

Festival Photos

2007-10-25 19:34:05 | 講師たちの生活
Last weekend I went to the Koto-ward (区) festival. It's not very famous (有名), but I think it's one of the best festivals I have seen in Japan. I was very impressed (に感銘を受ける) by the log rolling (角乗)demonstration. One guy even did log rolling while wearing Japanese wooden clogs (下駄). That was unbelievable (驚くべき)! Canadian lumberjacks (木材伐採人) also do log rolling, but I wonder if they could do it wearing Japanese wooden clogs.

Another very impressive trick was when they carried a palenquin (かご) with a young boy in it.

Finally, I saw the Chikara-mochi demonstration. I thought it was really funny because they covered a man with rice bales (米俵) and then pounded him with a heavy hammer to make rice cakes (餅).  If you look at the photo below, you will notice (気付く) that everybody looks happy, but nobody is looking at the poor guy on the bottom.