Carpe Diem


a random walk down the finance industry #3

2018-07-21 09:57:31 | daily life
3.landscape of the finance industry

- Central Banks
A central bank is the financial institution responsible for the oversight and management of all other banks. In the United States, the central bank is the Federal Reserve Bank, which is responsible for conducting monetary policy and supervision and regulation of financial institutions. Individual consumers do not have direct contact with a central bank; instead, large financial institutions work directly with the Federal Reserve Bank to provide products and services to the general public.

- Retail and Commercial Banks
Traditionally, retail banks offered products to individual consumers while commercial banks worked directly with businesses. Currently, the majority of large banks offer deposit accounts, lending and limited financial advice to both demographics. Products offered at retail and commercial banks include checking and savings accounts, certificates of deposit (CDs), personal and mortgage loans, credit cards, and business banking accounts.

- Internet Banks
A newer entrant to the financial institution market is the internet bank, which works similarly to a retail bank. Internet banks offer the same products and services as conventional banks, but they do so through online platforms instead of brick and mortar locations. (For related reading, see: The Pros and Cons of Internet Banks.)

- Credit Unions
Credit unions serve a specific demographic per their field of membership, such as teachers or members of the military. While products offered resemble retail bank offerings, credit unions are owned by their members and operate for their benefit.

- Savings and Loan Associations
Financial institutions that are mutually held and provide no more than 20% of total lending to businesses fall under the category of savings and loan associations. Individual consumers use savings and loan associations for deposit accounts, personal loans and mortgage lending.

- Investment Banks and Companies
Investment banks do not take deposits; instead, they help individuals, businesses and governments raise capital through the issuance of securities. Investment companies, more commonly known as mutual fund companies, pool funds from individual and institutional investors to provide them access to the broader securities market.

- Brokerage Firms
A brokerage firm assists individuals and institutions in buying and selling securities among available investors. Customers of brokerage firms can place trades of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and some alternative investments.

- Insurance Companies
Financial institutions that help individuals transfer risk of loss are known as insurance companies. Individuals and businesses use insurance companies to protect against financial loss due to death, disability, accidents, property damage and other misfortunes.

- Mortgage Companies
Financial institutions that originate or fund mortgage loans are mortgage companies. While most mortgage companies serve the individual consumer market, some specialize in lending options for commercial real estate only.


a random walk down the finance industry #2

2018-07-21 09:15:23 | daily life
2. type of investment and their differences

A. types of investment (real estate, stock, bond, commodity...) and its background
Financial assets are claimed to future cash flow that includes the following:

Other financial assets includes but not limited to:
-real estate

B. features of each type of investment (pros and cons, and price deciding factors)

this should be excel table with "Hyogumi" ???

possible references:

C. behaviors of products through the economic cycle (e.g. commodity -> water)
one. draw lines of economic cycles first
two. plot average of price change on top of it
three. calculate standard deviation for each products


a random walk down the finance industry #1

2018-07-21 08:42:59 | daily life
1. the economic cycle and its impacts on price

A. macroeconomic theory
-building blocks of the economy are transactions between individuals, business, banks, and governments
-inflation = more transaction (more demand), deflation = less transaction (more supply)

B. long-term and short-term economic cycle examples and impacts
-long-term = ??? (described in economic machine)
-short-term = people use credits on top of their asset, which leads them to repay in a 5~ 8 years cycle

C. key criteria of triggering changes and how to predict
1997 : Asian Financial Crysis <- ??? what were the reasons
2000:New Economy Bubble <- ???
2008: Subprime Crisis <- ???
-the impact of those to financial assets ???


a random walk down the finance industry

2018-07-19 06:32:26 | daily life
1. the economic cycle and its impacts on price
-macroeconomic theory
-long-term and short-term economic cycle examples and impacts
-key criteria of triggering changes and how to predict

2. type of investment and their differences
-types of investment (real estate, stock, bond, commodity...) and its background
-features of each type of investment (pros and cons, and price deciding factors)
-behaviors of products through the economic cycle (e.g. commodity -> water)

3.landscape of the finance industry
-federal government
-investment back
-stock exchanges
-real estate agency
-exchanges with IT companies strategy
-trading term comparison (day trade, short-term trade, long-term trade)
-fundamental technic, technical technic (MAV and all the sorts)
-self-manage trading methodology, buying index fund, get advice from fund managers
-examples of successful investors such as Wallen Buffet, Jim Rogers

5.algorithmic trading
-list of existing platforms and it's features
-compare each method against success rate
-deep dive of how each method works (alpha & beta)
-top 3 methods of best algorithmic trading methods

6. best investment strategy
-hand-pick a few strategies (self-managing, index fund and how long)
-selecting trading methods, terms, and financial products
-conclusion and record of my investment

Keep Moving On (feet. IssacO)

2018-07-01 12:52:50 | daily life

- everyone should have financial stability by leveraging the latest technology
- in the future, this will be a marketplace for financial products in order to help people make the right decision

- this idea was born when he traveled to India in summer of 2017 to find my gurus in a hacker dorm
- he went through a financially unstable period of time, he started to believe everyone should have a quality life
- his experiences as a product marketer at a data company, he believes data can forecast problems in advance

- get a better return than fund managers without financial knowledge
- only pay when you make money using our product
- connect other finacial services through APIs, so this fits well on your needs

Current Progress
- website ( )
- github ( )
- google+ ( )

Future Development
- send notification emails when users set price alerts
- create mobile versions for iOS and Android use React Native
- implement financial models so users can choose from what they prefer
- implement latest machine learning models for the app

Now what?
- present the product, collect feedback and make improvements
- improve the product up to the level you can get value out of it
- give a big presentation in technology x finance conference to measure the gap