HAM radio
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DX news


2010-02-20 08:04:49 | Weblog
from 425DX news

VK9X - Phil, G3SWH and Jim, G3RTE will be active from Christmas Island
(OC-002) on 20-27 February . They will both use the
single callsign of VK9X/G6AY, and they will operate CW only on
80-10 metres (no activity on 160 metres). Propagation permitting,
they plan to have two stations on the air for as many hours every
day as is possible. QSL via G3SWH, direct or bureau (requests for
bureau cards can be submitted by using the relevant form on Phil's
website). Please visit www.g3swh.org.uk/christmas-island.html for
log search and further information.


2010-02-20 08:01:19 | Weblog
from 425DX news

KL - The tentative dates for the announced expeditions to IOTA groups
NA-235 and NA-239 are as follows:
18-25 August KL7RRC Chirikof Island (NA-235)
26 August-1 September N6PYN/KL7 Seal Islands (NA-239)
The team now includes Elena/RV3ACA, Merle/N6PYN, Yuri/N3QQ and
Yuri/UA9OBA. QSL via UA9OBA (Russia and Europe) and N7RO (rest of
the world). Bookmark www.na-234.com for updates.


2010-02-20 08:00:13 | Weblog
CY0 NEWS RELEASE - February 2010

SABLE ISLAND ( CY0) ― the scheduled 2009 Operation that was placed on HOLD due to family illness is proceeding with the planning for a Dxpedition in the Sept/Oct 2010 time frame.

With the expected improvement in HF band conditions, we have added a 4th operator. The Team welcomes Rick Harris, AI5P. Rick has extensive operating experience,, having operated from more than 70 DXCC entities. See the "About the Team" page for more about Rick.

Operators include: WA4DAN, AA4VK, N0TG, AI5P

Thank you for your continued interest. Updates will follow as more details become available.


2010-02-20 07:55:07 | Weblog
from 425DX news

D4 - Massimo, IZ4DPV will be active as D44AC (QSL direct only) from Sao
Vicente Island (AF-086), Cape Verde from 21 February to 9 March.
He will participate in the CQ WW 160 SSB and ARRL DX SSB contests
as D4C (QSL via IZ4DPV).


2010-02-20 07:53:30 | Weblog
Malaysia DXpedition From "The Southern Most Tip Of Mainland Asia"

Date : 26 Feb...... to 28 Feb

DX Time
Start Time : Feb 27th 0000Hr Local / 16:00 UTC
Finish Time : Feb 28th 1200Hr Local /04:00 UTC




2010-02-19 19:21:04 | Weblog
from ARRL DX news

BURUNDI, 9U. Operators DL3KBQ, DL2RSI, DH2KI and DJ2VO will be QRV
as 9UXEV, 9U1RSI, 9U1KI and 9U1VO, respectively, from Bujumbura from
February 22 to March 6. They will operate up to four stations on
all HF bands using CW, SSB and digital modes. QSL direct to home

ZK3 trip cancelled

2010-02-19 07:18:51 | Weblog
This morning we packed our gear so that it could be loaded onto the “ship” (a loose term!) for Thursday night’s voyage to Tokelau. When we got to the Tokelau office in Apia we were told that the voyage was cancelled due to a developing tropical depression between Apia and Tokelau, 500 miles to the north. So we hauled the equipment back to the cottage where we are staying. This was the second cancellation for us. The first was also weather related ― Cyclone Rene which caused high seas in Tokelau, slammed into American Samoa to the east, and then Tonga to the south. This is clearly cyclone season in this part of the South Pacificm although on our previous 3 trips this time of year we haven’t encountered them


2010-02-18 18:57:14 | Weblog
I will be back to the Kingdom of Lesotho, once again, between 08 March and 22 March 2010. I will set up my station in the Trading Post Lodge, Roma near Maseru. I plan to working on the HF bands, throughout 80-10 meters, on CW, SSB and RTTY. The station setup: ICOM 7000 transceiver with 300 W solid state PA, 10,2 m wire vertical antenna with SG-235 automatic antenna coupler. I should like to be on the air as much time as possible, however, please note, that this is a single operator mini expedition.

I will leave Budapest on 7 March to Frankfurt, than to Johannesbourg. I will arrive to Maseru airport in the afternoon on 8 March. Hopefully I can set up the antenna and the station before the sunset. Logsearch will be available here in my website. QSL via HA5AO. See you in the bands.

73, Pista, HA5AO (7P8AO)


2010-02-18 07:27:53 | Weblog
Major IOTA Dxpedition to the Southern Line Islands lead by Nils-Göran Persson, SM6CAS. The team comprises Nils – SM6CAS, Steve – G4EDG, Mike – K9AJ and Derek – G3KHZ plus 5 Kiribati Government officers. They will sail on the SV Kwai from Kiritimati approximately 17 March, 2010 returning Kiritimati approx one month later.

IOTA activity is planned from:

* OC-279 Malden Island
* OC-280 Starbuck Island
* OC-281 Caroline Island
* OC-282 Vostok Island

These 4 uninhabited IOTA groups have never been activated.

South Pacific tour

2010-02-18 07:18:51 | Weblog
Hugh, K6HFA will be touring the South Pacific from early March ’til late April 2010. Hugh plans to operate from the following:

* March 3 – 10: 5W Samoa (OC-097)
* March 12 – April 2: A3 Tonga (incl OC-049, OC-123 and OC-064)
* April 6 – 12: FW Wallis (OC-054)
* April 13 – 21: T2 Tuvalu (OC-015)
* April 23 – 26: 3D2 Fiji (OC-016 or OC-156)

From each location, Hugh will be using 100w into a vertical (80-15m). CW/SSB possibly RTTY. Callsigns to be announced.


2010-02-17 21:27:28 | Weblog
from DXNL news

Fabio,HI3/IK4QJF, will be QRV in SSB and digital modes between Feb 20 and Mar 5. Send your QSLs direct or via bureau to IK4QJF.

ST2 on 160m

2010-02-16 07:08:14 | Weblog
from OPDX news

ST2, SUDAN (Top-Band). Robert, S53R, who is on a work assignment here
(for UN WFP) since last September, has been active as ST2AR and is showing
up on 160 meters but is having problems hearing NA. Look for him just
before 0400z (his sunrise is around 0417z). He mentions that he does not
even hear the pileup because of the noise and only just a few stations
can make it through the noise. Robert adds that he knows there are hundreds
calling. He states (edited), "Unfortunately, I have a TX antenna on the
RX too, so I am more or less deaf! Putting up a terminated RX loop on
February 24th, after I return back from my holidays, I hope will improve
the RX. From RX point, from this QTH is a nightmare - S9+10 noise 24/7!
Basically, after I apply all the bells and whistles - NB, ATT, NR and
fiddling around with the AGC - you need a solid S7 signal to make it
through (which is a challenge to say the least) on the path between
ST and US. Problem with RX antennas is space. While I have a rather big
setup (10 element log periodic 14-28 MHz, full size rotary dipole 30/40m
and 80/160m Inverted Vee at 28 meters) there is no space for beverages.
I will, however, put up the loop...... I have all the stuff, just need a
couple of hours to put it up. I will do it before the weekend February 27-28th (CQ 160m SSB Contest)."


2010-02-16 06:53:14 | Weblog
from OPDX news

9H, MALTA (IOTA Op). Operators Olaf/DL4HG and Holger/DL5XAT will be
active as 9H3TX during the ARRL DX CW Contest (February 20-21st) as a
Multi-2 entry. QSL via LoTW or via DL5XAT, by the Bureau or direct.
Operators will be there between February 17-24th. QTH is Gozo Island
(IOTA EU-023, MIA MM-004, WLOTA LH-0046). They will only be using 100
watts into vertical antennas.


2010-02-15 19:05:01 | Weblog
from OPDX news

8P, BARBADOS. Yuri, VE3DZ, will be active as 8P9AA between February 15-23rd. Activity will be on all HF bands using CW, SSB and RTTY. His
activity will also include the ARRL International DX CW Contest (February 20-21st) using the callsign 8P3A as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via his home callsign.