¡Si, Yo Hablo Japónes!


Buta no Kakuni

2008-06-16 03:17:25 | Weblog
Sorry...I use old pictures of our dinner dish before this computer machine broken.
We got a very rich and delicious pork dinner. It is a pork belly which is cooked with skin,too.

Sumimasen, PC ga fuchou deshite atarashii gazou no appu ga dekimasen node izen ni hozon shite arimashita gazou wo tsukaimasu.
Alabama he ikimasu mae ni kawa-tsuki no Buta no kakuni wo tsukurimashita.

Simmering and cook gently for about 2hours with our own sauce in the deep pod.
Hajime ni shita-yude shimashita oniku wo wagaya -tokusei no tare de 2jikan nikomimashita.

And then broil for 10-15 minutes or until crisp and brown.
Oniku ga niemashitara hyoumen wo kongari aburi-yaki shimashita.

Sliced Vidalia onions and chopped tomatoes from our vegetable garden salad.
Konohi no Sarashi-tamanegi ni hajimete HANAKATSUO wo furikakete mimashitara, wagaya no America-jin no dareka san ha chanto tabete kuremashita!

A topical Japanese dinner with steamed rice and Tofu Miso soup!

Ima hayari no toro-toro ni niemashita oniku ha kawa mo koubashiku te nioi mo arimasen de totemo oishikatta desu, gohan wo taite omiotsuke mo tsukurimashita.

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パソコンの調子 (きゃんでぃー)
2008-06-16 09:52:53
