

Going to Greece!

2008-07-06 12:20:44 | 講師たちの生活
I'm going to Greece on July 16. I'm very excited, and I've been telling many of my students, but I almost always have to explain (説明する)what "Greece" means. Greece is ギリシア in Japanese. Many students have also never heard of Athens (アテネ).

I'm going to stay in Greece for two weeks, and will visit Santorini, a beautiful Mediterranean (地中海)Island that has many beautiful white buildings, and is said to have the most beautiful sunsets (夕焼け)in the world. We're also going to visit an old resort city called Napflion, and go to Sparta. At the end of our trip we'll visit Athens. I hope to have some nice photos to show you when I get back.

Here's a quiz about some famous cities and countries that are different in English and Japanese:

1. ウィーン 
2. オランダ 
3. スイス 
4. タイ   
5. トルコ 
6. ドイツ
7. フィレンツェ 
8. ベネチア 
9. ベルギー 
10. ミュンヘン   
11. ローマ 

Can you say them in English? The answers are in the comments.


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Quiz Answers (Ed)
2008-07-06 12:22:22
1. ウィーン Vienna
2. オランダ Holland
3. スイス Switzerland
4. タイ Thailand
5. トルコ Turkey
6. ドイツ Germany
7. フィレンツェ Florence
8. ベネチア Venice
9. ベルギー Belgium
10. ミュンヘン Munich 