
「歌声列車IN房総半島横断鉄道」の夢を見続けている男・・・ 私の残された時間の使い方など

ビクトリア朝女性作家プロジェクト(VWWP) ITアーカイブ・サイト 使い方・・(機械翻訳2)

2014年06月27日 | 好きな歌

3.  Browsing

You can browse Victorian Women Writers' texts alphabetically by author or title, chronologically by year, by genre tag cloud, or by a timeline showing publications and authors' lives in relation to each other and historical events from the same time period (1800–1960). When browsing by author or year, the total number of texts associated with that author or year range is shown next to the browse entry in parentheses. The genre tag cloud shows genres with higher total numbers in larger font size and brighter red font color. The results for a browse entry by author, title, and genre will sort by relevance to the browse entry but you can also sort by title, author, or publication year. When browsing by publication year, results will be ordered by publication year but you can also sort by relevance, title, or author.


The timeline contains three timeline bands: authors, publications, and historical context. Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to scroll the timeline left and right or use your mouse to click and drag the timeline left and right. Select the red dot next to a timeline item to see a dialogue bubble with more details of the event. If a publication timeline item is selected, that dialogue bubble will contain a link to the publication.

The Home page also offers access to browse by featured authors. Select an author by clicking on her picture or name and you will see the texts available by that author.



Search Results

The results page provides an array of functionality to help you manipulate your current results set by using the available filters. The results list is arranged by relevance to the search conducted. The result for each item retrieved includes the title, author, publication year, and source of the item (publication information) and up to the first 3 snippets of full text where the search terms appear within the item. Search results can be sorted by the following: relevance, title, author, and publication year.


View text

Results are linked to the full text of the item through the Title as well as the Search Terms in Context.


Results Feedback

On top of every results page is the search results information section. This section contains various types of feedback meant to help you refine or rethink your search such as query feedback, number of results retrieved, links to paginate within your result set, ways to filter your results, and access to your list of My Selections. Some of these features are explained in greater detail below.


Query Feedback

The top of the results feedback section displays the query you initiated. Display variations are contingent upon the type of search you conduct. If your search contained multiple terms entered in separate fields, those terms can be removed individually from the search by clicking the red "[X]" next to that search term. If only one search term or one group of terms was searched from a single field, the "[X]" can be used to return to the Search page to conduct a new search.


Default Results Display

Your query will return 20 records per page by default, sorted in order by relevance to your search term(s). Results can also be sorted by author, title, or publication year (descending) using the "Sort by" drop-down menu. The number of results per page can be adjusted to 10, 20, or 50 results per page using the "Results per page" drop-down menu.


Keyword Search

If you used the Keyword Search, you will see the exact query you entered followed by "in Keyword", e.g. apple in Keyword.


Author Search

If you used the Author Search, you will see the exact query you entered followed by "in Author", e.g. olive in Author.


Title Search

If you used the Title Search, you will see the exact query you entered followed by "in Title", e.g. brownie in Title.

あなたはタイトル検索を使用した場合は、入力した正確なクエリは、例えば「タイトルに "が続くが表示されますタイトルにあるブラウニー。

Publisher Search

If you used the Publisher Search, you will see the exact query you entered followed by "in Publisher", e.g. harper in Publisher.


Combined Search

If you used the multiple fields in your search, you'll see your exact query terms followed by "in [Keyword/Author/Title/Publisher]", e.g. wine in Keyword AND bread in Keyword AND meat in Keyword. If a year or year range is selected as a filter, that information will also show in the query feedback, e.g. wine in Keyword AND bread in Keyword AND meat in Keyword AND 1875–1879 in Year Range.


My Selections

An "[Add to My Selections]" link is available on each search result to add any item from a search result to your My Selections list for emailing. These selections will remain for the length of your session on the site and will be removed when you quit your browser application. To remove an item from My Selections, enter My Selections (via the main navigation or the search results feedback links) and click the "Remove from My Selections" on that item.


4.  View Options

All displays contain bibliographic information. This includes: title, author, contributor (if available), publication year, source (publication information), genre, subject (if available), and a link to bookmark the item. Use the "[Show Document Information]" link to expand this information for viewing.


Text Mode

Text Mode will show sections of the full text of a monograph that is part of the Victorian Women Writers Project collection based on the sections identified in the Table of Contents. All pages images within a section of text can be accessed by using the "View Page XX" link next to the page number. Page images will open on top of the text and can be moved around and closed individually. You can also switch to Image Mode from the pop-up page image view. Use the page–turning controls at the top of the text to move to the next section of text or use the Table of Contents to bring up a different section of the volume.


Alongside the "[Add to My Selections]" link, you can also print the current view of the text using the "[Print]" link. This print feature works similarly to printing the current browser page, but will be formatted to print only the content of the item being presently viewed in the browser. The Table of Contents, banner, navigation, footer, and search form on the page are not printed so that the text is easier to read and uses less paper when printing.


Image Mode

Image Mode shows each page image of the current monograph selected. Use the page–turning controls above the page image to move to the next page image or select from the Table of Contents to jump to a different page image within the volume. Image Mode is not available for all texts within VWWP - page image scans were not preserved for texts from the original digitization project.

画像モードが選択された現在のモノグラフの各ページの画像を示す。次のページの画像に移動するか、ボリューム内の異なるページ画像にジャンプする目次から選択するようにページ画像上にページめくりコントロールを使用します。画像モードはVWWP内のすべてのテキストでは使用できません - ページ画像スキャンは、元のデジタル化プロジェクトからのテキストのために保存されなかった。

Entire Document

Monographs can be viewed in a printer–friendly version without the banner and navigation. From this view, the text can either be printed or, if available, downloaded in PDF format from the print dialog in your browser. Mac OSX provides this functionality in all browsers. If Adobe Acrobat Reader is installed on Windows, Adobe PDF will be a printer option in the browser print dialog.

モノグラフは、バナーやナビゲーションなしで印刷用ページの表示で確認できます。このビューから、テキストのいずれか印刷または、可能な場合は、ブラウザの印刷ダイアログからPDF形式でダウンロードすることができます。 MAC OSXはすべてのブラウザでこの機能を提供します。はAdobe Acrobat ReaderがWindows上にインストールされている場合は、Adobe PDFファイルは、ブラウザの印刷ダイアログでプリンタオプションとなります。

