
英語なんて怖くない ダリちゃんの居酒屋英語教室

Frozen Fried Clam Strips(冷凍アサリ短冊フライ)

Dali   When I was young―maybe 15 or 25 years old―I often bought frozen fried seafood. 
ダリちゃん わしが若かった頃(たぶん15~25歳)よく冷凍シーフードフライを買ったもんだった。

Me   Did you? What kind of frozen seafood did you like?
 そうだったの? どんな種類の冷凍シーフードが好きだったの?

Dali   Well, my favorite one was clam. I often bought Frozen Fried Clam Strips at the supermarket, in which clams were cut into strips, battered, fried in oil, and frozen. I put it in a pan and heated it in the oven. When it became hot and crispy, it was ready. They also included in the package a small plastic envelope, which was also frozen because it was in the package. But it quickly melted, and I ripped it open.
ダリちゃん そうだね。わしはアサリが好きだったね。よくスーパーで冷凍のアサリ短冊フライを買ったもんだ。アサリを短冊状に切って、小麦粉をはたいて油で揚げて凍らせたものだ。わしはそれを皿にのせてオーブンで温めたんだ。熱くてカリカリになったら出来上がり。パッケージには凍った小さなプラスチックの包みが入っていたんだ。でもさっと溶けて、ビリット破ったんだ。

Dali on kitchen

Me   Oh, what was in it?

Dali   On the envelope it listed the ingredients as lemon juice and pickle relish. It also said, ‘Mix with two tablespoons of mayonnaise.’ So I mix it with mayonnaise. Yes, this became tartar sauce! I put the sauce on the clams and mixed it all together. It was so delicious.
ダリちゃん 包みには原料としてレモン果汁とピクルスのレリッシュと書かれてあった。「マヨネーズ大さじ二杯を加えて混ぜること」との記載もあった。で、マヨネーズと混ぜた。そう、タルタルソースになったんだ! わしはタルタルソースをアサリにのせてぐちゃぐちゃにした。むちゃくちゃ美味しかった。

New England fried clams

Key words(キーワード)
clam: (食用)二枚貝(ハマグリ、アサリなど)
strip: 細長い切れ、細長い一片
batter: (フライにするため)衣をつける
crispy: サクサクした、カリッとした、シャキッとした
ingredient: 成分、合成分、原料、(料理の)材料
pickle relish: 細かく刻んだ(ふつう甘い)ピクルスの調味料
tablespoon: (食卓用の)テーブルスプーン、大さじ
savor: (を)味わう、賞味する
before too long: いずれそのうちに、あまり遠くない将来に

Frozen Fried Clam Strips are not popular in Japan. But I found on the Internet that there are several foreign brands, including SeaPak, Gorton’s, Sea Best, Mrs. Paul’s, Wholey Seafood, and Howard Johnson’s. They look so yummy that I can’t help savoring it before too long.



Hi, Keiren-san!

Thank you for the comments. We also check your blog without fail. It’s informative, educational, and empathetic!
Recently, my husband I are into Cheese Finger the same processed foods which is frozen and need to cook again.
I don't think I ever found it in Japan.
By the way, Mr.Dali is handsome and your English and translate is really good, both help me a lot, thank you two.




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