

Levy p.180 ビタミンCの抗菌効果の幾つかのメカニズム

2020年08月29日 15時36分42秒 | Thomas Levy ビタミンCによる感染症と毒物の治療の本

Thomas Levy氏の著書に記載されている各種のウイルス・細菌に対するビタミンCの適用の記事の翻訳リストは、次のブログ記事にまとめてあります:

Thomas Levy ビタミンCによる感染症と毒物の治療の本の効果のまとめ


Levy p.180 ビタミンCの抗菌効果の幾つかのメカニズム


Thomas Levy、ビタミンCによる感染症と毒物の治療の本

Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins (英語) ペーパーバック – 2011/8

治癒不可能なものを治す: ビタミンC、感染症疾患、及び毒素

Thomas E. Levy  (著)




Some Mechanisms Of the Antimicrobial Effects Of Vitamin C



In addition to the potent antioxidant reducing ability of vitamin C, which accounts for a great deal of its positive antimicrobial clinical effects, vitamin C has been observed to have many other positive effects as well.


Indeed, some of these positive effects on various infections may ultimately be due to the antioxidant properties of vitamin C, although this might not always be readily apparent.


However, many other anti Oxidants simply cannot accomplish what vitamin C does in the intact biological system.


To dismiss vitamin C as nothing more than an antioxidant greatly understates and misrepresents the range of vitamin C's positive effects on the body.


Some of the mechanisms contributing to vitamin C's potent antimicrobial effects likely include the following (It should be noted that some of the research is on animals, which does not always allow a conclusive extrapolation to vitamin C function in humans):




  1. Enhancement of interferonproduction (Siegel, 1974; Siegel, 1975, Geber et al., 1975 Dahland Degre, 1976, Stone, 1980; Karpinska et al., 1982). Interferons are naturally produced antiviral glycoproteins, Interferons are produced by cells that get infected with a virus, and they subsequently increase the resistance of nearby cells to virus attack.

インターフェロン産生の増強(Siegel、1974; Siegel、1975、Geberら、1975  Dahland Degre、1976、Stone、1980; Karpinskaら、1982)。 インターフェロンは自然発生的に産生される抗ウイルス性糖タンパク質であり、インターフェロンはウイルスに感染した細胞によって産生され、その後、ウイルス攻撃に対する近隣細胞の抵抗性を増加させる。


  1. Enhancement of phagocytic function (Nungester and Ames, 1948; Goetzlet al., 1974; Sandler et al., 1975; Boxer et al., 1976, Ganguly et al., 1976; Anderson and Dittrich, 1979; Anderson and Theron, 1979, Boxer et al., 1979; Anderson et al., 1980, Andersonet al., 1980a; Dallegri et al, 1980; Corberand et al, 1982; Patrone et al., 1982, Cunningham Rundles, 1982, Oberritteretal, 1986; Levy and Schlaeffer, 1993; Levy et al, 1996; Ciocoliu et al, 1998; Della Fuente et al, 1998).

A phagocyte is the kind of white blood cell that ingests microorganisms and infection-related cellular debris.

貪食機能の増強(Nungester and Ames、1948; Goetzletら、1974; Sandlerら、1975; Boxerら、1976、Gangulyら、1976; AndersonおよびDittrich、1979; AndersonおよびTheron、 1979、Boxerら、1979; Andersonら、1980、Andersonet al。、1980a; Dallegriら、1980; Corberandら、1982; Patroneら、1982、Cunningham Rundles、1982、Oberritteretal、1986; Levy and Schlaeffer、1993; Levyら、1996; Ciocoliuら、1998; Della Fuenteら、1998)。



  1. Selective concentration of vitamin C in whiteblood cells (Glickand Hosoda, 1965; Thomas and Holt, 1978; Evans et al., 1982; Goldschmidt, 1991; Washiko et al., 1993).

白血球におけるビタミンCの選択的濃度(Glickand Hosoda、1965; Thomas and Holt、1978; Evansら、1982; Goldschmidt、1991; Washikoら、1993)。

Some of the primary cells in the immune system concentrate vitamin C as much as 80 times higher than the level in plasma.


This assures extra delivery of vitamin C to the sites of infection by the migration of the vitamin C-rich white blood cells,



  1. Enhancement of cell-mediated immune response (Siegel and Morton, 1979), Cell-mediated immune response refers to the T-lymphocytes and how active they are in attacking a given infectious agent.

細胞媒介免疫応答の増強(Siegel and Morton、1979)、細胞媒介免疫応答は、Tリンパ球およびそれらが所与の感染因子をどのように攻撃するかによる。


  1. Enhancement of cytokineproduction by white blood cells (enget al., 1996).

Cytokines are nonantibody proteins released by certain white blood cells that serve as intercellular mediators, or agents, in the generation of an immune response.

白血球によるサイトカイン産生の増強(Enget al、1996)。



  1. Inhibition of various forms of T-lymphocyte death (Campbellet al., 1999).

T-lymphocytes are an integral part of the immune system; increasing their numbers and viability strongly supports the immune system.

様々な形態のTリンパ球の死の阻害(Campbell et a。、1999)。

Tリンパ球は、免疫系の不可欠な部分である。 その数と生存能力の増加は免疫システムを強く支えている。


  1. Enhancement of nitric oxide production by phagocytes (Mizutanietal, 1998; Mizutani and Tsukagoshi, 1999).

Nitric oxide is produced inlarge amounts in white blood cells, and it is one of the agents that Will kill invading microorganisms.

貪食細胞による酸化窒素産生の増強(Mizutanietal、1998; Mizutani and Tsukagoshi、1999)。



  1. Enhancement of T-lymphocyte proliferation (Fraseretal, 1980; Kennes et al., 1983, Wu et al., 2000).

Tリンパ球増殖の増強(Fraseretal、1980; Kennesら、1983、Wuら、2000)。


  1. Enhancement of B-lymphocyte proliferation (Schwager and Schulze, 1997).

Bリンパ球増殖の増強(Schwager and Schulze、1997)。


  1. Inhibition of neuraminidase (Rotman, 1978).

Some pathogenic viruses and bacteria utilize the enzyme neuraminidase to keep from being trapped in mucus, one of the natural lines of defense.

By inhibiting neuraminidase, vitamin C helps the host optimize this defensive mechanism.





  1. Enhancement of antibody production and complement activity (Ecker and Pillemer, 1940, Bourne, 1949; Prinzet al., 1977, Wallance, 1977, Sakamotoetal, 1980, Feigenetal, 1982; Li and Lovell, 1985; Wahli et al., 1986; Johnston etal, 1987, Haskelland Johnston, 1991; Wu et al., 2000).

Good antibody function is important to combat both infections and toxins.

The complement system is a complex group of proteins that interact to kill targeted cells and mediate other functions of the immune system.

抗体産生および補体活性の増強(EckerおよびPillemer、1940、Bourne、1949; Prinzet al。、1977、Wallance、1977、Sakamotoetal、1980、Feigenetal、1982; LiおよびLovell、1985; Wahliら、1986; Johnston et al、1987、Haskelland Johnston、1991; Wu et al。、2000)。




  1. Enhancement of natural killer cell activity (Heuser and Wojdani, 1997).

Natural killer cells are small lymphocytes that can directly attack cells, such as tumor cells, and kill them.

This activity is not antibody-dependent.

ナチュラルキラー細胞活性の増強(Heuser and Wojdani、1997)。




  1. Enhancement of prostaglandin formation (Horrobinet al., 1979, Scott, 1982, Siegel and Morton, 1984).

Prostaglandins are potent mediators of a variety of physiologic processes, including the regulation of T-lymphocyte function.

プロスタグランジン形成の増強(Horrobinet al、1979、Scott、1982、Siegel and Morton、1984)。



  1. Enhancement of cyclic GMP levels in lymphocytes (Atkinsonet al., 1979; Panushet al., 1982).

Cyclic GMP plays a central role in the regulation of different physiologic responses, including the modulation of immune responses, Cyclic GMP is important for normal cell proliferation and differentiation.

Cyclic GMP also mediates the action of many hormones, and it appears to mediate the relaxation of smooth muscle.

リンパ球における環状GMPレベルの増強(Atkinson et al、1979; Panush et al、1982)。




  1. Enhanced localized generation of and/or interaction with hydrogen peroxide, which can kill microorganisms (Strangeways, 1937; Miller, 1969; Tappel, 1973; Kraut et al, 1980).

Vitamin C and hydrogen peroxide can dissolve the protective capsules of some bacteria, such as pneumococci (Robertsonetal, 1941).

微生物を殺すことができる過酸化水素との局在的な生成および/または相互作用の増強(Strangeways、1937; Miller、1969; Tappel、1973; Krautら、1980)。



  1. Detoxification of histamine (Nandietal, 1974; Johnston et al., 1992).

This antihistamine effect of vitamin C is important in the support of local immune factors.

ヒスタミンの無毒化(Nandietal、1974; Johnstonら、1992)。



  1. Neutralization of oxidative stress further enhancing the infective process (Kastenbauer et al., 2002).

Infections can produce free radicals locally that further promote and entrench the infective process.

酸化的ストレスの中和により、感染過程がさらに促進される(Kastenbauer et al。、2002)。



18, Nonspecific immunopotentiation and improvement of the vaccination effect (Versteeg, 1970, Banic, 1982, Wu et al., 2000).

Vitamin C Can improve the immune response achieved with vaccination.






  1. Mucolytic effect of vitamin C (Ericsson, 1954).

This property helps liquefy thick Secretions, increasing immune access to infection.




  1. Possible alteration of bacteria cell surface qualities (Rawal, 1978).

It has been suggested that vitamin C can alter the bacteria cell surfaces to become more permeable to some antibiotics.




If you conduct your own literature search, you may find a few articles that are not supportive of the conclusions reached in the ar ticles cited above.


However, it must be stressed that the vast majority of such discrepancies are related to vitamin C dose.


A sizeable amount of research has been performed that concludes vitamin C is not useful or important in various research models.


Virtually all of this research has utilized vitamin C doses that are anywhere from slightly to vastly less than what Would be required to achieve a given positive outcome or effect.


Unfortunately, many of these researchers persist in making unqualified statements that vitamin C is of little or no value in a given research application when the only really valid conclusion is that a very small dose of vitamin C had little or no value in that given research application.

残念なことに、これらの研究者の多くは、与えられた研究適用においてビタミンCの価値がほとんどまたは全くないという妥当性のない陳述を残している 。




Summary まとめ


A very large amount of research has been conducted regarding the effects of vitamin C on a wide variety of microorganisms and the diseases they produce.


Many of the infectious agents and their associated diseases can be completely prevented, readily reversed, and often cured by vitamin C alone.


Frederick Klenner, M.D. pioneered the usage of doses of vitamin C beyond what most other investigators employed or even imagined.

Frederick Klenner博士は、他のほとんどの研究者が採用した、あるいは想像したことを超えて、ビタミンCの使用量を先駆けて開発しました。

In doing so, Klenner often obtained singularly incredible results in his patients, while many other clinicians achieved positive but less compelling results with much smaller doses of vitamin C.



Vitamin C is undoubtedly the ideal agent for treating virtually any viral infection.


There are many documented cases showing that the prompt administration of very large doses of vitamin C can bring back heavily infected individuals from even comatose states, ultimately resulting in complete cures.


Regardless of whether other medication is given to the victim of an aggressive, relentless viral syndrome, vitamin C should be given in generous doses to all such patients.


Furthermore, in a very acute case the intravenous administration of vitamin C simply must be employed since complete curative success can still often be obtained even after seeing oral vitamin C fail to improve the clinical situation.



Many infectious diseases also produce toxins that increase the degree of illness and chance of death.


Vitamin C is an extremely potent antitoxin, which makes it an ideal agent to treat infectious diseases that also produce toxins.


Unfortunately, antibiotic therapy has no such ability.


The use of vitamin C as an antitoxic agent will be more fully discussed in the following chapter.



For the clinician or patient who simply cannot "defy" what modern textbooks and clinical manuals dictate, vitamin C becomes the perfect agent to add to whatever other recommended standard treatments are being administered.


This certainly includes antibiotics, which Klenner often used in conjunction with his vitamin C administrations.


As Klenner (1974) said: "Ascorbic acid vitamin C is the safest and the most valuable substance available to the physician.

Many headaches and many heartaches will be avoided with its proper use."






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