NiKKi Fron

With technology, we connect future

Professor Domen from University of Tokyo visited our company

2009-12-29 16:47:00 | インポート



On Dec 25, Mr. Kazunari Domen, the professor of Tokyo University and Mr. Tsuyoshi Takada, the lecturer, visited our company. Prof. Domen was the former professor of our president, Hideyuki Kasuga, when he was a student of Tokyo Institute of Technology graduate school. The visit to our company was realized due to this relationship.

Prof. Domen is researching on catalytic. He is now working on the basic analysis of atom and molecule level to the development of new catalytic for fuel battery and water decomposition.

Catalytic is a material to fasten the speed of chemical reaction. It is expected to fulfill a big role to resolve the problems of environment and energy, if more high functional catalytic is developed.

Prof. Domen is a global authority of this field. He is working mainly on the water decomposition and photocatalyst aim to convert light energy to chemical energy, and developing on the new catalytic with high function. If it is possible to make hydrogen from sunlight and water, the energy source will be renewable and truly clean.

After explaining our company profile, Prof. Domen visited our plant and inspected if there is anything that we could corroborate with his research theme. Also, Prof. Domen gave us a very valuable opinion about our research and development which we are pushing forward.

1.    Date and Hour: December 25, 2010 (Friday), 13:00~18:30

2.    Place: Nihonkizai Co., Ltd. / Head Plant / Omachi Plant / Material Development      


<Profile of Prof. Domen>

Born on Sep.24, 1953. Graduated Department of Chemistry School of Science at the University of Tokyo on 1976. Completed the doctoral course (Doctor of science) of Department of Chemistry in the Graduated School of Science at the University of Tokyo on 1982. Became assistant at Chemical Resource Laboratory of Tokyo Institute of Technology (Catalytic Chemistry Division) on 1982. Became assistant professor at Chemical Resource Laboratory of Tokyo Institute of Technology (Basic Measurement Division) on 1990. Became professor at Chemical Resource Laboratory of Tokyo Institute of Technology (Catalytic Chemistry Division) on 1996. Became professor at Department of Chemical System Engineering of University of Tokyo on 2004. Published 426 articles and 112 general remark books. On 2007, awarded the Catalysis Society of Japan Prize (art and science section). Majors are catalysis chemistry, energy conversion type photocatalyst, surface reaction dynamics, and nano material development.



Technical conference & lecture of Mr. Susumu Suzuki was held

2009-12-29 13:45:00 | インポート



On Dec.24, 2009, at Toigo Life Study Center (Nagano), our technical conference which is held every quarter was disclosed to the cooperation companies, academic/administrative institution, and mass media. Because our development theme is of many divergences fields, the aim of the disclosure is to strengthen the cooperation with the academic/administrative institution and to activate the advanced industry and R&D. First, our president, Hideyuki Kasuga gave lecture about “the general overview of 2009 and the management innovation demanded from the medium-small sized business of 2010”.

We invited Mr. Susumu Suzuki, the production producer of Nagano Area Resources Production Development Support Center, as a guest, he lectured the theme titled “making sellable product of customer’s viewpoint”. After the lecture, our staffs from the development division presented 10 themes.

It was a significant conference lead to the activation of advanced industry and R&D.

1.    Date and Hour: December 24, 2009

13:00~14:00 Lecture  Our president Hideyuki Kasuga

14:00~15:00 Lecture  Nagano Area Resources Production Development Support Center Mr. Susumu Suzuki

15:10~18:30 Presentation of staffs from the development division, review, award

2.    Place: Nagano Life Study Center (Toigo west 3F)

3.    Number of Participants: Government, industry, and academia parties:21, company staffs:34, total:55
