Thomas Levy氏の著書に記載されている各種のウイルス・細菌に対するビタミンCの適用の記事の翻訳リストは、次のブログ記事にまとめてあります:
Thomas Levy ビタミンCによる感染症と毒物の治療の本の効果のまとめ
Levy p.89インフルエンザ
Thomas Levy、ビタミンCによる感染症と毒物の治療の本
Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins (英語) ペーパーバック – 2011/8
治癒不可能なものを治す: ビタミンC、感染症疾患、及び毒素
Thomas E. Levy (著)
Influenzaインフルエンザ (Curable and Preventable治癒可能、予防可能)
Influenza ("flu") is a very common viral infection that is often asSociated with, or evolves from, a head cold.
Even though influenza can sometimes also affect the lungs and resemble viral pneumonia, it should be noted that viral pneumonia primarily affects the lungs while influenza seems to affect more of the body in general.
Diffuse muscular pain is especially characteristic of influenza, accompanying the less specific symptoms of headache, weakness, fever, and chills.
While no traditional treatments are known to cure influenza, rimantadine and amantadine are antiviral drugs that are felt to lessen symptoms and speed recovery in uncomplicated cases,
Klenner (July 1949) did not specifically detail his vitamin C treatment of influenza.
Probably one reason for this was because he had reported such profound successes with so many other advanced and life-threatening viral diseases.
Certainly, curing a comatose patient with encephalitis or eliminating the paralysis of a polio patient must have had precedence over Klenner's vitamin C experience with the flu.
Klenner did say, however, that he treated many cases of influenza with vitamin C.
He also implied complete success with this disease as well, commenting only that the "size of the dose" and the "number of injections" of vitamin C needed were directly related to the fever response to therapy and to the duration of the disease.
Magne (1963) reported on the vitamin C treatment of 130 cases of influenza.
Males and females, ranging in age from 10 to 40 years, were treated.
Treatment was given for one to three days with doses of vitamin C up to 45,000 mg.
In spite of this variable approach, Magne reported good success, with 114 recovering and only 16 not significantly responding.
As has already been seen repeatedly in Klenner's Work, failing to provide an adequate dose of vitamin C can be expected to show little or no clinical effect.
(補足: ビタミンCがジステンパーに有効である事実は無視されている)
Another virus somewhat akin to the influenza virus is the one that causes the dog and cat distemper complex.
Distemper is an infectious disease of the respiratory tract and sometimes the gastrointestinal tract, with associated fever, dullness, loss of appetite, and discharge from the eyes and nose.
When dogs and cats get sick enough with distemper and do not recover spontaneously, they are often put to sleep.
As with So many human viral infections, this animal viral disease is readily and easily curable with adequate doses of vitamin C.
Belfield (1967) reported excellent results in the treatment of 12 dogs and cats.
He generally gave dogs 2,000mg of intravenous vitamin C each day for three days.
For cats and small dogs he gave 1,000 mg of vitamin C intravenously per day for three days.
All 12 animals recovered completely, even though two of them had been given no hope of recovery by other veterinarians,
Amazingly, the editor made some explanatory comments at the start of Belfield's article to justify its publication, stating that veterinarians were "still plagued by the age-old problem of what to do with the dog that is already sick with distemper."
It was also noted that editors were especially "inclined to view this subject as a hot potato and to apply themselves to less controversial matters."
Obviously anticipating negative feedback from Belfield's article, the editor added that "the chuckles of our friends in research as they read these Words" could almost be heard.
In a defensive posture, the editor challenged readers not to brand the journal editors as "cracked" or the reporting clinicians as "quacks," but to keep their minds open.
The editor asserted that the "fate of the unattended distemper-sick dog is well known, and euthanasia just doesn't carry the professional dignity it did 25 years ago."
This editor realized that readers of the journal did not have the most open of minds, but that the information still had to be published.
If science is not open-minded, it has no dignity and little validity.
Motivated by the clinical successes reported by Belfield in 1967, Leveque (1969) decided to start treating his dogs suffering from distemper with vitamin C.
Leveque treated a total of 67 cases of canine distemper complex, and he also reported very good results.
He commented that recovery from this disease "can be markedly improved" by including vitamin C in the treatment regimen.
Klenner (1974) was able to later corroborate Belfield's work.
Klenner noted that he had "cured many dogs suffering with distemper" by giving injections of several grams of vitamin C every two hours.
Klenner also noted that vitamin C had been discounted as being of little or no value against distemper since dogs are animals that can make their own vitamin C.
However, dogs (and cats) cannot produce the massive amounts of vitamin C that some wild animals can make, and Klenner demonstrated repeatedly in his work that many viral infections will not show a positive response until a certain threshold of vitamin C administration is reached.
This means that dogs and cats can only be expected to protect themselves from mild viral and infectious challenges.
Large challenges, however, can rapidly and irreversibly sicken them if additional amounts of vitamin C are not forthcoming
The ability of vitamin C to effectively treat the influenza virus is consistent with the fact that significant influenza infections are asSociated with a great deal of oxidative stress, a condition ideally suited for the potent antioxidant properties of vitamin C.
Buffinton et al. (1992) showed that an influenza virus infection in mice was associated with increased oxidative stress in the lungs.
In a similar experimental model, Hennet et al. (1992) also showed that influenza-infected mice had lowered levels of vitamin C and an overall lowered antioxidant status.
This is especially significant since mice readily synthesize substantial amounts of their own vitamin C.
It would appear that a virus such as the influenza virus can rapidly overwhelm the resistance of even a vitamin C-synthesizing animal like the mouse.
This further underscores the need to supplement vitamin C promptly and in very high doses to effectively combat influenza and other viral diseases.
Although reported in less detail than some of the other viral diseases, it nevertheless appears that influenza responds rapidly to optimal vitamin C dosing.
Some of the viral diseases cured by Klenner and others were most likely mixed viral combinations that included influenza.
As was noted earlier, mixed viral syndromes generally have a greater viral load and require more intensive vitamin C therapy,
Therefore, any time that Klenner cured a mixed viral syndrome that included influenza viruses, it is probably reasonable to conclude that the influenza virus alone could have been eradicated with less aggressive vitamin C dosing.
Influenza is yet another viral disease that is curable, and adequate maintenance vitamin C should easily prevent it from ever being contracted in the first place.