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2008-01-31 18:43:26 | Weblog
Yannick, HH2FYD (F6FYD) has scheduled a radio week end on the Cow island
, NA-149, GL FK38, on Feb 2nd & 3rd, 2008.

20m SSB, may be digit.

QSL via Yannick, F6FYD

Stay tuned; that's only a project. Yannick's Internet link in Petionville is
uncertain so he could go (or not) without any confirmation.

Web info page and Online log for all Yannick HH2FUD's traffic at :
http://www.cdxc.org/dxp/2007-HH2FYD/hh2fyd-fr.htm and

IOTA SA-043と053

2008-01-31 18:41:24 | Weblog
CE6TBN, HA1AG, RA0FU and RV1CC are planning to operate from Ascension Island
SA-043 as XR7A between 2 and 6 February and from Wager Island SA-053 as XR7W
between 9 and 12 February.

QSL via HA1AG.

During our Patagonian trip I am trying to update my travelblog at
WWW.ha1ag.wordpress.com (depends on internet availability)

The operators will focus on 30-40-20m bands. Due to the high number of
expeditions being active in this timeframe we can not give exact operating
freqeuncies. We try to avoid VP6 QRM from SA-053 as much as possible.

Due to the weather situation around SA-053 delays are possible.

I hope to work you all, please spread the info

zoli ha1ag


2008-01-30 20:45:10 | Weblog
V31JZ/p: IOTA NA-180 -- February 22-26, 2008

Art Phillips, NN7A, will operate as V31JZ/p from South Water Caye, Belize
(IOTA NA-180) from February 22-26, 2008. This will be a one-person operation
using a 100 watt transceiver with vertical and wire antennas. Operation will
be mostly cw on 40-10 m including WARC bands, with some 80 m and 160 m. Some
ssb on 20 m and 15 m IOTA frequencies is possible, conditions permitting. No
skeds, please.

Operation will be from a cottage on the beach using battery and solar power.
The 15-acre coral sand island is about 15 miles (24 km) southeast of
Dangriga along the Belizean barrier reef, longest in the Western Hemisphere.
It is shaded by coconut palms and mellowed by soft Caribbean breezes.

NA-180 was opened as a new IOTA by Art and Mike Sharp, NG7S / V31RL, in
February, 1993. This will be Art$Bc`QT(B 7th operation from South Water Caye, and
his 13th trip to Belize since 1988. He has also operated as V31JZ from the
Turneffe Islands (NA-123), Ambergris Caye (NA-073), and numerous places on
the Belizean mainland.

QSL direct via NN7A (Art Phillips, P.O. Box 73, Eckert, CO 81418 USA), or
via the ARRL bureau. Bureau cards sent to Belize cannot be answered (there
is no active V3 bureau). There will be no on-line logs, and email contact
will not be possible while on the island.

特別局 HG550REX

2008-01-30 17:57:19 | Weblog
The two radioclubs HA5KKC (Bajcsy Radio Club) in Budapest and
HA8KVK (Janoshalma Town Radio Club) will activate the special event
callsign HG550REX throughout the year 2008. This is to remember the
popular Hungarian king Matthias Corvinus who ascended the throne
550 years ago. QSL via HA5GY, via bureau ist ok.

PJ2 2月4~18日

2008-01-30 17:53:37 | Weblog
Goose,PJ2/W8AV will show up in CW and maybe also in RTTY from Feb 4-18.
While spending his holidays there he is also invited to join the team
of PJ2T during the ARRL DX CW Contest (Feb 16/17).


2008-01-30 06:53:24 | Weblog
G3TXF, Nigel, he will be leaving for St. Bart's
this morning for a short CW only operation as FJ/G3TXF from Saint
Barthelemy. This will be his second time to St Bart's. He'll be QRV
on 7 through 28 MHz only. Activity is expected to begin late (GMT)
January 30th or early (GMT) January 31st. He will be leaving the
island early (local time) Tuesday morning, February 5th. "There will
be no online logs during this one-man-band operation, nor will there
be any E-mail access", says Nigel. He has a Web page setup at

QSL cards go via G3TXF

3Y0E 2月12日に離島か?

2008-01-29 21:08:06 | Weblog
28 January 2008

The team behind 3Y0E is proud to have another world first from a DX’peditition. On the 24th of January 2008, Petrus 3Y0E did an exclusive radio interview with a commercial radio station in the Falken Islands . 3Y0E.com is now proud to present you with a copy of the interview on the website.

3Y0E is also coming to an end. The team is scheduled to be picked up from Bouvet Island on February 12, 2008. This date may change however due to weather conditions and the speed of the ship or any other urgent matter beyond our control. Feel free to follow the movements of the ship at the following website: http://www.sailwx.info/shiptrack/shipposition.phtml?call=ZSAF

3Y0E.com have received to date 28 170 visits with 85 604 page views since December 19, 2007. We would like to remind people that 3Y0E is only active on 20 meters phone and normal operating frequency is 14.260 MHz with a split of 5 KHz up. We also urge people to contribute to the donation fund that was set up to equip Petrus with his own equipment on his next journey that is just around the corner to another rare DXCC! Please visit the 3Y0E.com website and click on the donation bottom.

We would also like to congratulate all the people that have made it in the log to date and wish all others good luck in working 3Y0E before he goes QRT. There will be regular logbook updates so please visit the 3Y0E.com website on a regular basis to check if you are in the log.

Thank you all for the wonderful support to date!

73 and good hunting to all!
Rhynhardt Louw ZS6DXB
3Y0E Pilot station and Media Officer

JX/G7VJR 6月25日~7月6日

2008-01-28 19:47:53 | Weblog
JX/G7VJR - Jan Mayen. June 25/July 6

On 24 June I will be departing for Iceland, where I will be catching a ride on a 60ft sailing boat with the adventure company, EcoExpeditions, to Jan Mayen. I will be on Jan Mayen for approximately 6.5 days before returning to Iceland on 6 July. Also on the trip will be Wojtek SQ4MP


2008-01-28 19:26:04 | Weblog
XW, LAOS. Bruce, XW1B (AA4XR, HS0ZCY, XU7ADF), will be active during the
CQ WW RTTY WPX Contest (February 9-10th) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry.
He will also be active in the ARRL DX CW Contest (February 16-17th) as a
Single-Op/Low-Power entry. QSL both operations via E21EIC.

XU by 9M6XRO

2008-01-28 19:25:31 | Weblog
XU7, CAMBODIA. John, 9M6XRO (ISWL 9M6-6982), is currently in Borneo and
will be back again in Cambodia operating as XU7XRO from February 20-26th.
QTH will be Sihanouk Ville (Kompong Som). Activity will be on CW, SSB and
the Digital modes. His QSL Manager will be Graham, M5AAV. Direct QSLs
are preferred, but bureau cards will also be answered.


2008-01-28 19:24:24 | Weblog
S2, BANGLADESH. Toby, SM4XDJ, will be active as S21XJ from Dhaka for a
few weeks starting February 1st. Activity will be SSB and the digital
modes during his evening hours and weekends. QSL via SM4XIH. Look for
online logs to be available at: http://fittest.nu


2008-01-28 19:22:28 | Weblog
4O, MONTENEGRO. Zik, YT1HA, informs OPDX that he is now operating as
4O/YT1HA from Montenegro Ranko's, 4O3A, QTH. His activity will possibly
last until January 31st (or earlier). He has been active on 160/80 meters
CW and 20 meters SSB. He states to QSL direct to YT1HA. QSL Manager for
Russia and ex-SSSR stations is RX3RC. YT1HA's mail address is:
Aleksic Zivojin, Jurija Gagarina 218/19, 11070 Novi Beograd, Serbia.

3B8 2月5日~3月14日

2008-01-28 19:21:19 | Weblog
3B8, MAURITIUS. Gwyn, G4FKH, will be active as 3B8/G4FKH starting February
5th through March 14th. Using only a Yaesu FT100 at 100 watts and a dipole
cut for 40 meters, Gwyn will be active on 40-10 meters, CW ONLY, but does
not expect to work Europe above 15m. Gwyn states, "Although I will be
working a kind of holiday operation, I intend to remain on air for long
periods when conditions are good! QSL via the home callsign.