

paper代写-produced with difficulty that people truly value

2017-09-20 14:44:18 | 日記
本篇paper代写-produced with difficulty that people truly value讲了人们只会重视一些困难的知识,而忽视了一些简单但基本的知识的平等的态度。考虑到简单基础知识在人类革命悠久的历史中发挥的重要作用,我反对国家。人们通常理解的知识,在理论上和实际上都可以被认为是某种形式的理解。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

I think the title clearly states that people only attach importance to some difficult knowledge, but ignore the equal state of some simple but basic knowledge. Considering the significant role the simple and basic knowledge has played in the long history of human revolution, I am against the state. Knowledge, as people commonly comprehended, can be referred to as a certain form of understanding of a subject both theoretically and practically. However, when it comes to the question of the definition of knowledge, it remains under heated discussions in philosophy and literature fields. It is also a cognitive form that involves the progress of acquisition and propagation, and it serves as an essential role in the civilized human society and distinguishes human from other kind of animals. With its nature of a complex consistence and the difficulties that may occur on every section of its progress, there always exists knowledge produced with difficulty. Thus, considering the very statement of knowledge to be the very basic of human society, it is hard to evaluate whether we value a certain knowledge, not to mention the one people have sweated for. As the word value, is defined to illustrate the behavior to reflect the importance of a certain thing. Somehow the knowledge is always bound with importance, no matter it is had won or daily witnessed, there is no such ranks in the world of knowledge, simply incomparable. So as to illustrate such thoughts, the knowledge can be further elaborated and divided into the art area and math area.
There are always news come as the Nobel Prizes releases its lists, rewarding the scientists for their outstanding achievements in making breakthrough in some sophisticated areas that requires both intelligence and diligence to overcome thousands of difficulties that occurred in the progress. Discoveries are made and people seem to pay more attention to these hard earned knowledge. People sell every kind of them to make profits. But people can never escape the truth that all of the new breakthroughs are based on some simple rules that apply to all people like the simple addition. So many simple rules accumulate and develop the question into something that involves hundreds of years and thousands of intelligent heads to solve. This is not a denial to intelligence, but it is the basic element of the world. And that knowledge cross subjects is incomparable. Treasures are the literature and art created by writers and artists, it costs time and efforts but it is not to be discovered. The knowledge of simple rules and art that acquired easily is no less important than the knowledge produced with difficulty. That is to say, from this point of view, it is not only knowledge produced with difficulty that we truly value.
Math, generally speaking, is based on simple rules that are no less valuable than that produced with difficulties. We do value the ones produced with difficulty, which are mainly applied in some highly academic Ares like astrophysics, applied mathematics and so on. Those knowledge usually require much more time, cost more money and brainchild to produce, and that can be treated as more difficulty. Scientists are making great benefits for the whole human beings using the hard earned accomplishments of modern technology and science, and people cannot deny that we are living in a world where knowledge is advocated and it will always be advocated in the following generations. Some of the top technologies are owned by big enterprises and are used to serve a certain group of people commercially. People even invented Copyrights to protect the ownership of the knowledge. This kind of behavior is just an epitome of the commercialized technology society. Like the competitions between Apple and Microsoft, people are racing for knowledge. There is no doubt that the company who processes a comparably more humanized or user-friendly will cut the edge, which indicates the higher-technology brings more money, or more worthy. People may recognize it as the evidence to prove the higher value they put on knowledge produced with (comparably more) difficulty, but it is actually how the knowledge is used in the commercial area. People confound the concepts of commercial use and with knowledge itself so easily that they may simply define the knowledge as a productive force. However, from my point of view, to speak purely on the being of the knowledge itself, it is equal. The ones produced with difficulty are the superimposition of some simple ones; it always involves difficulty to deconstruct the myth of how they are composite. Just imagine, if the simple rules are not processed, what will happen to those complex ones? There will be certainly no way to explore them, not to mention difficulty.
When it comes to the area of Arts, the existence of knowledge is even something more complex than it is in the Math area. Poems, paintings, writings, all kinds of arts convey not only knowledge’s, but also feelings. Unlike math that there is concepts of right and wrong, the art is not judged with exactness. Everyone has a unique feeling to insert into art works. And it involves the progresses of creating, transmitting, accepting and understanding. What’s more, arts are knowledge of artificial intelligence, it is something that within the human activities. And as long as it is based on humanity, there is always pattern to follow. However, this pattern is beyond skills or difficulty, it is stimulated by inspirations. Though people may argue that the some of the journeys to seek inspirations are filled with difficulty, which indicates that the knowledge itself is filled with difficulty, it is still hard to evaluate the value the knowledge carries and the way people value it. For example, not through wars do people understand peace, not through death people cherish life. These sounds really true, but people never actually dislike peace or abandon life. In this way, It is hard to say difficulty have something to do with the importance of the art knowledge. Great poems might be written after the poets are terribly drunk, and they write the prom without thinking. Some of the artists spent their whole life seeking for true beauty, but what they have found never came into the crowd’s view. And that some people are simply aggressively antagonistic towards work that may reflect negative emotions which is redirected by difficulty. So that the value of art knowledge is not judged on whether it is produced with difficulty, but it is something associated with individual’s appreciation.
In our everyday life, we are using some most simple knowledge in most of the time. But as the cognitive development goes, difficult knowledge is required, which marks the development of the human civilization. Like the design of the computer, the way people snap and talk, everything can escape the fundamental ones. And that people are still struggling through difficulty to achieve more knowledge, which is the base of future achievements. Things are internally developing as well as the knowledge is more difficult to achieve. This is the fundamental rule that should never be forgotten.
Knowledge is the very basic element of civilization, and it should be processed step by step, with the easiest one till the one under research to the future ones. Difficult ones are developed from the simplest ones, they multiply and systematic knowledge is born. Neither should be neglected or attached with little importance. It is not only the knowledge produced with difficulty that people truly value.


