

美国作业代写:The truth of Marxism

2017-11-24 16:52:19 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The truth of Marxism,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了马克思主义真理性。任何理论学说的真理性必须体现时代性,只有反映时代特征并具有时代使命的理论学说才具有真理性。而马克思主义的真理性与其产生的特定时代密切关联。马克思主义的真理性体现在直面时代矛盾和时代需要,正确地回答了时代的主要问题,是对时代特征的正确反映和对时代使命的高度概括。
Scientific understanding of the truth of Marxism needs to unfold from the aspects of Time dimension, regularity dimension, practicality dimension, value dimension, wholeness dimension and open dimension. Only by closely linking Marxism with the times of reflecting the contradictions of the times, the needs of the times, the characteristics of the times and the Mission of the Times, and closely related to the regularity reflecting the laws of the objective world, especially the law of the development of human society, is closely linked with practical practice from social life Closely linked with the value of embodying the value of human society and the value of nature, closely connected with the integrity of the whole of the ideological system, and with the openness of enriching ideological content in practice and keeping pace with the times, can we fully and scientifically understand the truth of Marxism.
The truth of any theoretical theory must embody the times, only the theoretical theories that reflect the characteristics of the times and have the mission of the Times have the truth. The truth of Marxism is closely related to the specific times it produces. The truth of Marxism is embodied in confronting the contradiction of the times and the needs of the times, answering the main problems of the times correctly, is the correct reflection of the characteristics of the times and the high generalization of the mission of the Times.​
Marx said: "Every principle has its emergence in the century." Marxism is not born out of thin air, but has a profound background of the times, the background of the Times is the contradictions of the times, the needs of the times, the voice of the Times and the Mission of the Times. It is the contradictions of the Times and the outstanding problems raised by the times that promote the emergence of Marxism and embody the truth of Marxism. Marx and Engels pointed out: "The degree to which the theory is achieved in a country always depends on the extent to which the theory meets the needs of the country." Marxism is not only the call of the Times and the product of the Times, but also the development of the Times and the new era.
Marx and Engels lived in the era of capitalist production mode in Western Europe has a considerable development of the era, is the capitalist in the promotion of productivity development and human civilization progress at the same time, but fell into the profound social contradictions can not be overcome by their own era, is the proletariat and the bourgeoisie " The era of class struggle has taken on a more vivid and threatening form in practice and theory. Marxism is the theory for the proletariat to seek emancipation service, and it is a scientific system which embodies the proletarian ideology and the proletariat class interests for the proletariat to strive for the whole rights and interests of political rights, economic rights, cultural rights, social rights and interests. According to historical materialism, "the same ideas and ideas of every historical period can be explained simply by the living conditions of the economy of the period and by the social and political relationships determined by these conditions". In the era of Marx and Engels ' life, the sharp contradictions between capitalist productivity and production relations, economic foundation and superstructure, for Marx and Engels from the angle of social basic contradiction and the development of world history to clarify the historical inevitability of these contradictions, and to demonstrate that socialism must replace capitalism provides realistic objective conditions, The proletariat's struggle against the bourgeoisie for liberation has put forward the realistic demand of Marxism. Marx and Engels participated in the Proletarian revolutionary practice of opposing the bourgeoisie, and the inheritance and innovation of human civilization, founded the theory of historical materialism and surplus value, provided a scientific world outlook and methodology for the proletariat to correctly understand the problems of the times and solve the problems of the times. As Lenin said, "All of Marx's genius lies in the fact that he has answered all the questions raised by the advanced human mind." As far as Marxist philosophy is concerned, dialectical materialism and historical materialism, as the product of the Times, are the most complete and profound theory without one-sidedness. "Marx's philosophy is a complete philosophical materialism, it gives the great tools of understanding to the human, especially to the working class."
The truth of any theory is embodied in the correct reflection of the objective law and the profound summary and refinement, in the field of humanities and social sciences, only those theoretical theories that reflect objectively the law of the world, especially the law of the development of human society, are of truth. Law is the inevitable connection of the essence of things in the course of development, and it is only by fully revealing and conforming to the law of the development of things that it helps to guide people's understanding of law and practice.
Whether it is Marxist dialectical materialism or historical materialism, because it reflects and summarizes the law of natural development, the law of Human society Development and the Law of emancipation of man, it has profundity and truth. Marxism holds that: "The law of Dialectics is abstracted from the history of nature and the history of human society." The historical materialism has a realistic reflection on the objective law of the development of social history, and it has the implication of history dialectics. In the social and historical field, Marxism has surpassed the so-called fashionable thought of the utopian socialism and so on, it is the truth that it reveals the movement law of capitalist society correctly. In his speech before Marx's tomb, Engels this is a profound summary and highly evaluation of Marx's contribution: "Just as Darwin discovered the law of organic Development, Marx discovered the law of the development of human history," Marx also found the modern capitalist mode of production and the bourgeois society produced by the special laws of movement. As a result of the discovery of surplus value, this place is enlightened, and all the previous research done by bourgeois economists or socialist critics is only groping in the dark. Marx and Engels used the basic principle of historical materialism to reveal the law of capitalist development, to uncover the secret of capitalist exploitation, from the inherent contradictions between capitalist socialized production and private ownership, it was concluded that the death knell of private ownership must be sounded and that socialism replaced capitalism is the objective law of the social development of history.
The truth of Marxism is not only embodied in the understanding of the law of society, but also in the understanding of the laws of nature. Through the analysis of the relationship between man and nature, Marx and Engels it reveals the law of harmonious coexistence between human and nature, puts forward the law of coordinative development of organism, nature, society and human form, expounds the law of the Unification of Man's initiative and the dynamic, and analyzes the law that human beings do not respect nature and must be subjected to severe retaliation. Marx and Engels believed that the human free and conscious activity and the human's free and comprehensive development all established in the cognition law, the conformity law and according to the law affairs. Engels pointed out in the anti-Turin theory: "Freedom does not lie in the illusion of escaping from the natural law and independent, but in the understanding of these laws, so as to be able to plan to make the laws of nature to serve a certain purpose." This is the same no matter to the law of the external nature, or to the rules of the physical existence and spiritual existence of the dominant person itself. ”
The truth of any theoretical theory must have the function of guiding practice, only those theories which always combine theory with reality and have the function of guiding practice have the truth. Understanding of the essential features and basic functions of Marxism, although people can take different perspectives, however, no matter how people interpret the essential features and basic functions of Marxism from different angles, they can not ignore the vivid image inscribed on Marx's tombstone and generalize the important values of Marxism in great depth. This is the final outline of the outline of Feuerbach, written by Karl Marx in 1845: "Philosophers interpret the world in different ways, and the problem is changing the world." Marx used very concise language to show to the world that Marxism is the materialism of practice and the doctrine of transforming the world to liberate mankind.
For this reason, Marx distinguishes between the new and old materialism in the outline of Feuerbach: "The foothold of old materialism is ' citizen ' society, and the foothold of neo-materialism is human society or socialized humanity." Marx stressed: "Social life is essentially practical." Any mysterious thing that lures theory into mysticism can be rationally solved in human practice and in the understanding of this practice. "This shows that the reason why Marx and Engels founded their theory, not to show their own knowledge of the broad, nor to gloat about the construction of their own theoretical system, not to put their theory on the shelf, hide the mountains, but to use the knowledge of the truth to arm the people and guide social practice, Make it a great tool of understanding and practical tools to guide people to understand the world and transform the world consciously.
The Marxism theory has the function of combining with practice and guiding the fulfillment, but also lies in that Marxism has found the main body of the practice activity and the impetus to push forward the history, this is the proletariat of the whole world. As the grave digger of the bourgeoisie, the proletariat is the most complete revolutionary, they represent the future of the development of social form, they lost in the struggle against the bourgeoisie is only the chain, will be the whole world. Lenin put forward at the beginning of the article "The Historical Destiny of Marxist theory": "The main point in Marx's theory is to expound the role of the proletariat as the creator of the Socialist society." Since Marx expounded this theory, has the world's development confirmed this theory? Lenin's question has been confirmed by the socialist Movement, especially the socialist cause of Chinese characteristics. It is because Marxism is not a dogma but a guide to the practice of proletarian revolutionary struggle, not an empty talk but a truth that inspires the proletariat to strive for the realization of the historical mission, so that no other theory in human history can transcend Marxism.
From the value dimension of unifying the value of human society and the value of nature to understand the truth of Marxism
The truth of any theoretical theory must be of value, and only the theoretical theory that embodies value, realizes value and creates value has truth. The truth of Marxism comes from the value of the value of Marxism embodies the true rationality, and the value of Marxism is an important prerequisite and foundation of Marxist Truth, and the truth of Marxism is the inevitable result and end of Marxist value, and Marxism is the organic unity of Truth and value. Only by combining the truth scale with the value measure, can we grasp the truth of Marxism better.
Value is an important category that reflects the relationship between the two-way generation and reciprocity of the subject and the object, which embodies the function and significance of the subject and object in the object relationship. Marxism regards the contradiction between human society and the need for coordination as two categories, namely, the contradictions and relations between man and nature, and the contradictions and relations between man and society. Attaching importance to and actively coordinating these two kinds of contradictions and relationships embodies social value and natural value, and promotes harmony between man and society as well as the value goal of harmony between man and nature in the unification. In the system of human-nature-society, Marxism discusses the development law of nature, the law of Human society Development and the Law of human emancipation, in the process of the whole liberation of Nature Liberation, social emancipation and human emancipation, expounds the preconditions, main contents and basic paths of realizing the freedom and liberation of the proletariat and the general working people. On the basis of historical materialism, it interprets the law of the development of natural history and the Law of human history, and reveals the thought of combining social civilization and ecological civilization in the whole theory system of philosophy, political economy and scientific socialism, which embodies the idea that Marxism can realize social value and The pursuit of the unification of value and natural value of man.
In the pursuit of human liberation and human freedom and all-round development of the same time, Marxism on the natural value of giving full attention. Marx and Engels thought that "man is the product of nature" human society, like nature, has its own history and its own science "thought," This kind of communism, as the completion of the naturalism, is equal to humanitarianism, and as the completion of the humanitarian, equal to naturalism, it is between man and nature, The real solution of the contradiction between man and man is the real solution of the existence and essence, the object and the self confirmation, the freedom and the certainty, the struggle between the individual and the class. It is the answer to the riddle of history, and knowing that it is the answer, the thought of advancing social progress and development in the trinity of "naturalism-humanitarianism-communism" is the typical combination of social value and natural value.
The truth of any theoretical theory must embody the integrity of a complete and strict theoretical system, and only those with complete ideology, rigorous discourse logic, profound analysis and theoretical theory with scientific research methods. The entirety of Marxist theoretical system comes from the objective and truthful reflection of the whole existence of nature, society and human being objectively and organically connected, which embodies the methodological characteristics of dialectical systematic thinking.
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2017-11-24 16:52:00 | 日記
平时的小作业有essay和report两种格式:essay --- 结构分为introduction, main body, 和 conclusion. 不用太复杂的结构;Report ----- 要有executive summary, 结构要求很高,文章分为几个部分,每个部分都要有大标题,下面还要有副标题,等等。
文章一定要有references (参考文献),就是引用别人文章中的观点,但是这个引用不能整段的直接用书上,网上的文章,或者杂志上的文章的内容。如果一段话中有超过三个词是引用的,就要表明references. (如果完全是用自己的语言将别人的观点说出来了,引用的词是两个或更少,就可以不用标出references.)
References在文中是在文中用自己的话说出别人书中或文章中的内容后,用括号标出作者和年代,而在文后的references列表中一定要用Harvard references system的格式来标出参考文献。
比如,文章要求如果是4000字,那正文的字数就是4000 +/- 10% 字。如果要求no more than 4000 words, 那正文的字数就不能超过4000字。如果要求no less than 4000 words, 那正文的字数就不能少于4000字。如果要求4000-4500 words, 那正文的字数就要写4000-4500字之间。
因为写的作业都属于学术文章,所以不能用第一人称(I, we, in my opinion,…)这样主观的说法,可以用被动语态。不能说I do sth,要说XX has been done…特别是写Report的时候,老师喜欢看到被动语句。
5、Introduction和Executive summary的区别
Executive summary: 阐述文章得出的finding, conclusion, recommendations.
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Paper代写:Mass media and consumer culture

2017-11-24 16:51:45 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Mass media and consumer culture,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了大众传媒与消费文化。在大众传媒的视野下审视消费文化,其影响有利有弊,需要理性对待。一方面消费文化作为全球化进程中的一种文化现象有其合理性一面,它对于推动经济发展,释放人的欲望具有积极意义。另一方面,对于消费文化的负面弊端,也应当时刻加以警惕。
In today's media era, access to the mass media into the public space, how to obtain their status in this public space is a problem, the consumerism culture is through the mass media space, and increasingly access to its social and cultural, daily life and other aspects of influence.
The contemporary world is entering the postmodern era, with the development of globalization, the cultural ideology of consumerism is expanding in a global context with unstoppable potential.
The so-called consumer culture refers to the culture of consumption, in a narrow sense, the creation of consumer society, and to protect, standardize and restrict people's consumption of various cultures. Consumption culture is a new organization of symbol production, daily experience and time activities accompanying with mass consumption movement, and its important characteristic is that goods, products and experiences can be consumed, maintained, planned and dreamed. The emergence of consumer culture not only shaken the original use of goods or the concept of product meaning, and through advertising, mass media and merchandise display skills, to give the product or products new image and mark, and comprehensively stimulated the people's broad sense of association and desire.
In today's media era, access to the mass media into the public space, consumerism culture is through the mass media space, and increasingly access to its social and cultural, daily life and other aspects of influence.
Postmodern Information society and modern society have different characteristics, one of which is the consumption of media and recessive hegemony. The ideology of today's mass media is constantly manipulating public life through convenient information channels and concealing the truth of life. With the help of the recessive hegemony of the media, the consumption culture has been dispelling the elite culture.
The artistic value of the elite culture is a kind of contented and quietism idea, and now it has been impacted by modern consumerism strongly. Today's so-called elite art, under the oppression of media power, has increasingly emphasized the commercial existence of art. , the intellectuals no longer make romantic poetic metaphysical thinking people no longer talk about the aesthetic value of art, but relish its price. "Elegance" is giving way to "vulgar"
The modern media molds the false money myth, makes the populace which lives under all kinds of realistic pressure, obtains a kind of intoxicated harmonious illusion, lets the people endure the present psychological pressure or the anguish and abandons the value idea which surpasses the material enjoyment and once owned or pursues creativity and individuality. The elite culture is dissolving, while the consumer ideology is through mass media.
The media consumerism becomes the problem of the spirit of the times and the individual enjoyment. Based on the understanding of social individual identity and historical nihility, people no longer use idealism as their shelter way, but as a shortcut to achieve worldly happiness. Therefore, consumption becomes the key link of acquiring identity and building the relationship with others, and even becomes the lubricant to support the existence and development of the existing system and the organization. The discourse of commodity power dispels the exhaustion of the elegant culture and easily invades the nerves of the contemporary culture through the mass media, setting the daily life as the market demand and the secular cultural pattern as the universal principle of the present social culture, and attempts to use consumerism as the legal bottom line of the contemporary people's life.
This is just as "mass culture, under the traction of media advertising, has gone back to the game level from the cultural value level: the formal structure, the formal structure, the intuitive expression, and the object imitation from the cultural critique." This transformation of spiritual value shows that the spiritual world of man has been filled with consumption consciousness and nihilism.
In the contemporary consumer society, advertising everywhere, playing a powerful influence. The operation structure of consumer society is good at projecting people's boundless desire into specific product consumption, so that social identity is combined with consumer goods, and consumption constitutes a satisfying object system, which becomes the process of obtaining the identity of the commodity code system and the symbolic belief. Consumption itself has become a realistic portrayal of the happy life, and become a platform for people to compare and boast each other. As a guide to life in the contemporary world, media has become the benchmark of secular life, telling people what kind of life they should have. A variety of information, especially advertising information, people in the purchase of consumption, feel the world, pay attention to issues or participate in social activities, more and more by the media synchronization information constraints.
A lot of commercial advertising through the picture of the description, the interpretation of advertising language, by the media to interpret the values of life and make the audience accept. Haagen-Dazs advertising words "Love her, take her to eat Haagen-Dazs", the subtext of this advertising word is to "love" description, abstract "Love" is simply depicted for a haagen-Dazs ice cream. This is obviously false, absurd, but it stimulates the audience's desire to buy, due to the media's recessive hegemony, the audience was forced to recognize the concept of transmission, and put into action. Therefore, media advertising has promoted the prevalence and development of consumer culture.
In the consumer system, advertising is unmistakable to induce and admonish people how to settle their bodies, to obtain the sensual pleasures of the body. And thus make the masses of the imitation of each other, into a high consumption and tide of consumerism state. Advertising through the physical desire and consumption of production needs to mobilize people's internal desires, in the sensational advertising words behind the words, become a consumer society of the Meaning of life "salvation" pronoun. The bombing of advertisement induces, the contemporary person unceasingly expands own desire, more occupies more consume more to enjoy becomes the false life guide in the consumer society, the consumer culture can prevail.
In the view of mass media, the influence of consumption culture has both advantages and disadvantages and needs rational treatment. On the one hand, as a cultural phenomenon in the process of globalization, consumer culture is especially reasonable, which is of positive significance in promoting economic development and releasing human desires. It embodies the media's concern for the real life, for the media itself, the consumerism expands the media reporting space and makes the media from the Enlightenment to the service type, and the diversified social function of the media is developed.
On the other hand, the negative drawbacks of consumer culture should be vigilant at all times. Firstly, consumerism has been transformed into news consumerism in the field of media activities, which has led to the dissolution of journalistic professionalism. The media under the concept of news consumerism is driven by commercial logic, and the media is keen on news planning and hype, which is contrary to journalistic professionalism. Secondly, the audience under the imagination of consumerism will be more and more lack of individuality and be "alienated". Consumerism will enjoy, entertainment as the realization of the value of life, and constantly provide a stimulated consumption desire, prompting the audience gradually into a false need for endless pursuit of the process, loss of thinking and introspection of the inertia and critical rationality, and eventually toward "alienation."
In the age of industrial society, the dream created by the media is a material wealth culture, such as money and land. And in the modern society, with the accumulation of material, people's personalized color of the media to create more consumer "trap" waiting for people "such as Weng." In the social mimicry environment of media manufacturing, the consumption concept and the way of elimination have also changed, and the public opinion environment with the media has influenced people's life.

Paper代写:Tactile design in graphic design

2017-11-24 16:51:30 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Tactile design in graphic design,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了平面设计中的触觉设计。在平面设计中,触觉设计有着十分重要的地位,是进行平面设计的创意与策略。所以在设计过程中,需要对受众的接受习惯、能力以及审美思想进行更为深入的分析与研究,从而对触觉设计的材料与技巧进行恰当选择,增强设计作品的创意性以及艺术性,让受众更加容易接受。
With the continuous development of society, people's demand for graphic design is more and more high, designers only in the plane design of the tactile elements in-depth exploration, and its characteristics to effectively grasp, to be able to better sense of vision, flatness. This paper analyzes the features of tactile design in plane design, and probes into its design skills to deepen the cognition of tactile design.
Vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch are the five senses that people explore the world and have a decisive effect on the way people perceive and explore things. At the same time, the effects of a single sensory and multiple sensory applications have an important impact on people's cognitive depth and breadth. The graphic design is to stimulate the audience demand, attract the attention of the audience as the main purpose of the information transmission means, so how to get the audience to obtain the appropriate information, experience good, enhance cognitive quality, is the designer need to focus on the problem.
The type of graphic design is very rich, have very clear audience object, can carry on the effective transmission to the specific information, its main purpose is to attract the audience's attention, and obtain the good persuasion effect. It can be seen that graphic design is not a simple art design, but has a more obvious purpose and commercial. In the plane design, the tactile design has the very important position, is carries on the graphic design the creativity and the strategy. Therefore, in the design process, the audience's acceptance habits, abilities and aesthetic ideas should be more in-depth analysis and research, so as to the tactile design of materials and techniques to make appropriate choices, enhance the creative and artistic design works, so that the audience more easily accepted.
Graphic design material, style, mechanism, style all need to be through the audience's view, touch, taste can experience the tactile design. How to convey the intuitive touch is a basic sensory design requirement for graphic design. But intuitive tactile design can only let people have immersive comfort, but it is difficult to guide people to carry out more in-depth thought, aesthetic experience, can not impress people. Therefore, the designer needs to sublimate the intuitive touch of the design into feeling feeling, in other words, in the process of viewing and touching the corresponding plane design, it can lead to imagination, association and even recollection, so as to gain more profound emotion, aesthetic experience and thought cognition, so as to be closer to the audience, significantly enhance their empathy.
The process of graphic design is the process of selecting, designing and combining many elements, such as text, material, pattern and so on, which is based on the acceptance characteristics of audience information and the design of specific targets. Tactile design is one of the most important design elements, in the actual design process, it needs to be considered with the effective collocation of vision, hearing, smell and taste design, and it is necessary to consider the specific usage and environment of the works, so that we can design a work that is consistent in the whole style. Otherwise, not only can not get a good design effect, but also on the work of information transmission and creative style of adverse effects. Therefore, in the graphic design process, designers need to enhance the emphasis on tactile design, and also need to pay attention to tactile design and other content of good collocation, so as to design a consistent style of work.
Biological research shows that in the process of long contact with certain things, the vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch will form the corresponding solidification cognition, then in life just see, think of the structure of this thing will naturally appear corresponding cognitive experience. And the plane design is to be in two dimensions or three-dimensional space, let people can clear, comprehensive, intuitive to the message to understand, and then effectively attract the attention of the audience, enhance audience acceptance. In this process, the designers can be familiar with the structure of the subject of effective imitation, so that the audience to create a immersive visual and tactile feelings, and in order to carry out more in-depth emotional, aesthetic experience and ideological sentiment.
In the process of graphic design, not all designs need tactile design as the main means of expression, but also can be used as embellishment and decorative elements to enhance the portability, individuality, comfort and aesthetics of the works. At this time, designers can be simple design, only need to spray, rub, embossing and other processing and transformation, or add some contrast, gradient and other forms of combination, so as to build a personalized, and slightly with three-dimensional characteristics of the texture effect. This also can give the audience a unique sense of touch, let it produce "words have to do and meaning infinite" beautiful experience.
In the process of graphic design, in addition to the two tactile design techniques described earlier, also can use the unique color, space composition, pattern to guide the audience to create a unique psychological tactile feeling, the formation of a personalized sense of synaesthesia, and then effectively attract the attention of the audience, and the design of the message to deepen. This needs the designer to be able to the audience's psychological tactile feeling characteristic carries on the accurate mastery, based on this, carries on the effective choice and the processing to the design element, and carries on the accurate control to the design work overall style, thus can let the audience produce the unique psychological tactile feeling.
At present, the graphic design attaches more importance to the pursuit of high-level tactile design, so designers need to enhance the focus on tactile design, tactile design characteristics of the accurate grasp of the appropriate design skills to choose. This will not only enhance the effect of information transmission, but also enhance the creative and artistic value of the work, so that the graphic design works more perfect.

Essay代写:The music of Tess of the d ' urbervilles

2017-11-24 16:36:39 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The music of Tess of the d ' urbervilles,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了《德伯家的苔丝》中的音乐。《德伯家的苔丝》是英国作家托马斯・哈代的长篇小说,是“威塞克斯系列”中的一部,描写了一位农村姑娘苔丝的悲惨命运。哈代自小很喜欢音乐,在小说中对音乐的运用也别具一格,对客观音乐的抒写、自然音乐的描绘,以及对其中所蕴含的主人公命运的暗示等,给小说增添了不少艺术魅力。
"Tess of the d ' Urbervilles" is the masterpiece of Thomas Hardy, the combination of novel and music is a great feature of creation, in which the writing of objective music, the depiction of natural music, and the hint of the fate of the protagonist, enhance the artistic appeal of the novel. This article tries to interpret the music in the novel in the above three points.
Tess of the d ' Urbervilles is the novel of Thomas Hardy, a British writer, and a part of the "Wessex series", describing the miserable fate of a rural girl Tess. Hardy was very fond of music, in the novel of the use of music is also unique, the writing of the objective music, the description of natural music, as well as the implication of the fate of the protagonist, the novel added a lot of artistic charm.
The objective music here refers to the "sound source" music in the novel. All the characters in the novel like singing. Tess's mother liked music, and often sang in the housework, "as long as the music drifted from the outside world into the Black Valley, Tess's mother could learn it in a week. Tess liked music, and always sang or remembered the ballad her mother sang," She was born to love music, which she inherited from her mother who sang folk songs. " Angel likes music, he always plays with the second-hand harp, so that "Tess has forgotten the time and space".
The novel uses the music to describe the scene, adds the cultural characteristic for the novel. For example, the May Festival of the Black Valley, the girls, dressed in beautiful costumes, danced with the music, showing the local folk culture; at the fair, the girl and the lad were playing the violin in the chaotic dance, dancing a brisk Sugril dance, showing the way of pairing with the newlyweds; on Custer's Meadow, people sang to the cows Galactagogue, In particular, Angel like the first "see the East, only Dawn Ah", showing a pasture harvest map.
The novel uses the music to portray the character, makes the character vivid. For example, the eyebrows of Tess were compared to "the Notes", and the action of the villagers to gather the wheat was likened to "four pairs of dances".
The novel uses music to tell stories and enrich emotional expression. For example, Tess's mother often sings the "Harako cow", reflecting the people's ethical expectations, to express the protagonist's desire for love; Alec Tune tunes, is Shakespeare "one newspaper" "Mo to the lips, tactfully to make a clever speech" of the secular version, It tells the story of the Duke's Huihun, because his fiancee Marianna's brother and his dowry fall together to show a contempt for ethics; Tess's "Food Prayer", sung in front of the Meadows of Leicester, shows Tess's complex emotions in the face of a new life; "Ode to the Birth of the Baby", which contains the William Du Wei being hunted by the bull. "The story of the redemption of the bull's knees after the song was pulled; children and Capes tells a boy to give King Arthur a cloak that only chaste women can wear, and King Arthur commands the Queen to wear it, and the cloak instantly turns to fragments, indicating that the lost will not be happy, expressed unease that Tess and Angel had not told Angel about the truth before marrying.
These objective music is vivid, the role in the novel is also vividly.
The natural music here refers to the music that depicts the natural sound in the novel.
The novel is about far away from industrial civilization, religious testimonies and traditional folklore, with Hardy's hometown of the county as the prototype, where there are wasteland, woodland, grasslands, flowers, rivers. Many times the novel describes these natural scenery, enough to show that Hardy's love of the natural landscape, and the combination of the love of music, will be the vitality of the nature of the show incisively and vividly.
The natural sound in the novel is endowed with the singing talent by Hardy and has its own musical rhythm. For example, Tess went home in the May festival, "she heard another rhythmic sound ... It was the regular thud of the house, the sound of the cradle pounding against the stone floor, and a girl singing songs with its beat. Mrs. Duberfield to do the housework, "the cradle Squeak and bang, the Candle flame rises, when it falls, the water from the housewife's elbow downward drip", will Tess mother do housework demeanor written very natural While Alec was pulling Tess with a carriage, "rushing down to the slope, rushing away, the dog-cart-wheels buzzing like a gyroscope, emphasizing Alec's Wiles; Tess, after being seduced by Alec, thought of the" hissing Sound of a serpent in the place where the Sweet Bird Sings ", indicating the anguish in Tess's heart. Tess went to the meadow on the way to see "Frum water ... The Pebble is clear and shallow, all day long to the sky gurgling language ", show the natural style of the grassland;" Angel hug Tess Water before the rainstorm, "hissing over the pasture," for later Angel embrace Tess Wade do matting, Tess and Angel after engagement in the outdoor close, "through the tortuous path, the roadside is the Spring Ding-dong tributary brook ... There is a spring ringing in all the places. There was always a murmur of love between the two of them, with "The sound of the water," and Tess and Angel parted to the heights of the Grange, to avoid the "strange sound" heard by the vulgar hillbilly in the dead leaves ' den. Like a heartbeat, like a slap, or a gasp or a bubble. conveyed Tess's fears; Tess and Angel fled to the temple of the overhanging stone heard "the wind blowing the towering things to emit a roar, as if to strike a huge Tan Ying harp strings," for the escape atmosphere rendering, for Tess's arrest to pave the way.
These natural music echoes the inner voice of the character, so that I am merged.
The music described here is divided into three categories: ballad, secular minor, and anthem.
Ballads, such as the previous "Harako cows", in addition to reflect the expectations of human relations and express the hope of love, hinted that Tess in the May dance to see Angel after the mood, "although there is singing, the scene in the house to make the girl feel a kind of sadness," which implies that Tess love can not be sad, At the same time, the unfortunate fate of the next, such as the "Children and Cape", which Tess and Angel on the eve of the wedding, the Ballad of the Mind, indicating that Tess did not tell Angel the truth of the unrest, suggesting that the loss of the person will not be happy fate.
From this we can see that the ballad has a repetitive melody, so that Tess sometimes sings or recalls, even in the harsh environment of the flint roof is no exception. One of the ethical norms is in the process of singing to strengthen, Tess to restrain their own psychology and behavior, this performance in the Alec many times to prevent, can eventually still hide Alec Cunning, violated ethical taboos. However, Tess's rational knowledge has not been able to overcome the emotional love of Angel.
Secular tunes, such as the one previously said, Alec taught Tess to amuse her mother's chickens, Tess learns to repeat in unknown, unconsciously, the secular tune of this inflection of the ethic. This contempt is also reflected in the above-mentioned bazaar Ball, the newlyweds in the accompaniment of the violin paired dance, which was at the time a legitimate collective ethics, but was Alec laughter broken. Such secular tones hint at the fate of Tess being Alec, which gradually became effective on Tess and eventually fell. The ethical norms that Tess had set up in the ballad were broken, so that it was urgent to seek another kind of music to reconstruct the new spiritual sustenance of the hymn.
Hymns, such as Tess being seduced by Alec, sought solace in the church hymn, "she loved to hear the old songs of Solomon, and to sing the morning hymns ... Took out "" her favorite Langton two chorus ... How like God ... But he was able to guide her from the tomb with a series of passions that had only been felt by him in the first place. As mentioned above, the "food of Prayer", which was sung on the way to the Meadows of Leicester, implied Tess's desire for a new sustenance, as Tess heard in the meadow, "Tess had forgotten the time and space ..." The soul is soaring ... Come together ", the hint of Angel's music to Tess's salvation, this kind of redemption ―― in the above-mentioned" Ode to the Birth of the baby "can be hinted at ―― that she temporarily freed from the previously broken ethical norms of the constraints, Tess fell in love with Angel. In addition, the "Soul soaring" also shows that the love itself with religious overtones, implying the two people married after the religious feelings of secular Tess of the tragedy; then the two eventually fled but fate was separated, Tess at the top of the Flint, home work, practice angel like the folk song "See the East, just Dawn Ah", the folk songs here are not the ballad mentioned above , but a memory of the salvation of Angel religion, implying that Tess still had expectations for such redemption. However, Tess was compelled by life to decide to settle with ALEC, and this expectation was "sung by four dolls with a cold, negative look," we are both miserable and melancholy in the world, and we are together and separated in the world. Once in heaven The Long dependencies "break down, and this redemption ultimately fails in the hint of the music of the Hanging Stone Temple, which is like a harp tune."
These three kinds of music played a hint to Tess's tragic fate, and rendered the atmosphere and promoted the development of the novel plot.
Music not only makes the novel more poetic and aesthetic, but the general words can not say, let the characters more stereo, enhance the artistic appeal of the novel, deepen the theme of the novel. However, this article only has a certain degree of classification and elaboration to the music type, but to the music behind the deeper psychological and cultural significance, still need to dig further.