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9X この夏にQRVか?

2007-06-30 19:48:42 | Weblog
Antonio, EA5RM announced that a multi-national team is planning to
operate from Kigali, Rwanda "this summer". Details are expected to
be provided in due course.


2007-06-29 21:56:21 | Weblog
Starting July 24th Hungarian op HA0NAR, Laci, will be QRV as J48NAR
and also SV8/HA0NAR from Thassos Island (EU-174). Look for him to be
QRV on 6 through 80 meters on SSB and CW, possibly 6 meter FM, running
100 watts and mono-band verticals on fishing and spider poles. He'll
be there through July 31st. During the RSGB IOTA Contest he'll use
the special call J48NAR. QSL both via HA0NAR either direct or via the
HA QSL bureau


2007-06-29 21:55:13 | Weblog
HA0IM, Andy, will be QRV as J48IM and also SV8/HA0IM from Zakynthos
Island (EU-052) from July 18th to 30th. Activity is expected on 6
through 80 meters, mostly CW, with some PSK31 and RTTY. He'll be
running 100 watts into mono-band verticals on fishing poles. During
the CQ World Wide VHF Contest, on July 20th and 21st, he will operate
as J48IM on 6 meters only and also in the RSGB IOTA Contest, on July
28th and 29th. QSL both call via HA0IM either direct or via the HA
QSL Bureau


2007-06-29 21:54:03 | Weblog
Yesterday HZ1MD, Mohamad, began operations as HZ1MD/M from Frasan
Island (AS-193). This is the first time this IOTA has been activated.
Watch for him on 10, 15, 17, 20 and 40 meters SSB through July 1st.
He is running 100 watts from an IC7000 into Hustler mono-band
verticals. QSL via PA2V.

Mohamad will stay on the island only for 48 ours.


2007-06-27 21:38:42 | Weblog
Press release

Our Dx-pedition its near, SAN MARTIN ISLAND DX-PEDITION 2007, The web site
is running and all the news will be publishing as son as posible there. The
people of www.dxfun.com will be announcing all the news on his web
OUR TRIP AND ACTIVITY, the first pictures, logs and all.

Dxfun have created a survey web page, you can help us and enter and vote
about wich band you need or modes for every entity.

Here is the site: http://www.dxfun.com/fs-pj7

or: http://www.dxciting.com/surveys.htm

We continued needing economic aid, sponsors, for cover all the expenses,
extra cargos, taxes .A little help is very big for the team, if you can
help us
write to ea3ghz@ure.es All the Helps and Sponsors will be printed on the
site http://www.dxciting.com/sponsor.htm and in the QSL's, magazines ..

The QSL manager will be by home call, for example, FS/EA3GHZ is by EA3GHZ ,
PJ7/CT1BWW by CT1BWW. and will be confirmed all QSL's by bureau or direct,
The qsl's will be a double and picture QSL's.

Regards and see you soon


Co-leader and publicity FS/PJ7 2007


VP6DX Ducie Island

2007-06-27 21:35:16 | Weblog
VP6DX Ducie Island - February 2008

The VP6DX team, heading to Ducie Island, has been busy behind the
scenes preparing for the much anticipated February 2008 DXpedition,
reports DL6LAU, Carsten Esch. The group has decided "to extend the
duration of the expedition". As a result that will increase the
budget for this operation. Plans are to depart Mangareva Island,
Gambier Islands, French Polynesia via the Braveheart
(www.braveheart.pn), on February 5, 2008 and head for Pitcairn Island,
which normally takes about 36 hours.

The ops will spend a few hours there before take another 36 hour trip
boat ride, still aboard the Braveheart, to Ducie Island. They are
planning to arrive at sunrise on February 9th. The only landing area
is located on the northeast side of the island and it can be tricky.
They hope to be up and running within 24 hours.

The team needs to be back on Mangareva by March 3rd, so they would
need to allow about six days in order getting back in time. Looks
like if all goes well, including the weather, they will have VP6 QRV
for as long as 19 days. There is a slight chance of a short visit to
another uninhabited island (editors note: Henderson Island is the only
one on the way to and from Ducie Island) if things on Ducie slow down.

Since the Dayton announcement the operators list has been adjusted.
Unfortunately K1LZ, Krassy Petkov, will not be able to go. The
current list of operators is DJ8NK, DL3DXX, DL6LAU, DL8LAS, K3NA,
OH2BH, OH2PM, SP3DOI, UA3AB and WA6CDR. The group plans to announce
the addition of three more ops in the near future.

The VP6DX DXpedition team will be assisted by a support team. JA1BK,
Kan Mizoguchi, who was the DXpedition leader on the first operation
(VP6DI) from Ducie and who supported the second operation (VP6DIA),
will be advising the VP6DX team. DF6QV, DJ2YA and OH1JT will be the
Antenna Engineering Team. The team's Webmaster will be DL1MGB.
GU4YOX, Bob Beebe, is the electrical team manager and VP6MW, Miralda
Warren, is the Pitcairn Island liaison. More support personnel are
expected to be announced soon.

Early on the team chose to take radios that would possibly be "the
best radio for this kind of operation". The team will have seven of
the new K3 transceivers thanks to the sponsorship of Elecraft
(www.elecraft.com). Another sponsor for this operation will be ACOM
(www.hfpower.com) as the team will have six or seven of the ACOM
1000/1010 amps and one ACOM 2000A (for 160 meters).

Serious efforts are being made in many aspects of this DXpedition
including their antennas. They will have two phased verticals on 160
meters aimed at Europe and the US and one vertical will be used to all
other areas. Plans are to have two 4 squares on 80 meters, one on CW
and the other on SSB, for simultaneous operation. Four Squares will
also be used on the 30 and 40 meter bands. On 10 through 20 meters
they will be using phased vertical dipoles.

As you can see, from the list of operators, their time on the island,
the equipment and antennas, this will be a serious effort to make
Ducie Island available to the DX community. Donations for this
operation are being requested, in order to make this operation a
success. Your support before the operation is requested, as "all of
the expenses have to be paid way before" the team actually depart.
The team members have already put upfront the money. Donations have
already been received or promised by the following sponsors: German
DX Foundation (GDXF), Danish DX Group (DDXG), Clipperton DX Club
(CDXC), Chiltern DX Club (CDXC), European DX Foundation (EUDXF), UK
Six Metre Group (UKSMG) and the Central Virginia DX Contest Club
(CVCC). Individual contributions have been received so far from:

The budget for this operation is over $200,000 (USD). Those willing
and able can support this operation, with details on the team's Web
site at
http://ducie2008.dl1mgb.com/content/view/33/54/. Over the next few
weeks the VP6DX team will be preparing the shipping container, which
will contain the "radios, amplifiers, antennas, generators" etc.

The VP6DX Website (www.vp6dx.com) is constantly being updated and a
monthly news letter will be available with all the details prior to
the trip. Those wishing to automatically receive the news letter can
go to the Web site and "leave your e-mail address in the News
section". The July issue is expected to be available to the DX
community in the next few days.


2007-06-27 21:31:02 | Weblog
Here is an update on Amateur Radio activities in the Democratic
Republic of Congo, thanks to 9Q1TB, Philippe, and SM5DQC, Osten.
9Q1D, Gus, will be going QRT any day now, if not already. He will be
leaving his 6 meter beacon with 9Q1EK, Georges, who will relocate the
beacon soon in a UNHCR location in Kinshasa. During the month of July
Georges will be the only active Amateur Radio operator from 9Q, as
9Q1TB, Philippe, will be vacationing in Paris France starting June
30th. He is expected back in Kinshasa on July 28th.


2007-06-27 06:52:51 | Weblog
VK1PWE is currently on the air from Lord Howe Island using the VK9LWE
callsign. He says he is "lazing about on lord Howe Island for a few
days." This operation is June 21-27, on 40, 20, 15 and 10M. Look for
him on 7090, 14195, 21205, 28490 and 29.6 FM.
QSL via VK1PWE, A.S. Whitton, 34 Haystack

The 2006 DXCC Yearbook

2007-06-25 20:57:50 | Weblog

"The 2006 DXCC Yearbook - Jun 22, 2007 16:19 ET
The 2006 DXCC Yearbook is now at the printer and it is expected to 'hit
the streets' in mid to late-July. While this is a little later than
usual it is still within the DXCC timeframe for this publication.
In order to receive the free publication you must:
* Be current on the DXCC Honor Roll during the 2006 calendar year, or,

* Have made at least one submission to DXCC during the calendar year
period of January 1 through December 31, 2006.

If you are not in the above categories, copies of this, and all
editions back to the 1993 start, are available for $8.00 each (Includes
postage). Contact DXCC for questions. 73 es DX!"