TLEAいのちの冠福岡教会のHot News ☆ Church's news


いじめの向こうにあったもの Thing behind of burrying

2012-05-26 21:27:46 | 救い
There was a wonderful plan of God... This is a testimony of Pastor John Taniguchi and his wife of Kofu church.
Watch this!
This is a testimony film which there was wonderful God's plan for her behind of bullying.


2012-05-26 21:01:51 | 集会のお知らせ


Our worship service will be held at 5th floor's meeting room of Masatomo Building,whichi is in Tenjin 4 Chome on
May 27. Everyone is invited.
1st Service : 9:35-,2nd Service : 10:45-,Afternoon Service 14:50
3rd Service will be changed, so please ask for us before you will come to chuch.