
ITコンサルタント&山岳ガイド協会公認 山岳ガイド&インターネットショップ ラブジアース店長&LOC代表の徒然日記。

【LOC】 4/21 城山 西南カンテ マルチピッチクライミング

2019年04月21日 21時34分46秒 | LOC


The weather forecast for Joyama was the maximum temperature 22 degrees expected. I thought it was very hot, but the wind was moderate and the shade was alittle bit cool. Sunny 2P ~ 3P was hot during climbing.

Today, we were divided into two parties and climbed up, and 3party menbers climbed up with lead style. It was wonderful. I think that the whole flow was imaged to the head by the third multi-pitch climbing course today and it was smoother than the last time.


6:30 新宿 集合、出発
8:10 コンビニ到着
8:30 城山登山口駐車場 到着、準備、講習
9:30 出発
10:10 西南カンテ取付き 到着、準備
14:50 終了点
15:00 下山開始
15:40 城山登山口駐車場 到着
16:10 コンビニ 出発
19:40 新宿 到着、解散


