TLEAいのちの冠福岡教会のHot News ☆ Church's news



2012-05-19 17:54:26 | いやしの証し
神のしもべ長崎教会の行っているラジオのリスナーの方が腰を痛め、腰をかがめて歩いておられました。医者がこのままでは、骨がすれて腰が曲がると言われたそうです。しかし、ラジオを通して祈られた祈りで痛くなくなり、腰もまっすぐになり、医者がびっくりされ、「なにをしたの」と言われたそうです。主のいやしのわざを感謝致します。ゴスペルメッセージon Saturday Night
A person hurt his back that he walked bending his knees. He’s one of the radio program’s listeners at The Servants-of-God Nagasaki Church. The doctor told him that he would have a bent back because of rubbing his bones. However through prayers by the radio program, he felt his pains gone. And he had a straight back. So the doctor was surprised and said, “What did you do that?” We thanks the Lord who was healed him.

日本孤児院 An Orphanage in Japan

2012-05-19 17:29:18 | 孤児院

Our churches are supporting for building an orphanage ( children care center) in Kooriyama city, Fulushima prefecture for the orphans who lost their parents or relatives at the earth quake in March 11.
Tomorrow we will have a charity street live performance, if you want to know more information, click above.

写真は完成予想図 This picture is an architect's conception of the finished building.

ブラジルチーム A Team to Brazil

2012-05-19 17:22:09 | 海外宣教
The day after tomorrow, a mission team to Brazil will be sent. We are expecting that God will show His wonderful works thorugh this team, so let's pray for this team.

カウントダウンブログはこちら→ Countdown blog in English→ 


2012-05-19 16:55:05 | ブログ
このブログ「いのちの冠福岡教会Hot News」は英訳してくださる方、博多弁に翻訳?してくださる方がいる、とても恵まれたブログです。
We are very blessed since we have some helpers for this blog, "Hot News of Crown of Life Fukuoka Church",
Some put Japanese into English and the other translate the standard Japanese into Hakata dialect.

Well, let me introduce Mahalo's blog, which is written in Hakata dialect, sometimes.
This is belong to Hawaii Church, and the word of Mahalo means Thank you in the Hawaiians language.
You can see cute cats in this blog. Visit this.

今日のみことば Word of God For Today

2012-05-19 09:58:32 | 断食聖会

主は、やみの中に隠れた事も明るみに出し、心の中のはかりごとも明らかにされます。そのとき、神から各人に対する賞賛が届くのです。 コリント人への手紙第一、4章5節

"Therefore judge nothing before the time,untill the Lord comes, who will both bring to light the hidden things do darkness and reveal the counsels of the hearts, then each one's praise will come from God.
-1Corintians 4:5-