
英語なんて怖くない ダリちゃんの居酒屋英語教室

The Most Delicious Wine I’ve Ever Tasted(今までで一番おいしかったワイン)

Me   Whenever you drink wine, you often say that the wine is very good, but not as good as the best wine you have ever tasted. Give me details!

Dali   Then, let me tell you about the most delicious wine I’ve ever tasted. I was a young and handsome boy, living in the US, in graduate school. I lived in a dormitory, and my roommate was, by chance, a boy from Singapore. He was a very good friend, and even now, we still sometimes meet. He was extremely intelligent. He was studying physics. At that time, he had a very cute Chinese girlfriend. The girl was very petite and cute, but they had to breakup when he returned home to Singapore.
ダリちゃん それじゃあ、わしが飲んだ最もおいしいワインについて話すね。わしは大学院生でアメリカに住んでいて、若くてハンサムな男だった。学校の寄宿舎に住んでいたんだけど、わしのルームメイトは、たまたまシンガポールから来た男だった。彼はとてもいい友人で今でもまだ時々会っている。とても聡明でね、物理学を学んでいたんだ。その頃彼にはとてもかわいい中国人の彼女がいたんだ。とてもちっちゃくてかわいくて。でもね彼がシンガポールに帰ってしまって破局になったんだ。

Me   So?

Dali   Since they broke up, I saw my chance. So, I contacted her. Strangely enough, it turned out this girl was Canadian. She was a native English speaker. She didn’t speak Chinese. She spoke only English.
ダリちゃん 彼らは別れちゃったので、わしはチャンスだと思ったんだ。それで彼女に連絡を取った。不思議だけど彼女はカナダ人だとわかったんだ。英語ネイティブだったんだ。彼女は中国語は喋らなかった。英語だけ。

Me   So, you could communicate with her in English. That was lucky.

Dali   Yes! So, I asked her for a date. Fortunately, she said, “Sure.” I planned for us to go to an Italian restaurant. The Italian restaurant was one at which my friend, who was also living in our dormitory, worked as a waiter. This was a very expensive and delicious Italian restaurant. So, I told him beforehand that I would come to his restaurant with the cute Chinese girl and asked him to reserve a table with a nice view. I also told him that I would leave everything to his recommendation.
ダリちゃん そうなんだ! で、デートに誘ったんだ。幸運にも彼女は「いいわよ」って言ってくれた。で、イタリアンレストランに行く予定を立てたんだ。そのイタリアンレストランは同じ寄宿舎に住んでいる友達がウェイターとして働いていたんだ。すっごい高級で味のいいイタリアンレストランだったんだ。それでわしは前もって彼に「かわいい中国人の彼女を連れてお前のレストランに行くから、眺めのいい席取っといて」と頼んだんだ。「おまえに全て任すから」とも彼に言った。

Me   You were so titillated! How was the date?
 相当ワクワクしてたんだね! デートはどうだった?

Dali   We went to the Italian restaurant. The waiter (my dormitory friend) was not carrying paper or anything on which to take down our order because it was the policy of the restaurant that the waiters write nothing down, and that they commit the entire order to memory.
ダリちゃん わしらはイタリアンレストランに行った。ウェイター(わしの寄宿舎の友達)は、オーダーをメモる紙も何も持ち歩いていなかった。そのレストランのポリシーなんだって。ウェイターは書き留めたらダメで、オーダーを全て覚えておきゃなきゃならないんだって。

Me   I can’t do that.

Dali   No, you need practice to do it. Anyway, he recommended starters, pasta, salad, main dish, and so on. Of course, I asked for wine. He said that they had a huge variety of wines. I told him that, since I didn’t know what good wine was, I left it completely to his recommendation. He asked, “Do you have price limit?” As I was there with the cute Chinese girl, I replied, “No, no, no, don’t worry about price.” He said, “Certainly.” 
ダリちゃん そう。訓練が必要だね。とにかく、彼はオードブル、パスタ、サラダ、メインディッシュなんかを勧めてきた。もちろん、わしはワインを頼んだ。彼は「どのようなワインでもご用意できます」と言った。わしは「どれがいいかわからないからお前がいいと思うものを出してくれ」と言った。彼は「ご予算の方は?」と聞いてきた。かわいい中国人の彼女の手前「いい、いい、値段は気にしなくていい」と答えた。彼は「かしこまりました」と答えた。

Me   You were very generous.

Dali   Well, she was so cute. He brought a white wine. I imagine it was an Italian wine because it was an Italian restaurant. He opened the bottle and I tasted it and there it was. It was the most delicious wine I had ever tasted. I didn’t guzzle it. I just sipped it. I couldn’t stop. It was so delicious. I have never tasted a wine which tasted better since. I don’t know the name of the wine because he recommended it and I never asked him the name of it. I don’t remember any label or anything, except the food was good.
ダリちゃん そう、彼女はとってもかわいかったんだ。彼は白ワインを持ってきた。イタリアンレストランなんだからイタリアワインだったと思うけど。彼はボトルを開けて、わしはテイスティングした。「こ、こ、これは」と思ったね。こんなおいしいワイン今まで飲んだことない! ガブガブ飲まずに、チビリチビリ飲んだ。止まらない。ほんと最高。その時飲んだワインに勝るのを以来飲んでいない。ワインの名前はわからないけど、だって彼が勧めてきたんだもん。彼に名前を尋ねなかったのもあるけど。ラベルも何も覚えていない。料理はおいしかったことは覚えてるけど。

Me   Oh, that was good. You must have had a very good time, thanks to the elegant wine. By the way, what became of your relationship with the cute Chinese girl?

Dali   With that girl? She was a member of a sorority (a girls’ club in university). There was a party held by her sorority, to which sorority members were required to come with their boyfriends. So a subsequent date was that party, which I attended as her boyfriend. As I said, she was very cute and petite but that didn’t mean she was shy. Actually, that Chinese girl was very outgoing, and she wanted me to go around and meet people at the party. However, as you know, I am an introvert. Although I was very handsome, I am a shy boy and couldn’t behave like an extrovert. After the party, she got angry at me and scolded me harshly. After that event, our relationship faded away…
ダリちゃん え、その女? 彼女はソロリティ(女性学生社交クラブ)のメンバーだったんだ。彼女のソロリティ主催のパーティーがあってね、メンバーは彼氏を連れてこなければならなかったんだ。そういうことで次のデートはそのパーティーで、わしは彼女の彼氏として出席したんだ。言ったと思うけど、彼女はかわいくて、ちっちゃくて……でもだからと言ってシャイなわけではなかったんだ。実際はその中国人女性は非常に外交的で、わしにパーティー会場をうろうろして挨拶して回れと言うんだ。でもね、知っていると思うけど、わしは内向的。とてもハンサムだったけどシャイで外交的人間のように振舞えなかったんだ。パーティーの後、彼女は怒ってわしにボロカス言ったんだ。その件以来、関係は自然消滅……

Me   Sweet memory of wine remains, with bitter memory of a strong-minded Chinese girl…

Dali   Yes, it was the most delicious wine I’ve ever tasted. It was white wine and was probably Italian. That’s all I remember.
ダリちゃん そう。すっごい美味なワインだったなあ……白でおそらくイタリアワイン。わしが覚えているのはこれだけ……

Key words(キーワード)
graduate school: 大学院、大学院大学
dormitory: (学校などの)寄宿舎、寮
by chance: 偶然に
petite: 小さい、(特に)小柄の
titillate: 快く刺激する、(~を)くすぐる
commit: 委託する、委ねる、引き受ける、約束する
generous: 気前のいい、惜しみなく物を与える、寛大な
guzzle: 暴飲する
sip: (~を)少しずつ飲む
subsequent: その次の、続いて起こる、その後の
outgoing: 外交的な、外向性に富んだ
introvert: 内向性の人、内向的な
extrovert: 外向性の人、外向的な
scold: (うるさく)叱る、(がみがみ)小言を言う
harshly: 厳しく、無情に
candidate: 候補者、志願者
indigenous: (ある土地、国に)土着の、原産の

Set of vector maps of Italy on white background

There are several regions that produce delicious white wines in Italy. These include Toscana (Vernaccia di San Gimignano), Liguria (Cinque Terre), Lombardia (Oltrepo Pavese), Veneto (Soave), Sicilia (Etna), and so on. Among these candidates, Soave from Veneto is very popular. Etna from Sicilia is a simple, fresh, and casual wine, made from indigenous grapes. So, these may not be the one that Dali mentioned. Vernaccia di San Gimignano from Toscana and Oltrepo Pavese from Lombardia are indeed good wines but are not so expensive. Cinque terre wine from Liguria is a top-quality white Italian wine. The wine is light-bodied and refreshing, with aromas of apple, lemon, and saline minerality. This might be the one that Dali ranked as the best white Italian wine.
Cinque terre wine and Liguria landscape






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