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ST2 on 160m

2010-02-16 07:08:14 | Weblog
from OPDX news

ST2, SUDAN (Top-Band). Robert, S53R, who is on a work assignment here
(for UN WFP) since last September, has been active as ST2AR and is showing
up on 160 meters but is having problems hearing NA. Look for him just
before 0400z (his sunrise is around 0417z). He mentions that he does not
even hear the pileup because of the noise and only just a few stations
can make it through the noise. Robert adds that he knows there are hundreds
calling. He states (edited), "Unfortunately, I have a TX antenna on the
RX too, so I am more or less deaf! Putting up a terminated RX loop on
February 24th, after I return back from my holidays, I hope will improve
the RX. From RX point, from this QTH is a nightmare - S9+10 noise 24/7!
Basically, after I apply all the bells and whistles - NB, ATT, NR and
fiddling around with the AGC - you need a solid S7 signal to make it
through (which is a challenge to say the least) on the path between
ST and US. Problem with RX antennas is space. While I have a rather big
setup (10 element log periodic 14-28 MHz, full size rotary dipole 30/40m
and 80/160m Inverted Vee at 28 meters) there is no space for beverages.
I will, however, put up the loop...... I have all the stuff, just need a
couple of hours to put it up. I will do it before the weekend February 27-28th (CQ 160m SSB Contest)."


2010-02-16 06:53:14 | Weblog
from OPDX news

9H, MALTA (IOTA Op). Operators Olaf/DL4HG and Holger/DL5XAT will be
active as 9H3TX during the ARRL DX CW Contest (February 20-21st) as a
Multi-2 entry. QSL via LoTW or via DL5XAT, by the Bureau or direct.
Operators will be there between February 17-24th. QTH is Gozo Island
(IOTA EU-023, MIA MM-004, WLOTA LH-0046). They will only be using 100
watts into vertical antennas.