

Paper代写:Development of Internet banking business of commercial Banks

2018-06-07 15:18:41 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Development of Internet banking business of commercial Banks讨论了商业银行互联网金融业务的发展。商业银行互联网金融业务发展优势比较多,能够给客户提供更加个性化的服务,从而满足客户的需要。同时,其对网络金融产品的开发也比较重视,更好的满足了人们的实际需要。互联网金融在推出金融产品的时候,通过互联网进行,拥有海量的数据来源,并且数据分析工具也比较的强大,和以往的商业银行相比,其无论是进行信息的收集还是处理优势都非常明显,这些数据能够给个性化的服务定制提供数据方面的支持。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Internet finance has appeared in China since 2005, and the people's bank of China started issuing third-party payment licenses in 2011. After several years of development, China's Internet finance business has developed comprehensively. From 2012 to now, Internet finance has been applied to all kinds of banking businesses, and most Banks have reorganized their businesses on the basis of the Internet. The development of Internet finance will certainly promote the better development of commercial banking.

Commercial Banks have more advantages in the development of Internet financial services, which can provide more personalized services to customers, so as to meet their needs. At the same time, it pays more attention to the development of network financial products and better satisfies people's practical needs.

The basis of Internet finance is financial universal benefit, and its customer group is usually small and micro customers. It attracts those small and micro businesses that Banks did not pay attention to before, and has a strong competitiveness in personal customers. Since 2011, commercial Banks have been gradually developing their e-banking business, and the number of e-banking customers has been increasing. It is now important for Banks to attract more customers. So, commercial Banks in order to satisfy the needs from both ends of the merchants and merchants according to its needs to provide different intermediary services, provide users with personalized service, is the only way to gain the initiative in the e-commerce development.

Internet financial at the time of pushing financial products, through the Internet, have vast amounts of data source, and the data analysis tool is more powerful, compared with the previous commercial Banks, the both information collection and processing advantages than obviously, these data can provide personalized service customization data support. Commercial bank history is long, its customer resource is much also, if it is to be able to do the data analysis and the development and utilization of data, to data into information resources, to understand the actual needs of customers, ensure customer positioning accuracy.

The process of traditional commercial Banks is complex, and the process of Internet financial platform is simple and fast. In terms of lending business, commercial Banks set up process is more, from the loan application to the loan before the survey, and then the need for risk assessment and grading of audit and so on, the relevant process is relatively complex, the network platform is more fast, only need a computer operation simple, the borrower can borrow loans. In addition, the bank has also carried out the construction of the Internet customer integrated service platform, as an important non-physical channel, the establishment of a new type of business platform.

In recent years, China's P2P model has developed very fast, and its intermediary is the website, with obvious advantages. Compared to previous financing model, this model on both sides of borrowing funds can be very good to know that the other side of the relevant data and information, and understand that lenders way of using the capital, but also has some problems, such as borrowing is often small micro enterprises, there may be a loan unable to fully recover.

It has become a habit for people to use electronic payment in their daily consumption. The third-party payment model has also set up an electronic payment platform for consumers and Banks. In addition to the above methods, the Internet third-party payment system also includes mobile electronic payment methods, such as alipay, which is often used nowadays. With the development of the Internet, the electronic payment system also presents the characteristics of digital identity, convenient payment and universal service.

In Internet finance, the most common mode is e-commerce. The basis of e-commerce platform is the Internet. With the increasing of e-commerce, the development of Internet technology is becoming more and more mature.

The e-bank itself is a combination of traditional finance and Internet. The reasonable use of the Internet technology, the Internet as a financial channel, in the past financial services at the same time, also provide people with more convenient and convenient financial services, and the emergence of online banking model also helps commercial Banks to save a lot of cost.

With the development of science and technology, commercial Banks pay more and more attention to Internet finance. If commercial Banks want to develop better, they must make scientific strategies according to the changes of society and times to improve their competitiveness. Better integration with the Internet and better development opportunities ensure that commercial Banks remain firmly dominant in the financial sector.


