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【大雪山国立公園・旭岳情報】アリの日 Ant Day. 受粉出来ます? Can They Pollinate?

2020年06月28日 | 大雪山国立公園旭岳・天人峡情報



The ant here is taking nectar from the Loiseleuria procumbens, could it also be pollinating? 



The ant here is taking nectar from the Potentilla miyabei, could it also be pollinating?  



The ant here is taking nectar from the Aconogonon weyrichii , could it also be pollinating?  


さて、アメリカの林業省によると、"アリは花を効果的に受粉させずに花の蜜を取る可能性が高い。研究者たちは、一部のアリが花を訪れ、花粉の粒が体に付着している可能性があるにもかかわらず、重要な受粉者ではないことを発見しました( USDA、2020年)。つまり、彼らは少しは運ぶかもしれないが、「重要な」受粉者とみなされるほどではない、特に大雪山に生息する在来種のマルハナバチと比較して考えてみると、そうなのかもしれない。 

マルハナバチ(Bombus spp. 例えば、くど(2014)は、高山でのマルハナバチの受粉は、異常に暖かい春であれば、働き蜂がコロニーから出てきて受粉する時間が少なくなるほど、ほとんどのマルハナバチの受粉は気候とシンクロしていることを発見しています。言い換えれば、通常、花が咲く6月中旬に花が咲くと受粉を開始するために出てくるはずなのに、異常に暖かい春で花の開花が予想よりも早かった場合、ほとんどのマルハナバチの種はまだ花のピークである6月中旬に出てきますが、暖かい春のために花の開花が遅くなり、働き蜂が受粉する時間が少なくなることを意味しているのです。思考のための食糧。

Well, according to the United States Forestry Department of Agriculture  "Ants are more likely to take nectar without effectively cross-pollinating flowers. Researchers have discovered that some ants are not important pollinators, even though they visit flowers and may have pollen grains attach to their bodies." (USDA, 2020). So, they might carry a bit but not enough to be considered "important" pollinators, especially when you'd think about comparing them to the native bumblebees which live in the Daisetsuzan range. 

Bumble bees (Bombus spp.) are studied extensively as indicator species which help us learn about the the climate as well. For example, Kudo (2014) found that most alpine bumble bee polination is in synchronization with the climate to the point that if it is an unusally warm spring, the worker bumble bee will have less time to pollinate as they emerge from the colony. In other words, if they would normally emerge to begin pollination as the flowers are blooming in perhaps mid-June for example, but it's an unually warm spring and the flowers blossom earlier than expected, most bumble bee species would still emerge in their expected mid-June peak of a flowers, however the flowers would be later in their blooming stage due to the warmer spring, meaning the worker bees would have less time to pollinate. Food for thought. 







旭岳自然保護監視員:ブランコ ジェレミー



Kudo, G. (2014). Vulnerability of phenological synchrony between plants and pollinators in an alpine ecosystem. Ecological Research, 29(4), 571-581. 2020. Ant Pollination. [online] Available at: <,grains%20attach%20to%20their%20bodies.> [Accessed 28 June 2020].

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