

さまざまな意味を持つ単語 ー 頑張って

2007-10-23 11:34:59 | さまざまな意味を持つ単語


 Some Japanese words are very difficult to say in English. 頑張って is on of the most difficult, because it can be used in many different ways. Here are some different ways to say 頑張って in English.

Good luck.

In this case, 頑張って means that we hope they will have good luck that will help them pass (合格) or win (勝つ).
例: Before a test: “Good luck on the test.”
例: Before a sports event: “Good luck in the race.”
例: Before a job interview: “Good luck with the job interview.”
Don’t work too hard.
When someone has to go to work, many Japanese people say “頑張って” but many Westerners don’t like someone saying “Work hard!” so we say the opposite (反対).
例: Before going in to work. “Don’t work too hard.”
Break a leg.
Before a performance (演劇), people don’t usually wish someone good luck. This is an old superstition (迷信) from the theater (演劇界).
例: Before someone goes onstage: “Break a leg.”
Hang in there.
If someone is depressed (落ち込んだ) or is thinking about quitting (辞めること) people say “Hang in there”. The origin (由来) of this expression is that if a person is in danger of falling, they have to hang on to something tightly (しっかりつかまる).
例: When we are consoling (慰めること) someone whose boss got angry with the person: “Hang in there. Things will get better.”
例: When someone is thinking about quitting because the situation (状態) is difficult: “Hang in there. You can do it.”
Keep up the good work.
”Keep up” means to continue at the same high level.
例: When someone has done a good job and you want the person to continue: “This report (報告) is really good. Keep up the good work.”
Please do your best on this.

If you want to tell someone that something is very important so they have to make a special effort (動力) you can say, “Please do your best on this.” This phrase is usually used by a superior (上司) talking to a subordinate (部下).
例: When someone is going to give an important presentation: “Please do your best on this presentation. It’s very important.”

