1 米国の小児予防接種スケジュール、B型肝炎
The Childhood Vaccination Schedule. Overview and Analysis
小児予防接種スケジュール。 概要と分析
Part 1 of 26, The First Vaccine: Hepatitis B
パート 1/26、最初のワクチン: B 型肝炎
By Health Freedom Defense Fund健康自由防衛基金による
Global Research, October 04, 2023グローバルリサーチ、2023 年 10 月 4 日
Health Freedom Defense Fund 2 October 2023健康自由防衛基金 2023 年 10 月 2
As more vaccines are added to the US childhood immunization schedule, it’s imperative that there be a broader public discussion about the prominence of vaccination in public health policy as well as a forthright assessment of the benefits conveyed and the risks involved.
Though vaccines are viewed as vital to the short-term and long-term health of children, asking exploratory questions, debating pros and cons, and engaging in a comprehensive analysis of vaccines are conversations considered off-limits by the mainstream medical establishment.
In the conventional narrative, it is accepted as an article of faith that vaccines are miraculous discoveries responsible for disease eradication and are the most important medical product for disease prevention.
Indeed, today’s pediatricians treat the promotion and implementation of the childhood immunization program as their primary duty.
It is widely believed that if we stopped—or even reduced the number of—vaccinations of children, we would be reverting to the Dark Ages. Any individual who challenges vaccine orthodoxy is regarded as a heretic.
もし私たちが子供たちへのワクチン接種を中止したり、あるいはその数を減らしたりしたら、私たちは暗黒時代に逆戻りしてしまうだろうと広く信じられています。 ワクチンの正統性に異議を唱える個人は異端者とみなされます。
Yet, despite this deeply ingrained belief system, a growing number of parents and health advocates are beginning to openly address concerns that have been swept under the rug for years:
・Are all of these required vaccines and doses really necessary?
・Are all of the vaccines safe?
・Are the diseases that the vaccines are designed to prevent truly diseases of concern?
・When scrutinized, does the claim that vaccines are responsible for reductions in disease, disability, and death from a variety of infectious diseases fit with the facts?
・Why has there been such a marked increase in the number of vaccines added to the childhood schedule?
・Has this escalating vaccine program produced an accompanying improvement in health outcomes?
・What happens if a child doesn’t receive all of the scheduled vaccines?
・What happens to a child who receives no vaccines—and remains unvaccinated throughout childhood?
Parents need to be able to freely ask these questions and more. And they deserve transparent, fact-based, comprehensive answers.
親はこれらの質問などを自由に質問できる必要があります。 そして、彼らには透明性があり、事実に基づいた、包括的な回答が与えられるべきです。
The information we will present in this series is publicly available. Yet it is not permitted a place in the public discourse.
このシリーズで紹介する情報は一般に公開されています。 しかし、それが公の場で議論されることは許されていない。
Instead, the pharmaceutical and biotechnology manufacturers of vaccines, the medical profession, the regulatory bodies, and a compromised media apparatus have conspired to create a mystique around vaccines and to persuade the public that vaccines are the holiest of all medicinal products.
To counteract this institutional programming, we are embarking upon a series of articles that will take a close look at each and every one of the vaccines on the childhood schedule and the diseases they are designed to prevent.
Part 1 begins with an overview of the US Childhood Immunization Schedule.
パート 1 は、米国の小児予防接種スケジュールの概要から始まります。
Then it takes an in-depth look at the initial shot given to infants on the first day of life—the hepatitis B vaccine.
次に、生後 1 日目に乳児に投与される最初の予防接種である B 型肝炎ワクチンについて詳しく見ていきます。
The United States Childhood Immunization Schedule: An Overview
米国の小児予防接種スケジュール: 概要
In the past few decades, the childhood vaccine schedule in the United States has exploded into what is now the most aggressive vaccination schedule in the world.
It wasn’t always this way. Most Americans who are today’s “baby boomers” likely had only two or three vaccinations—polio, smallpox and DTP—and never more than one shot—one dose of a single vaccine—per visit.
いつもこうだったわけではありません。 今日の「団塊の世代」であるほとんどのアメリカ人は、ポリオ、天然痘、DTP のワクチン接種を 2 回か 3 回しか受けておらず、1 回の訪問につき 1 回以上のワクチン接種 (単一ワクチンの 1 回投与) を一度も受けたことはないと考えられます。
With the recent addition of the Covid-19 vaccines to the childhood schedule, the number of recommended injections between day one and the age of eighteen has ballooned to 72 injections of 90 antigens.
Though this regimen constitutes the full immunization schedule in 2023, it will soon be outdone by even more doses of more antigens, if history is any guide.
このレジメンは 2023 年の完全な予防接種スケジュールを構成しますが、歴史を参考にすると、さらに多くの抗原の投与量が追加されるでしょう。
To understand how this veritable cocktail came into being, we need to know the history of how we got here.
The first vaccine mandate in the United States was enacted in Massachusetts in 1810. It was meant to ward off smallpox.
米国で最初のワクチンの義務化は 1810 年にマサチューセッツ州で制定されました。それは天然痘を防ぐことを目的としていました。
The legislation behind it was essentially an ad hoc law that gave local health boards the authority to require vaccination.
The first public school mandate was issued in Massachusetts in the 1850s.
最初の公立学校命令は 1850 年代にマサチューセッツ州で発令されました。
At that time, just as in 1810, the only vaccine of interest was for smallpox.
1810 年と同様に、当時、注目されていた唯一のワクチンは天然痘用でした。
By the end of the 1800s, most of the six New England states had smallpox vaccine requirements for children attending public schools.
1800 年代の終わりまでに、ニューイングランド 6 州のほとんどでは、公立学校に通う子供たちに天然痘ワクチンの接種が義務付けられていました。
Image: Doses of oral polio vaccine are added to sugar cubes for use in a 1967 vaccination campaign in Bonn, West Germany (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 de)
画像: 1967 年に西ドイツのボンで行われたワクチン接種キャンペーンで使用するために、角砂糖に経口ポリオ ワクチンが加えられています (CC BY-SA 3.0 de でライセンス取得)
The next significant stride in vaccine recommendations and requirements for children would arrive a century later—in 1954, to be exact, when attention was focused on the polio vaccine developed by Jonas Salk.
By 1955, the polio vaccine was fully licensed. Through the Polio Vaccine Assistance Act, Congress appropriated funds to provide federal grants to states to purchase the vaccine and to defray the cost of planning and conducting vaccination programs.
1955 年までに、ポリオ ワクチンは完全に認可されました。 議会は、ポリオワクチン支援法を通じて、ワクチンを購入するための連邦補助金を各州に提供し、ワクチン接種プログラムの計画と実施の費用を賄うための資金を割り当てました。
This Act would become the template for using federal funds to cover various costs of vaccine programs in all the states.
Not surprisingly, it also provided the impetus for a mass inoculation campaign for polio.
At this time, there were no codified mechanisms to mandate vaccine uptake.
Doctors’ recommendations were considered just that—simply guidance, with no strict obligation or enforcement powers.
The 1962 Vaccine Assistance Act established a permanent mechanism to provide ongoing financial support to state and local health departments.
1962 年のワクチン支援法は、州および地方保健局に継続的な財政支援を提供する恒久的なメカニズムを確立しました。
This Act permitted the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to appropriate federal funds for the provision of vaccines and established an advisory group to assist in managing vaccination programs.
To this day, the 1962 Act remains one of the most important mechanisms for aligning local and state health department immunization activities with federal funds to deliver vaccines to children.
この法律により、米国疾病管理予防センター (CDC) がワクチンの提供に連邦資金を充当することが許可されました。そしてワクチン接種プログラムの管理を支援する諮問グループを設立しました。
In 1964, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) was created under the US Public Health Service.
1964 年に、予防接種実施に関する諮問委員会 (ACIP) が米国公衆衛生局の下に設立されました。
Its mission was to review the science and efficacy of vaccines given to children and to make recommendations on when those vaccines should be administered and at what ages.
The 1960s and 1970s saw a wave of new vaccines hit the market. A second type of polio vaccine was developed, as was the first hepatitis B vaccine.
1960 年代と 1970 年代には、新しいワクチンの波が市場に登場しました。 最初の B 型肝炎ワクチンと同様に、2 番目のタイプのポリオ ワクチンが開発されました。
The measles vaccine started out as a single vaccine but then was combined with the mumps and rubella vaccines to create the MMR vaccine.
麻疹ワクチンは当初は単一ワクチンでしたが、その後、おたふく風邪や風疹ワクチンと組み合わせて MMR ワクチンが作成されました。
Paralleling the increase in the volume of vaccines in the US was the creation of global immunization programs.
In 1974, the Geneva-based World Health Organization (WHO) established the Expanded Programme on Immunization, which was designed to “strengthen vaccine programmes, supply, and delivery, and ensure universal access to all relevant vaccines for all populations across the life course.”
1974年、ジュネーブに本拠を置く世界保健機関(WHO)は、「ワクチンプログラム、供給、配布を強化し、ライフコース全体を通じてすべての人口に対して関連するすべてのワクチンへの普遍的なアクセスを確保する」ことを目的とした予防接種拡大プログラムを設立しました。 」
These changes radically altered the business landscape of vaccine manufacturing.
What was once a cottage industry of small pharmaceutical companies, individual researchers, and physician-scientists evolved into the mega-corporations that exist today.
By 1977, the US government had set up the Childhood Immunization Initiative.
1977 年までに、米国政府は小児予防接種イニシアチブを設立しました。
Its purpose was to increase childhood vaccination rates and immunize against seven diseases (diphtheria, measles, mumps, pertussis, poliomyelitis, rubella, tetanus) for which vaccines had been developed.
Thus began the process by which all 50 states would adopt mandatory school vaccinations.
In the 1980s, vaccines against the hepatitis B virus (HBV), haemophilus influenzae type b, and pneumococcal disease were recommended for children at different ages.
1980 年代には、B 型肝炎ウイルス (HBV)、インフルエンザ菌 b 型、肺炎球菌に対するワクチンがさまざまな年齢の子供に推奨されました。
By 1983, the number of recommended injections had increased to 23 doses of seven vaccines for children between day one and age six.
In 1986, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act created a system of passive and active surveillance for cases of adverse reactions to vaccines as well as a mechanism to compensate any persons injured by vaccines.
1986 年、国家小児ワクチン傷害法は、ワクチンによる副反応の事例に対する受動的および積極的な監視システムと、ワクチンによって傷害を負った人に補償するメカニズムを創設しました。
With the passage of the 1986 Act and its implementation in 1988, a liability shield for vaccine-makers was created.
1986 年の法律の可決と 1988 年の施行により、ワクチン製造業者に対する責任の盾が創設されました。
On the heels of the 1986 Act, the number of vaccines placed on the CDC schedule began to escalate dramatically.
1986 年の法律の直後、CDC のスケジュールに登録されるワクチンの数は劇的に増加し始めました。
As the list of available vaccines grew, local and state health boards had differing opinions on when to give vaccines, on which children should get them, and on how many vaccines should be given.
In order to standardize vaccine uptake, the first “harmonized” childhood immunization schedule was issued in 1995 by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP).
ワクチン摂取を標準化するために、予防接種実施諮問委員会 (ACIP)、米国小児科学会 (AAP)、および米国家庭医学会 (AAFP) によって、最初の「調和された」小児予防接種スケジュールが 1995 年に発行されました。
This single schedule combined the recommendations of all three national groups.
この単一のスケジュールには、3 つの国内グループすべての推奨事項が組み合わされています。
The initial schedule included diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, measles, mumps, rubella, polio (oral), haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), and hepatitis B (HepB) vaccines.
当初のスケジュールには、ジフテリア、破傷風、百日咳、麻疹、おたふく風邪、風疹、ポリオ(経口)、インフルエンザ菌 b 型(Hib)、B 型肝炎(HepB)のワクチンが含まれていました。
(The DTP is a combination vaccine for diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis. The MMR is a combination vaccine for measles, mumps, rubella.)
Since then, the schedule has been adjusted whenever a new vaccine is developed or whenever an old vaccine is taken off the market or whenever the risk profile for children changes.
Today, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), all 50 states have legislation requiring specific vaccines for students.
Medical, religious, and philosophical exemptions from vaccines vary from state to state, as laws are added or altered by state legislators.
These laws apply not only to children attending public schools but also to those attending private schools and day care facilities.
Currently, 45 states and Washington, D.C., grant religious exemptions to parents who have religious objections to immunizations, and 15 states allow for philosophical exemptions.
As of 2021, five states (California, Connecticut, Maine, New York, and West Virginia) no longer allow religious or philosophical exemptions from vaccination requirements.
School immunization laws in all 50 states grant exemptions for medical reasons.
50 州すべての学校予防接種法では、医学的理由による免除が認められています。
NCSL literature makes the point that the laws and regulations on vaccine requirements in all 50 states and DC follow the vaccine schedule set forth by CDC.
It’s hard to keep track of the upward trajectory of the childhood vaccine schedule. Suffice it to say that in pre-pandemic 2019, the full CDC schedule called for 54 injections of 72 antigens between birth and the age of eighteen.
小児用ワクチン接種スケジュールの増加傾向を把握するのは困難です。 パンデミック前の2019年には、CDCの完全なスケジュールでは、出生から18歳までの間に72種類の抗原を54回注射する必要があったと言えば十分だろう。
And, not surprisingly, now Covid vaccines have been placed on the child immunization schedule.
This dizzying array of injections begins on a child’s first day of life with the hepatitis B (HepB) vaccine.
この目まぐるしい一連の注射は、子どもが B 型肝炎 (HepB) ワクチンを接種して初めて生後 1 日目に始まります。