

Paper代写:Global Warming

2018-09-05 16:54:51 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Global Warming讨论了全球变暖。全球变暖是指地球表面、海洋和大气逐渐变暖。据美国环境保护署数据,过去一个世纪地球平均气温上升了1.4华氏度。预计未来100年气温还会再上升2至11.5华氏度。导致这个问题最主要的原因就是二氧化碳越来越多,它覆盖了地球,以保持内部的热量,而地球也因为巨大的热量而陷入困境。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Over the past decades, many of us heard others saying about global warming, but are you really know what global warming is on earth and why it appeared?

Global warming is the gradual heating of Earth's surface, oceans and atmosphere. Scientists have documented the rise in average temperatures worldwide since the late 1800s. Earth's average temperature has risen by 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit (0.8 degrees Celsius) over the past century, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Temperatures are projected to rise another 2 to 11.5 degrees F (1.133 to 6.42 degrees C) over the next 100 years. In May 2013, scientists reported measuring atmospheric carbon dioxide levels as high as 400 ppm. Levels of CO2 haven't been that high since the Pliocene Epoch, which was between 3 million and 5 million years ago, according to the Scripps Institution of Oceanography.(Peter J and Webster2005)

In 2012, CO2 accounted for about 82 percent of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, according to the EPA. "We know through high-accuracy instrumental measurements that there is an unprecedented increase in CO2 in the atmosphere. We know that CO2 absorbs infrared radiation [heat] and the global mean temperature is increasing," Keith Peterman, a professor of chemistry at York College of Pennsylvania, and his research partner, Gregory Foy, an associate professor of chemistry at York College of Pennsylvania, told Live Science in a joint email message.

Carbon dioxide in the air became a protecting shell for the Earth and kept the heat inside. And, people cut many trees over the years, they did not think that trees can absorb carbon dioxide and give out oxygen to human beings at all. However, people in the world do not take the population into consideration of one of factors about global warming. With the less and less trees exist and more and more people in the world, carbon dioxide are more and more, and it covered the Earth to keep heat inside. The Earth is in trouble because of the massive heat. Since the mid twentieth century the uncertainties in global and hemispheric mean temperatures are small, and the temperature increase greatly exceeds its uncertainty. In earlier periods the uncertainties are larger, but the temperature increase over the twentieth century is still meaningfully larger than its uncertainty.(Simon F. B. Tett, 2006)

Global warming had influenced our life a lot, not only for the world, but also the people ourselves.

Firstly, climate of the whole world was changed because of the global warming. The level of sea was higher and higher for global warming, and more and more ice glaciers melting, too. Some islands or little countries that located nearby the sea was disappeared, because they were in a lower terrain. When the sea level was high, they could do nothing but to waiting to disappear. And also, global warming affected biologic chain and food cycle. It said that a kind of migrant birds immigrate from Australia to Dongbei Province, China in Summer every year. However, the temperature in Dongbei Province was higher, and the summer lengthened because of global warming, so that these birds could not return back to Australia in time, and they put off to fly back to Dongbei Province. Therefore, which led the number of the pests that the food of that kind of birds increased a lot, and they destroyed the forests in a unbelievable way.

Secondly, global warming is bad for people’s health, taking my life experience as an example. Over the past years, the temperature was higher and higher in the summer every year. When I was a little child, I would like to go outside no matter how hot it is in the summer, and so did my friends. However, I preferred to stay at home all the day rather than go outside, because I would get a sunstroke once I go outside. For another aspect, cars were more and more. My father did not want to buy a car at first, because he is a environmentalist, and he would like to read news about global warming. We did not have a car four years ago. Nevertheless, my father bought a car suddenly. With the high pressure of living, he had to go outside to make a living far away from our hometown. Every time when he want to go home for some emergencies, he had to spent more than two days on the road and changed many buses in his way. After careful consideration, he gave up. His family need to be supported by him, and he had no other choices. A large increase was seen in the number and proportion of hurricanes reaching categories 4 and 5. The largest increase occurred in the North Pacific, Indian, and Southwest Pacific Oceans, and the smallest percentage increase occurred in the North Atlantic Ocean. These increases have taken place while the number of cyclones and cyclone days has increased in all basins expect the North Atlantic during the past decade.(Philip Brohan and John Kennedy, 2006)

There is nobody wants to harm our home really, and many of them have no other choice just like my father. The globe develops, there must be something else sacrificed for the development. What we can do is that try our best to protect the Earth, protect the only planet we are living in. Mistakes are not terrific, what terrific is that we know clearly what we did is wrong but we unwilling to change it.


Peter J. Webster, Greg J. Holland, Judith A. Curry, Hai-Ru Chang. Changes in Tropical Cyclone Number, Duration, and Intensity in a Warming Environment. 2005, Science, volume 309, issue 5742, 1844-46. Web.

Philip Brohan (Met Office), John Kennedy (Met Office), Ian Harris (University of East Anglia), Simon F. B. Tett (University of Reading), Pd Jones (University of East Anglia). Uncertainty estimates in regional and global observed temperature changes: A new data set from 1850. 2006, Journal of Geophysical Research, volume111. Web.


