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2009-02-28 19:58:11 | Weblog
Fox Island at high tide

Following on from this info, Cezar VE3LYC details his attempted expedition to a most wanted IOTA:

Note: This IOTA group has only been activated very briefly 16 years ago and being in demand by 97% of the IOTA members sits at #1 on the Most Wanted NA-IOTA List


The callsign to be used is VY0A, approved by Industry Canada. Updates will appear on QRZ.com

As you will see [from QRZ] Cezar has included the following information:

* At the time of this activation we expect polar bears to be up north in search for food. However, this is their territory, so the guides will be monitoring for them at all times, as safety comes first.
* Another danger is due to the several meter high tides in Hudson Bay. The amplitude of the tides leads to the breaking of the ice close to the island, the water frequently pouring out through the large cracks thus formed. This water will freeze pretty fast and the cycle will repeat periodically, leaving an uneven surface of ice, difficult to travel through.

Costs associated with this operation are considerable and both group and individual support are now sought to make NA-186 a reality. To support, please contact Cezar at: ve3lyc@hotmail.com

Vy 73,
Cezar, VE3LYC


2009-02-28 13:03:54 | Weblog
from 425 DX news

PY0F - Bill, W9VA and Jim, K9PPY will be active as PS0F from Fernando de
Noronha (SA-003) on 3-19 March, including a M/S entry in the ARRL
DX SSB Contest. A special e-mail address (ps0f@aol.com) has been
set up; they will monitor it before/during their stay and will
consider email input in planning their operating schedule. QSL via


2009-02-28 11:27:06 | Weblog
from 425 dxnews

J7 - John, G3LZQ will be active holiday style as J79WR from Dominica
(NA-101) between 5 and 25 March. He plans to concentrate on 160
and 80 metres, and to participate in the Commonwealth (BERU)
Contest on 14-15 March. QSL via G3LZQ.

Africa tour by 9M6XRO

2009-02-28 10:48:11 | Weblog
I (9M6XRO) can now confirm my Africa trip dates. I arrive in Johannesburg via Kuala Lumpur and Doha on July 25th, 3 days earlier than planned. I can then help Daniel ZS6JR load up and move all the gear to 7P Lesotho and get the antennas and equipment set-up before the others arrive in Lesotho on the 29th. I hope to put ZS6/GM3OOK on the air for a bit en route possibly from the 25th evening. Daniel has not yet confirmed the date we will drive to Lesotho.

Looks like I will also have the option of operating from Swaziland again as 3DA0OK but the duration and dates will depend on the logistics of the whole operation as everyone is due back in Johannesburg on August 13th. I will keep you updated on that part of the itinerary. My flight back to Borneo leaves on August 14th, once again via Doha.


K5D QRT 115728 QSO's

2009-02-27 06:38:39 | Weblog
And so… it’s over.. The K5D 2009 Desecheo Island DXpedition is in the history books.

Every one of our goals was exceeded; most significantly, the number of QSOs. Total Qs: 115,728!

Because our Special Use Permit (SUP) expires today, and because of the size/complexity of the infrastructure to dismantle, we decided to use helicopters to clear the island. Flights began at 1100Z and will continue until all gear and personnel are safely back in Puerto Rico.

Return here to our website for final photos and operations statistics later today or tonight.

Thanks to all who worked and helped us; we think we’ve driven KP5 Desecheo to near the bottom of the “most wanted” list!

More pictures are available.

K5D Team


2009-02-26 20:21:18 | Weblog

First time DXpeditioners W3MF and K3PH plan to activate VP9I for the ARRL DX Phone Contest.

QSL via N1HRA. They may operate outside the contest as VP9/ home calls.

– Bob Schreibmaier K3PH


2009-02-25 20:43:05 | Weblog
from DXNL news

7Q - Malawi: Allan, G0IAS, will operate from the shack of Harry, 7Q7HB,
for one month starting Feb 23rd as 7Q7AH especially on top band.
QSL this activity only direct and only to Allan.


2009-02-25 06:55:00 | Weblog
Peter G3TKK plans on being QRV as V25TK between Feb 27 - Mar 13.

Operation counts as WLOTA-1118.

QSL via homecall, direct or Buro.


2009-02-24 06:30:53 | Weblog
I (GW0ETF) will be holidaying in the Gambia for 2 weeks from February 23rd 2009 and plan on taking my K3 for some casual operating; probably CW only and mainly 20m but perhaps some RTTY. I won’t have the licence until I arrive but will ask for C56/GW0ETF to keep it simple.

If all goes to plan please follow these QSL guidelines:-

* QSL via GW0ETF
* Do NOT send cards to the buro, they won’t reach me!
* You can request a direct card by sending a self addressed envelope to QTHR with either a *valid* IRC or $2 US for dx; UK stations a self addressed stamped envelope please. I don’t collect cards now so if you want to save your cards you can enter *all* qso details on a slip of paper or on the inside of the envelope.
* If you’re in no hurry you can request a card by email and I will qsl via the buro. Don’t forget to include all necessary qso details in the email..!
* I won’t have a call until after I arrive in the Gambia so cards will have to be printed after my return. No point therefore requesting a QSL until April 1st at the earliest.

Thanks for your co-operation.



2009-02-23 19:49:33 | Weblog
from OPDX news

PJ7, ST. MAARTEN. Bil/W8EB and his wife Dorothy/W8DVC will be here between
February 22nd and March 19th. Activity will be on 160-10 meters, CW, SSB,
RTTY and PSK31 as PJ7/W8EB and possibly PJ7/W8DVC. Operations will be
limited because he is on holiday. Bil will operate in the ARRL DX SSB Contest
(March 7-8th) as PJ7B, and as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. This will
be Bil's 14th consecutive ARRL DX SSB Contest participation from St. Maarten.
Also look for him to be in any RTTY contests. All QSL requests go to W8EB.
Visit their PJ7B Web site at: http://www.qsl.net/pj7b/


2009-02-23 19:48:43 | Weblog
from OPDX news

MJ, JERSEY. Operators David/G3NKC, Dave/G4BUO, Martin/G4XUM and Phil/GJ4CBQ
will be active as MH4K during the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 28-29th) as
a Multi-? entry. QSL via G3NKC.


2009-02-23 19:47:11 | Weblog
from OPDX news

JD1, OGASAWARA. Operators Hide/JM1LJS and Hiroyuki/JG7PSJ will be active
as JD1BLK and JD1BMH, respectively, from Chichijima Island (AS-031)
between April 29th and May 12th. Activity will be on 160-6 meters using
CW, SSB and the Digital modes. QSL via their home callsigns.


2009-02-23 19:46:28 | Weblog
from OPDX news

J8, ST. VINCENT. Dave, G3TBK, is once again active from here as J88DR.
He was in last weekend's ARRL DX CW Contest but is also expected to be
in ARRL DX SSB Contest (March 7-8th) as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power
entry. Activity outside of the contest will be on all HF bands, especially
30/17/12 meters, but mostly on CW. QSL via G3TBK, direct or by the RSGB


2009-02-23 19:45:40 | Weblog
from OPDX news

C6, BAHAMAS. Harry, W6DXO, will once again be active as W6DXO/C6A from
South Andros Island (NA-001) between March 1-7th. Activity will be holiday
style operation with focus on 30/17/12 meter bands as propagation allows.
QSL Manager is KF6JOQ (direct).


2009-02-23 19:42:31 | Weblog
Tom (PF4T) will be QRV as 8Q7TB from Embudu between June 8 - 25.

He will be QRV on 40 and 20 metres bands using SSB.

If you require a quick return of your QSL card, please send direct to address,

Tom Braam (PF4T )
Hondsrug 210
8251 VB Dronten,
The Netherland

Include a self addressed envelope, with or 1 Green Stamp if you are in Europe. If outside Europe please include 2 Green Stamp, as one is not enough to cover postage.

I look forward to contacting as many of you as possible, wishing you good luck and best 73.

de Tom