

Essay代写-Nathaniel Hawthorn’s Young Goodman Brown

2017-09-04 16:54:25 | 日記
本篇Essay代写-Nathaniel Hawthorn’s Young Goodman Brown讲了人类思考人类的动机是为了这个故事的发展的目的。希望这个故事的叙述可以帮助绝大多数人类变得人性化。这样,人们就不会感到别人的冷漠,所以他们仍然可以期待周围的人和事物。本篇essay代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

In Young Goodman Brown, it is the aim of leading human beings to think about humanity that motivates the development of this story. It is hoped that the narration of this story can help the great majority of human beings to be humane. In this way, people won’t feel the indifference from others so that they can still be hopeful toward the surrounding people and things.
The storyteller is able to tell this story via describing what has happened to a Christian named Brown. To put it more specifically, it has described Brown who held the firm belief in humanity in the first beginning. While he lost all his faith toward all the surrounding people later. The storyteller has mentioned that Goodman Brown has ever shouted in agony and desperation of “Faith” and he can not find it (Nathaniel Hawthorn. 1835). What is worse, even his wife Faith had also performed some bad behaviors the same as other noble people in the forest. As a result, he became despaired and did not believe in anyone and anything.
The attitudes of Brown’s wife Faith toward Brown before he left home and in the forest are quite different, which enables me to understand the world being created to a certain degree. Moreover, the bad behaviors performed by those noble people in the forest also add up to my understanding toward that world. In the meantime, the change of Brown’s mood before his leaving home and his returning home has, to a large degree, helped me to understand that world.
Works Cited
Nathaniel Hawthorn. 1835. Young Goodman Brown.


