d’informazione per gli stranieri in Giappone e per le persone interessate a venire a vivere e lavorare in Giappone.

Il sito comprende un servizio gratuito per cercare lavoro, annunci economici, annunci immobiliari, centinaia di pagine sulla vita in Giappone e forum interattivi.

GaijinPot ist das bekannteste und meistgenutzte Online-Karriere und Informationsportal in Japan und bietet eine erstklassige Auswahl an Stellenangeboten fuer Ausländer, die in Japan leben

Seit 1999 ist das bekannteste und meistgenutzte Online-Karriere und Informationsportal in Japan nicht nur die erste Anlaufstelle fuer Auslaender, die bereits in Japan leben sondern auch eine erstklassige Informationsquelle fuer Interessenten, die nach Japan kommen, um dort zu leben und zu arbeiten. Das Portal bietet umfassende kostenlose Dienste rund um den Beruf und die Karriere an. Ausserdem bietet die Seite die Rubriken Privatanzeigen, Wohnungsmarkt und ein Forum mit einer Vielzahl von Themen/Informationen ueber das Leben in Japan.