

Paper代写:Tactile design in graphic design

2017-11-24 16:51:30 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Tactile design in graphic design,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了平面设计中的触觉设计。在平面设计中,触觉设计有着十分重要的地位,是进行平面设计的创意与策略。所以在设计过程中,需要对受众的接受习惯、能力以及审美思想进行更为深入的分析与研究,从而对触觉设计的材料与技巧进行恰当选择,增强设计作品的创意性以及艺术性,让受众更加容易接受。
With the continuous development of society, people's demand for graphic design is more and more high, designers only in the plane design of the tactile elements in-depth exploration, and its characteristics to effectively grasp, to be able to better sense of vision, flatness. This paper analyzes the features of tactile design in plane design, and probes into its design skills to deepen the cognition of tactile design.
Vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch are the five senses that people explore the world and have a decisive effect on the way people perceive and explore things. At the same time, the effects of a single sensory and multiple sensory applications have an important impact on people's cognitive depth and breadth. The graphic design is to stimulate the audience demand, attract the attention of the audience as the main purpose of the information transmission means, so how to get the audience to obtain the appropriate information, experience good, enhance cognitive quality, is the designer need to focus on the problem.
The type of graphic design is very rich, have very clear audience object, can carry on the effective transmission to the specific information, its main purpose is to attract the audience's attention, and obtain the good persuasion effect. It can be seen that graphic design is not a simple art design, but has a more obvious purpose and commercial. In the plane design, the tactile design has the very important position, is carries on the graphic design the creativity and the strategy. Therefore, in the design process, the audience's acceptance habits, abilities and aesthetic ideas should be more in-depth analysis and research, so as to the tactile design of materials and techniques to make appropriate choices, enhance the creative and artistic design works, so that the audience more easily accepted.
Graphic design material, style, mechanism, style all need to be through the audience's view, touch, taste can experience the tactile design. How to convey the intuitive touch is a basic sensory design requirement for graphic design. But intuitive tactile design can only let people have immersive comfort, but it is difficult to guide people to carry out more in-depth thought, aesthetic experience, can not impress people. Therefore, the designer needs to sublimate the intuitive touch of the design into feeling feeling, in other words, in the process of viewing and touching the corresponding plane design, it can lead to imagination, association and even recollection, so as to gain more profound emotion, aesthetic experience and thought cognition, so as to be closer to the audience, significantly enhance their empathy.
The process of graphic design is the process of selecting, designing and combining many elements, such as text, material, pattern and so on, which is based on the acceptance characteristics of audience information and the design of specific targets. Tactile design is one of the most important design elements, in the actual design process, it needs to be considered with the effective collocation of vision, hearing, smell and taste design, and it is necessary to consider the specific usage and environment of the works, so that we can design a work that is consistent in the whole style. Otherwise, not only can not get a good design effect, but also on the work of information transmission and creative style of adverse effects. Therefore, in the graphic design process, designers need to enhance the emphasis on tactile design, and also need to pay attention to tactile design and other content of good collocation, so as to design a consistent style of work.
Biological research shows that in the process of long contact with certain things, the vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch will form the corresponding solidification cognition, then in life just see, think of the structure of this thing will naturally appear corresponding cognitive experience. And the plane design is to be in two dimensions or three-dimensional space, let people can clear, comprehensive, intuitive to the message to understand, and then effectively attract the attention of the audience, enhance audience acceptance. In this process, the designers can be familiar with the structure of the subject of effective imitation, so that the audience to create a immersive visual and tactile feelings, and in order to carry out more in-depth emotional, aesthetic experience and ideological sentiment.
In the process of graphic design, not all designs need tactile design as the main means of expression, but also can be used as embellishment and decorative elements to enhance the portability, individuality, comfort and aesthetics of the works. At this time, designers can be simple design, only need to spray, rub, embossing and other processing and transformation, or add some contrast, gradient and other forms of combination, so as to build a personalized, and slightly with three-dimensional characteristics of the texture effect. This also can give the audience a unique sense of touch, let it produce "words have to do and meaning infinite" beautiful experience.
In the process of graphic design, in addition to the two tactile design techniques described earlier, also can use the unique color, space composition, pattern to guide the audience to create a unique psychological tactile feeling, the formation of a personalized sense of synaesthesia, and then effectively attract the attention of the audience, and the design of the message to deepen. This needs the designer to be able to the audience's psychological tactile feeling characteristic carries on the accurate mastery, based on this, carries on the effective choice and the processing to the design element, and carries on the accurate control to the design work overall style, thus can let the audience produce the unique psychological tactile feeling.
At present, the graphic design attaches more importance to the pursuit of high-level tactile design, so designers need to enhance the focus on tactile design, tactile design characteristics of the accurate grasp of the appropriate design skills to choose. This will not only enhance the effect of information transmission, but also enhance the creative and artistic value of the work, so that the graphic design works more perfect.

