


2009-01-24 11:23:36 | 講師たちの生活
This week I was talking to a student who used to live in Hokkaido. I told her that I feel colder in Tokyo than I did in Canada. She said that she understood my feeling, and she is colder in Tokyo than she was in Hokkaido.

Of course, the temperature (温度)is much colder in Canada and Hokkaido, but the buildings and lifestyles (生活)are very different. My house in Canada had very good insulation (断熱材), double-pane windows (二重窓), and central heating (セントラルヒーティング). We used the car much more, so I didn't have to go out in the cold so much.

Sometimes I think I should go to Hokkaido or Canada for the winter so I can be warm!

Here are some phrases you can use for discussing the temperature. Can you say them in English?  If you write your answers in the comments of this blog, I will check them. このブログのコメントに答えを書いてくれたら、チェックします。) You don't have to use your real name and more than one person (二人以上) can do it.

There are vocabulary hints below the quiz.

1.      今日の温度はー5度です。
2.      家に断熱材を入れてから暖房費が下がりました。
3.      体感温度によると今日の温度はー20度でした。
4.      加熱炉がないので客部屋にストーブを使います。
5.      室温は20度です。
6.      温度がー40度になるとカ氏と摂氏が同じになる。
7.      温度計によると温度はー2度です。
8.      温度自動調節器を下げてくれますか。

1.    temperature
2.    insulation, heating bills
3.    wind chill factor
4.    furnace, space heater
5.    room temperature
6.    Celsius, Fahrenheit
7.    thermometer
8.    thermostat


3 コメント

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Hello Ed. (Hamu)
2009-01-25 17:17:19
It's been a long time.

1. The temperature is -5 degrees today.
2. After we got insulation for our house, the heating bills have reduced.
3. According to wind chill factor, today's temperature was -20 degrees.
4. Since we don't have a furnace, we use a space heater for each room.
5. The room temperature is 20 degrees.
6. When the temperature is -40 degrees, the value of Celsius is the same as the one's Fahrenheit.
7. The thermometer says the temperature is -2 degrees.
8. Could you turn down the thermostat?

Would you check my answers?
It was the most difficult quiz I've ever tried, especially No.3 and No.6.
Keep warm!

To Hamu (Ed)
2009-01-25 21:29:30
Thanks for trying the quiz. I'm sorry the quiz was difficult for you, but you did a very good job. There are a few minor mistakes, but all your sentences are easy to understand.

1. The temperature is -5 degrees today.
2. After we got insulation for our house, the heating bills have reduced.
---It sounds more natural to say "...our heating bills have gone down."
3. According to wind chill factor, today's temperature was -20 degrees.
---"According to" sounds like 「人の話によると。。。」so it's a little unnatural. We usually say, "With the wind chill factor..."
4. Since we don't have a furnace, we use a space heater for each room.
5. The room temperature is 20 degrees.
---"The room temperature" sounds like その部屋の温度. When you speak generally, you should say, "Room temperature is 20 degrees."
6. When the temperature is -40 degrees, the value of Celsius is the same as the one's Fahrenheit.
---"When the temperature is -40 degrees, it's the same in both Celsius and Fahrenheit."
7. The thermometer says the temperature is -2 degrees.
8. Could you turn down the thermostat?
Hi Ed! (Hamu)
2009-01-29 06:45:21
Thanks for your correction.
I'll use useful 'with' more.
I wanted to know right word for'(値段)が下がる'. Thank you so much.