
同人誌 動画 プログラム 情報処理 アート グラフィックス 有償 2018年創業

squire mate magic by dai fukuoka 2021Nov12Sat PM2:10 Talot 0 Creture

2021-11-13 14:04:07 | 日記

Cala's Number's 13Number's 7th Rank Issabelle'rs=Issabelle Rue Erayna = Greece Brunch Chief Talot0 Numbers18 Saint 36eScuire 36Scuire

(Scuire1)Order24 & Occupater HP1 Mana1 Attack Critical Range15 FreeInstallMagic FreeInstallCreature Magic ZeroMate Loop count&Max Addition occtupation Loop count&Max ZeroMate Accept shield Double ProofDamage Line Cost0
(Scuire2)Neutral13 & Magican0 HP1 Mana1 Attack Critical Range15 Free1 Free2 Free3 Free4 Free5 Free6 Free7 Free8 Free9 Free10 Shield Double PrrofDamage Line Magic Vampire0+Identify Elf Sorcerer0+Identify
(Scuire3)Police1 Age HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-0+Critical Range 15 Fire Bolt Magic That Name count or その名前count & Target That Name Talot ReadAge & count ProofDamage Shield Double Cost0
(Scuire4)Prlice2 BirthDay HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-0+Critical Range 15 Fire Bolt Magic That Name count or その名前count & Target That Name Talot ReadDay count & count ReadMonth count&count ProofDamage Shield Double Cost0
(Scuire5)Police3 Author HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-0+Critical Range 15 Fire Bolt Magic That Name count or その名前count & Target That Name Talot Birth Year count & count ProofDamage Shield Double Cost0
(Scuire6)Police4 Medical HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-0+Critical Range 15 Fire Bolt Magic That Name count or その名前count & Target That Name Talot Blood count & count ProofDamage Shield Double Cost0
(Scuire7)Police5 Engage HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-0+Critical Range 15 Fire Bolt Magic That Name count or その名前count & Target That Name Talot Child count & Parent count ProofDamage Shield Double Cost0
(Scuire8)Police6 Sex HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-0+Critical Range 15 Fire Bolt Magic That Name count or その名前count & Target That Name Talot SexMale count & Sex Lady count ProofDamage Shield Double Cost0
(Scuire9)Poilce7 NameArrest HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-0+Critical Range 15 Fire Bolt Magic That Name count or その名前count & Target That Name Talot Record Name ProofDamage Shield Double Cost0
(Scuire10)Poilce8 RegistArrest HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-0+Critical Range 15 Fire Bolt Magic That Name count or その名前count & Target That Name Talot Record Job Location Name Age count&count Compiance count&count & Blood count&count & country Name ProofDamage Shield Double Cost0
(Scuire11)Police9 Name HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-0+Critical Range 15 Fire Bolt Magic That Name count or その名前count & Target That Name Talot Record Job Location Name Age Compiance ProofDamage Shield Double Cost0
(Scuire12)Police10 Time HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-0+Critical Range 15 Fire Bolt Magic That Name count or その名前count & Target That Name Talot Record OnWard Month Onward Day OnWard Hour count&count Onward Minute count & count OnWard Second count & count Shield country Identify Double ProofDamge ProofDamage Shield Double Cost0
(Scuire13)NumberExchanger HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-count Range 15 Fire Bolt Magic 1兆Trillion 10億Billion 100万Million 千Thousand 百Handret 十ten 一one ProofDamage Shield Double Cost0
(Scuire14)Theive's Guild HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-0+Critical Range15 Fire Bolt Magic FreeDom Zero Shield Double Proof Damage Cost0
(Scuire15)Wizards'Guild HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-0+Critical Range15 Record Commoncount&count Magic Record Summoncount&count & Otherr count & count & Commoncount&count Shield Double Proof Damage Cost0
(Scuire16)Wizard0 HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-0+Critical Range15 Fire Bolt Magic LightningBolt Shield Double Proof Damage Cost0
(Scuire17)MagicalJewelCart0 HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-0+Critical Range15 Fire Bolt Magic MagicalJewelCart Shield Double Proof Damage Cost0
(Scuire18)Witeness HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-0+Critical Range15 Fire Bolt Magic Record Friendly Talo0&Talot&TalotLevel2&TalotLevel3&TalotLevel4&TalotLevel5&TalotLevel6 Loop count & count Shield Double Proof Damage Cost0
(Scuire19)Master Pieace HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-0+Critical Range15 Fire Bolt Magic Peace Shield Double Proof Damage Cost0
(Scuire20)Master Return HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-0+Critical Range15 Fire Bolt Magic Return Target Friendly Loop count & 1 Shield Double Proof Damage Cost0
(Scuire21)Master Church HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-0+Critical Range15 Dead Church Magic Free Heal Shield Double Proof Damage Cost0
(Scuire22)Master Sacrifice HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-0+Critical Range15 FreeSacrifice Magic Zero Sacrifice Shield Double Proof Damage Cost0
(Scuire23)Lower Palmist HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-0+Critical Range 15 Fire Bolt Magic Identify+PlanerEnginnerDesignCreateor count & SunPlantFramForestArtGuraden count & StoreShopMarketSecurity count & PlantManufactureIndustrial count & Commit count & Administretor count & Academy count & Happy count & Inteligence count & Alone count & Lawyer count & Judicial Scrivener count & Social Security Attorney count & Attorney count & Clark count & Servant count & Senior count& Executive count & Sale count & Make count & Support count & Promote count & Author count & Life count & Dead count & Chaos count & Order count & Legal count & Justice count & Honner count Shield Double ProofDamage Cost 0
(Scuire24)Paige Sword HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-0+Critical Range15 Fire Bolt Magic ChainHP+20 Shield Double Proof Damage Cost0
(Scuire25)Paige Pike & Paige Pique HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-0+Critical Range15 Free Heal Magic Fire Bolt Shield Double Proof Damage Cost0
(Scuire26)Paige Knife HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-0+Critical Range15 Fire Bolt Magic Peak Target Chain Friendly Shield Double Proof Damage Cost0
(Scuire27)Paige Police HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-0+Critical Range15 Freedom Zero Magic That Name count & Name Record Target That Name & その名前 Loop count & Max Shield Double Proof Damage Cost0
(Scuire28)Paige Magican HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-0+Critical Range 15 Fire Bolt Magic Name Record Target Free1 Free2 Free8 Common count & count Shield Double Proof Damage Cost0
(Scuire29)Paige Priest HP1 Mana1 SpecialTarget HP-count Range 15 Free Heal Magic SplitShield0(HP&HP+HPcount) Shield Double Proof Damage Cost0
(Scuire30)Briidge Talk0 HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-0+Critical Range 15 Fire Bolt Magic その名前count & Target That Name Identify Bridge Talk That Name Shield Double ProofDazmege Cost0
(Scuire31)HomeHelpZero HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-count Range 15 FreeSacrifice Magic Not Blood Not BrithDay Not Name Write Parent HomeHelp Identify Shield Double Proof Damage Cost 0
(Scuire32)Engage HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-count Range 15 Fire Bolt Magic Not Child And Not Wife count & 1 Addition Engage Addition Wife Not Wife and Not Child count &1 Shield Double ProofDamage Cost 0
(Scuire33)Barrier Security HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-count Range 15 Fire Bolt Magic Barrier Shield Double Proof Damage Cost 0
(Scuire34)Rotate Security HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-count Range 15 Fire Bolt Magic Rotate Shield Double ProofDamage Cost 0
(Scuire35)Assembler HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-count+Critical ZeroSnipe Magic Trough About of CallingScuire0Mate+Identify Assembly+Identify Loop count & countShield Double Proof Damage Cost 0
(Scuire36)MyRegistKeeper HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-count+Critical Range15 Fire Bolt Magic Identify+Blood Identify count & count+BrithYear Identify count & count+Read Day Identify & Read Mounth Identify & Name Record Indentify Shield Double ProofDamage Cost0

(ParentScuire1)36ScuireCalling HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-count+Critical Range Fire Bolt Magic CallingScuire0MateMagic&Hanter0&CommonWizardGuild+Identify Cost0
(ParentScuire2)Hanter0 HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-count+Critical ZeroSnipe Magic Fire Bolt Shield Double Proof Damage Cost 0
(ParentScuire3)Common WizardGuild HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-count+Critical Range 15 Fire Bolt Magic Sense Magic & Record Common count&count Shield Double Proof Damage Cost 0

-Arc Scuire Local Brunch Numbers 27 13Numbers Issabeller=Isabell Rue Erayna

※ArcScuire0MateMagic ArcScuirecount&count
(ArcScuire1)Hanter0 HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-count+Critical ZeroSnipe Magic Fire Bolt Shield Double Proof Damage Cost 0
(ArcScuire2)Common Wizards'Guild HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-count+Critical Range 15 Fire Bolt Magic Sense Magic & Record Common count&count Shield Double Proof Damage Cost 0
(ArcScuire3)Wizard Police1 & HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range Fire Bolt Magic Common147 & Sense ID KEY
(ArcScuire4)Wizard Police2 & EnemyMagic HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range Fire Bolt Magic Sense Enemy Magic Common148
(ArcScuire5)Wizard Police3 HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range Fire Bolt Magic(Sense AttributeBoold/Common149) All ThatNameAndその名前 HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range Fire Bolt Magic ThatNameRecord Parent ThatName Lady&Malecount&count And ThatNameRecord Parent Parent Name Lady&Male count&count Record Parent Parent Parent Name Lady&Malecount&count And ThatNameRecord Child Name Male count And Loop count&count And ThatNameRecord Child Name Loop count&count Child Name Male count And Loop count&count And ThatNameRecord Child Name Loop count&count Record Child Name Loop count&count Record Child Name Male count And Loop count&count Birth Year&Age&Name Record ThatName Parent count&count&count Parent count&count Parent count Child count&count Child Child count&count Child Child Child count&count
(ArcScuire6) Wizard Police4 HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range Fire Bolt Magic sense Attack Common152(Attack & Summon Name
(ArcScuire7) Wizard Police5 HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range Fire Bolt Magic Identify All Enemy RecordLog Record Loop count & count& IdentifyFriendly Record Enemy & Smeller & Identify Friendly Enemy Name Record Loop count & count case Friendly Target Friendly smeller Record Kill & Dead & lie & unBelieve & noallow & noadmit & resistant & a representative & Master & reason & Master & Magc & Auditory & Murder & Homicide
(ArcScuire8) Wizard Police6 HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range Betrayal NecroMancer or Betrayal Fairy or Revial Religion Evil Deity or Representative Reletion Magic Betrayal NecroMancer or Betrayal Fairy or Revial Religion Evil Deity or Representative Reletion Record Target Friendly Loop count & count
(ArcScuire9) Wizard Police7 HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range FreeDom Zero Target Police1-10WizardPolice1-6 Magic Record Police1-10,WizardPolice1-6 Loop count & count
(ArcScuire10) Recovery Wizards Guild HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range Fire Bolt Magic (Sense Healing/Common150) Priest Magic Level count&Conut Loop count&count Priest Magic Level count&Conut Range count&count Magic count&count & TotalCost count&count & Target HP0 count & Target HP Not0 count & Target Not Friendly count Loop count&count Case Heal count&Conut Range count&count Magic count&count & TotalCost count&count & Target HP0 count & Target HP Not0 count & Target Not Friendly count Loop count&count

(ArcScuire11) Summon Wizards Guild HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range Fire Bolt Magic (sense Creature/Common151)HP count&count & Mana count&count And Total Cost count&count And LevelRecord count&count Range count&count And Magic count&count And RangeTargetEnemycount And MagicTargetEnemy And Proof Damage count And Shield count And Destroy count And Critical count & SpecialTarget count Target Common143&Other110&CreturecounterUP Loop count&count
(ArcScuire12) Arc Wizards Guild HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range Fire Bolt Magic 魔法&Magic&コモン&センスマジック Recoard Target Recovery Wizards Guild&Summon Wizards Guild & Common Wizards'Guild & Wizard Police7 & Wizard's Tower & WarLock Guild & Necromancer Guild & Summoner Guild & Theive's Tower
(ArcScuire13) Expert Theive's Guild HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range Betrayal(ビトレール) &裏切り Steal&盗む FreeDom Zero Magic Steal and Betrayal&裏切り&盗む Record Target Chain Friendly
(ArcScuire14) White Wizard0 HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range Free Heal Magic DeadChuch,Free Heal,Peace
(ArcScuire15) Black Wizard0 HP1 Mana1 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range Fire Bolt Magic Lightning0
(ArcScuire16) Expert Thief0 HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range Trouble&事故&事件 FreeDom Zero Magic RecordLogRecord Trouble Friendly Loop count&count
(ArcScuire17) Arc Thief0 HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range Trouble&事故&事件 FreeDom Zero Taget Cahin Enemy Magic Trouble&事故&事件RecordLogRecord Target ChainFriendly Loop count&count
(ArcScuire18) Ace Thief0 HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range Evidence&証拠 & Property&財産 FreeDom Zero Magic RecordLogRecord Evidence&証拠 & Property&財産 Friendly Loop count&count

(ArcScuire19) WarLock Guild HP1 Mana1 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range Fire Bolt Magic Fire Bolt
(ArcScuire20) Necromancer Guild HP1 Mana1 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range StanGram0 Magic FreeDom 殺人 自殺 証拠 根拠 事実 真実 誤解 偽陳述 被害 死 混沌 Dead Chaos True's lie Believe Kill Murder homicide DePosition Depose Relation
(ArcScuire21) Summoner Guild HP1 Mana1 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range LevelStepZero Magic ArcSpuire0MateMagic CallingScuire0MateMagic ZeroMateSummon
(ArcScuire22) Master's Guild HP1 Mana1 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range Fire Bolt Magic Summon MasterKeyThief GuildMaster0,,ExpertThief0,ArcThie0f,AceThief0,Theive's Guild,Arc Theive's Guild,
(ArcScuire23) Wizard's Tower HP1 Mana1 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range LevelStepZero Magic Talot 魔術師同盟 & 使徒 & 聖職者 & 魔法使い & 魔術師 & 黒 & 白 & 魔法 & 戦利品 & 悪霊 & 死霊 & 守護霊 & 紛争 & 魔法 & 戦争 & 敵 & 味方 & 幻術 & 召還 & 大魔法 & 英雄 & 騎士 & 鑑定 & 香を炊く & 儀式 & 詠唱 & 妨害 & 悪意 & 搭 & 楽園 & トトカンタ & バビル & エデン & トロフィー & イブ & アダム & ローストメモリー & センスマジック & & ナインコード & パルミスト & ペンタックル & ダイアグラム & ソーサリー RecoardLog Record Target ALL or Talot 魔術師同盟 & 使徒 & 聖職者 & 魔法使い & 魔術師 & 黒 & 白 & 魔法 & 戦利品 & 悪霊 & 死霊 & 守護霊 & 紛争 & 魔法 & 戦争 & 敵 & 味方 & 幻術 & 召還 & 大魔法 & 英雄 & 騎士 & 鑑定 & 香を炊く & 儀式 & 詠唱 & 妨害 & 悪意 & 搭 & 楽園 & トトカンタ & バビル & エデン & トロフィー & イブ & アダム & ローストメモリー & センスマジック & & ナインコード & パルミスト & ペンタックル & ダイアグラム & ソーサリー FreeDomZero
(ArcScuire24) Theive's Tower HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range 強盗 or 殺人 or 悪意 or 裏付け or 放火 or 供述 or 万引き or 窃盗 or 加害者 or 被害者 or Homicide & Murder & lie or representative & Homicide or Auditory & Murder or reason & Murder or Deny allow or Smeller or Betrayer or Not allow or Testify & DeposeFreeDom Zero Identify Magic Recoard 強盗 or 殺人 or 悪意 or 裏付け or 放火 or 供述 or 万引き or 窃盗 or 加害者 or 被害者 or Homicide & Murder & lie or representative & Homicide or Auditory & Murder or reason & Murder or Deny allow or Smeller or Betrayer or Not allow or Testify & Depose
(ArcScuire25) Master Key Thief HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range FreeDom Zero Magic recoard Profile
(ArcScuire26) Arc White Palmist HP1 Mana1 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range LevelStepZero Magic TalotLevel6 Additon WhiteKnightSquadron
(ArcScuire27) Arc Black Palmist HP1 Mana1 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range LevelStepZero Magic TalotLevel6 Additon BlackKnightSquadron

⑲Common143 & Other110 Creture counter UP : Target StructureClass=Tower,Magical Tower,Tower assault,Tower Healing,Castle,House,Fort,Royal Tower,Tempest/LifeClass=Knightcount&count & Sacredcount&count,Battlecount&count/OrderClass=AngelLevelcount&count,GrrffinLevelcount&count,Eldarcount&count,Ordercount&count/NaturalClass=Neutralcount&count,Elf Sorcerer,Avarice,WhiteAvarice,Earth Elf Sorcerer,Water Elf Sorcerer,Air Elf Sorcerer,Fire Elf Sorcerer,Elf Level count&count,animalcount&count/ChaosClass=
Dragon count&count,DarkKnight,DrakPriestLevel count&count,Lizard Man,afreet(ifreet)/DeathClass=Evilcount&count
⑳Otherr111 & Common144 & Sense Priest Priest List UP = TargetPrist Magic Level(30) count & count Heal(25) count & count
①Common145 & Sense Priest Recoard Sense Magic PristListUP
②Common146 & Sense Creature List & Sense Magic : ListUpDirect & Creture counter UP
③Common147 & Sense ID KEY Target All&NameAndChainFriendlyAndChainNaturalAndChainEnamyLoop count&count And All Name Record First Brith Year count&1 Target All Name count&Type Loop count&count and AllName Men's Boy's count Loop count&count AllName Lady's Girl count Loop count&count & All Name count & Record Blood count&count Loop count&count And And All NameRecord Blood Type count&Type Loop count&count & Body Record count&Type Loop count&count Name Record & count&Type Loop count&count & Record TypeAditton Loop count&5 Loop count&count Mate Record Loop count&Type Loop count&count And Mate Level2 Record Loop count&Type Loop count&count and Mate Level3 Record Loop count&Type Loop count&countand All Name Record Range Target Friendly count Loop count&count All Name Record Magic Target Friendly Loopcount&Type Loop count & count And All Loop count&count
④Common148 ThatSummon&ThatCreture&That Duel&That Trading&Battle&Magic&Summon & That Enemy&Enemycount&count Talot And Name Record& That Summon Loop count&count & That SummonHP&count&count & That SummonMana count&count & ThatSummon Range count & ThatSummon Magic count & count & & ThatSummon Shield Count & Loop count&count And ThatSummon Double Count & Loop count&count & ThatSummon Proof Damage Count & Loop count&count Special & ThatSummon Target Count & Loop count&count & ThatSummon Line Count & Loop count&count & ThatSummon Fly Count & Loop count&count & ThatSummon Tele Port Count & Loop count&count & ThatSummon Target CallCount & Loop count&count & ThatSummon Attack Count & Loop count&count & ThatSummon Range Count & Loop count&count & ThatSummon Magic Count & Loop count&count & ThatSummon Total Cost Count & Loop count&count & ThatSummon Destroycount & Loop count&count & ThatSummon CriticalCount & Loop count&count
⑤Common149 Sense AttributeBoold) All ThatNameAndその名前 ThatNameRecord Parent ThatName Lady&MaleCont&Count And ThatNameRecord Parent Parent Name Lady&Male Count&Count Record Parent Parent Parent Name Lady&MaleCont&Count And ThatNameRecord Child Name Male Count And Loop Count&Count And ThatNameRecord Child Name Loop Count&Count & Child Name Male Count And Loop Count&Count And ThatNameRecord Child Name Loop Count&Count & Record Child Name Loop Count&Count Record Child Name Male Count And Loop Count&Count & Birth Year&Age&Name Record ThatName Parent Count&Count&Count Parent Count&Count )HP Count&Count & Mana Count&Count And Total Cost Count&Count And LevelRecord Count&Count Range Count&Count And Parent Count Child Count&Count Child Child Count&Count Child Child Child Count&Count And Parent Count & Count Parent Parent Cont & Count Parent Parent Parent Count & Count
⑥Common150 Sense Healing Priest Magic Level Count&Conut Loop Count&Count Heal Count&Conut Range Count&Count Magic Count&Count & TotalCost Count&Count & Target HP0 Count & Target HP Not0 Count & Target Not Friendly Count Loop Count&Count Case Sense Priest
⑦Common151 & Sense Creature HP count&count & Mana count&count And Total Cost count&count And LevelRecord count&count Range count&count And Magic count&count And RangeTargetEnemycount And MagicTargetEnemy count And Proof Damage count And Shield count And Destroy count And Critical count & SpecialTarget count Target Common143&Sense Creature List Loop count&count
⑧Common152 & sense Attack & Summon Name ThatName And その名前 & HP & Summon Name Not 0 & Attack Not AttackHP-count & Record Name & Summon Name AttackHPcount&Max count & Summon Name Attack Less Than count & 5000 count & Record Summon Name Attack HP-count&count And Less Than count & More Than count & Summon Name Tele Port count & Summon Name Fly count & Summon Name Line count & Summon Name Explode Cout & Summon Name Critical count & Summon Name Destroy count & Summon Name Special Target count & Summon Nmae Friendly count Target ThatName&Summon Name&sense Creature

⑮Common139 & Otherr105 & AssemblyScuire Identify CallingScuire0MateMagic Local Assembly
⑯Common140 & Otherr106 & CallingScuire0MateMagic 36Scuire0
⑱Common142 & Otherr109 & ListUPDirect Target StructureClass=Tower,Magical Tower,Tower assault,Tower Healing,Castle,House,Fort,Royal Tower,Tempest/LifeClass=Knight1-18 & Sacred1-7,Battle1-6/OrderClass=AngelLevel1-10,GrrffinLevel0-4,Eldar1-5,Order1-15/NaturalClass=Neutral1-18,Elf Sorcerer,Avarice,WhiteAvarice,Earth Elf Sorcerer,Water Elf Sorcerer,Air Elf Sorcerer,Fire Elf Sorcerer,Elf Level 1-8,animal1-10/ChaosClass=
Dragon 1-26,DarkKnight,DrakPriestLevel 1-4,Lizard Man,afreet(ifreet)/DeathClass=Evil1-33
⑲Common143 & Other110 Creture counter UP : Target StructureClass=Tower,Magical Tower,Tower assault,Tower Healing,Castle,House,Fort,Royal Tower,Tempest/LifeClass=Knightcount&count & Sacredcount&count,Battlecount&count/OrderClass=AngelLevelcount&count,GrrffinLevelcount&count,Eldarcount&count,Ordercount&count/NaturalClass=Neutralcount&count,Elf Sorcerer,Avarice,WhiteAvarice,Earth Elf Sorcerer,Water Elf Sorcerer,Air Elf Sorcerer,Fire Elf Sorcerer,Elf Level count&count,animalcount&count/ChaosClass=
Dragon count&count,DarkKnight,DrakPriestLevel count&count,Lizard Man,afreet(ifreet)/DeathClass=Evilcount&count
⑳Otherr111 & Common144 & Priest List UP = Prist Magic Level(30) count & count Heal(25) count & count
①Common145 & Sense Magic PristListUP
②Common146 & Sense Magic ListUpDirect & Creture Counter UP

