HAM radio
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DX news


2007-03-31 19:31:40 | Weblog
OZ6OM, Matt reports the telecom authority of Denmark (ITST), have now
started issuing calls from the new prefix blocks for Greenland XP,
Faroe Islands OW and Denmark OU, OV, 5P and 5Q. So far most licenses
have been issued with the prefix 5P. Around 15-25 stations were
active on March 28th and 29th. Many more are expected to follow in
the coming days, as numerous applicants report having not received
their new certificate yet.


2007-03-31 19:29:49 | Weblog
Last Minute Update on V63 IOTA DXpedition Itinerary
From K9AJ, Mike McGirr

Today we finalized our itinerary with the boat captain, and obtained
our permission from the Council of Chiefs of the Outer Islands to
conduct our IOTA operations.

Our planned itinerary (dates & times are local Yap):

April 1 depart Yap approx 1700
April 2 arrive OC-180 before dawn, land after sunrise
April 3 depart OC-180 approx 1300
April 4 arrive OC-277p approx 1330
April 7 depart OC-277p approx 1700
April 8 arrive Yap approx 1430

April 11 charter flight to OC-132
April 14 charter flight back to Yap

Island names:

OC-180 Ngulu
OC-277p Sorol
OC-132 Woleai

We look forward to our operations and will try, to our best, to avoid
the Swains pile-ups.

73's....IT9YRE/V63RE, I1SNW/V63NW & K9AJ/V63J

N8S 最新情報

2007-03-31 08:12:15 | Weblog
March 31, 2007 -
Our Swains Island team members with non-USA licenses are scheduled to take the USA Amateur Radio License examines prior to departure to Swains Island.

March 30, 2007 -
Hrane (YT1AD) and YU members have arrived at LAX this evening and will depart to Fiji on Friday morning and will ultimately arrive in American Samoa on March 31, 2007.
David (K3LP) departed Baltimore (BWI) this morning at 5:30 AM and will arrive in Honolulu, Hawaii via San Francisco on Friday evening, March 30, 5:35 PM using Northwest Airlines. Krassy (K1LZ) has arrived in Honolulu.

IOTA V6・・・・・・

2007-03-29 16:55:41 | Weblog
Around April 2, Nando, IT9YRE/V63RE; Claudio, I1SNW/
V63WN and Mike, K9AJ/V63J will be active from two rare
and one new IOTA counters in Yap State, Micronesia. They
will operate two stations from Ngulu Atoll (OC-180) for 36
hours and from Sorol Atoll (OC-277p) for three days. The
order of these two activations is at the captains discretion.
From around April 11 look for Woleai Atoll (OC-132) for
three days. QSL to the respective home call.


2007-03-29 16:52:57 | Weblog

DX de KE4AK 3C0M 14000.0 rcvd qsl today 21:23z 28-Mar-2007
DX de DK8MCT 3C0M 14000.0 rcvd today, too. nice card, 21:12z 28-Mar-2007
DX de IZ0CKJ 3C0M 14000.0 rcvd today 20:43z 28-Mar-2007
DX de AI4GH 3C0M 14000.0 anyone rcvd card yet ?tnx 20:43z 28-Mar-2007
DX de CT1FMX 3C0M 21000.0 Elmo QSLs Rcvd today, tnx 73 09:59z 28-Mar-2007
DX de HB9BGV 3C0M 14000.0 QSL recvd today 08:33z 28-Mar-2007


2007-03-28 21:08:04 | Weblog
France - Belle Ille and other islands - EU-048

As he used to do several times a year, Fran醇Mois, F5JNE, will stay at his son's for about two weeks, starting April 30th, 2007, on Belle 遵タle en Mer Island - References : EU-048/IOTA - AT 015/French Metropolitan Islands award/DIFM - O-08 for the Morbihan Department Islands award, and also Lighthouse LH 0872 (WLOTA).
Look for him on evenings, HF bands, mainly CW.

During this stay, he has scheduled to go, with Max/F5IRH, tide, wind and sea permitting to :
- On May 1st : Grands Cardinaux Island - EU-048, AT-096, and also 0-27 for the Morbihan Islands Award/DIM-. This island counts also for the Lighthouses programs as : PB10 (DPLF), LH 126 (WLOTA) , FRA-017 (ARLHS), F-026 (TWLHF) .

- On May 5th he will go to the 遵タle aux Chevaux Isl. (Horses island), EU-048, AT-109, and also 0-24he for the Morbihan Islands Award/DIM-.

Call signs : Hc/p
Bands : 80 & 40, may be other bands
Modes : CW/SSB
QSL via HC, bureau or direct.


2007-03-28 21:05:39 | Weblog
AY7X Redonda Island
The Radio Club Ushuaia crew will be QRV next week end from Redonda, Island in Tierra del Fuego province (island).
Schedule: From 22.00 UTC 30 March 2007 to 12.00 UTC 02 April 2007
Redonda Island qualify for "GACW Five Argentine Islands" award with # ARXP6, for WAP as ARG-23 and Iota as SA-049.
Have a look at: http://gacw.no-ip.org/certic.html
The SSB, CW, PSK y RTTY frquencies:
CW - 28,040 - 21,040 - 14,040 - 7,030 - 3,530 KHz.
SSB - 28,560 - 21,260 - 14,260 - 7,045 - 3,765 - 3,670 KHz.
PSK - 28,110 - 21,070 - 14,070 - 7,040 - 3,620 KHz.
RTTY - 28,120 - 21,080 - 14,080 - 7,040 - 3,620 KHz.
QSL via: WD9EWK :
4031 E. Aster Drive
Phoenix AZ 85032-7417, USA

Post Mail to:
Radio Club Ushuaia
Polideportivo Municipal
Pasaje Jorge Vrsalovic S/N
9410 USHUAIA - Tierra del Fuego. Rep. Argentina, South America
Radio Club Ushuaia award program at:
Any question to: lu8xw@uolsinectis.com.ar


2007-03-28 17:14:33 | Weblog

DX de GM4FAM 3C0M 18100.0 Me too - mni tnx! 14:59z 27-Mar-2007
DX de DL2VPF 3C0M 18100.0 today rcvd nice qsl`s - tks El 14:56z 27-Mar-2007
DX de DL7BA 3C0M 21000.0 tnx! qsl today 12:00z 27-Mar-2007


2007-03-27 22:09:19 | Weblog
There have been some rumors going around about the new prefix for
Montenegro. As of Monday March 26th there still is no official
International Telecommunication Union (ITU) prefix block assigned to
the new republic. Montenegro was added to the DXCC list on June 28,
2006. The governments of both Serbia and Montenegro agreed last year
that Amateur Radio ops from the fledgling country would use the
following prefixes until an official decision takes place. Those
prefixes are 4N3, 4N6, 4O3, 4O6, YT3, YT6, YU3, YU6, YZ3 and YZ6.
Afterwards the ITU officials assigned the task of picking one or two
of the current Serbian prefixes (4N, 4O, YT, YU, YZ) to Montenegro.
As of the moment no agreement has been made. Some Amateur Radio
operators from Montenegro are hoping for the Z7 prefix, but the ITU
has not assigned any callsign block to the new state. The ITU's
official Table of International Call Sign Series can be seen at


2007-03-27 22:06:18 | Weblog

K9MM, John, follow ups after reporting his QSLs for E51PDX and E51PEN,
from the North Cook Islands, were rejected March 9th by the DXCC Desk.
He received his application back from Newington on March 23rd. John
received an email from another DXer and as of March 22nd documentation
for these two operations has been received and is OK for DXCC per
NC1L, Bill Moore