

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 神武天皇 12

『日本書紀』神武天皇 12

己未年春二月壬辰朔辛亥。命諸將練士卒。是時層富縣波哆丘岬有新城戸畔者。〈丘岬。此云 塢介佐棄。〉又和珥坂下有居勢祝者。〈坂下。此云瑳伽梅苔。〉臍見長柄丘岬有猪祝者。此三處土蜘蛛並恃其勇力不肯來庭。天皇乃分遺偏師皆誅之。又高尾張邑有土蜘蛛。其爲人也身短而手足長。與侏儒相類。皇軍結葛網而掩襲殺之。因改號其邑曰葛城。夫磐余之地舊名片居。〈片居。此云伽哆韋。〉亦曰片立。〈片立。此云伽哆哆知。〉逮我皇師之破虜也。大軍集而滿於其地。因改號爲磐余。或曰。天皇徃甞嚴瓮粮出軍而征。是時。磯城八十梟帥於彼處屯聚居之。〈屯聚居。此云怡波瀰萎。〉果與天皇大戰。遂爲皇師所滅。故名之曰磐余邑。又皇師立詰之處。是謂猛田。作城處號曰城田。又賊衆戰死而僵屍枕臂處呼爲頬枕田。天皇以前年秋九月。潜取天香山之埴土。以造八十平瓮。躬自齋戒祭諸神。遂得安定區宇。故號取土之處曰埴安。


In the spring of the following year, on the second day of the second month of the Tsuchinoto-Hitsuji era, orders were given to select and train soldiers. At that time, there were female bandits known as “Niikitobe” near the Hata-no-okazaki in the Agata province, and a person named “Kosenohafuri” in the Saka-shita region of Wani. Additionally, there was a “Inohafuri” at Nagara-no-okazaki in Hisagata. These three groups of local rebels, relying on their strength and courage, refused to submit.

In response, the Emperor dispatched a special force that successfully eradicated them. In Takao Owari district, there were earth spiders, short in stature with long limbs, resembling dwarfs. The Imperial forces used a woven net to ambush and kill them, leading to the renaming of the area as “Kazuraki.”

The original name of the Iware district was either “Katai” or “Katatachi.” After the Emperor’s victory and the gathering of a large army, the area was renamed “Iware.” Some say that the Emperor, having previously partaken in the autumn offering of strict ritual vessels, led an expedition against the western districts. The eighty leaders of Shiki in Isoki had gathered there. A fierce battle ensued, resulting in the annihilation of the Imperial army, leading to the naming of the area as “Iware-no-mura.”

Furthermore, the place where the Imperial forces interrogated captives was named “Takeda,” and the site where the enemy forces fought and fell, with their corpses serving as pillows for their arms, was called “Chiramakita.” In the previous autumn, in September, the Emperor secretly obtained clay from Mount Amakagu, crafted eighty flat vessels, and, through personal abstinence and rituals, successfully pacified the region. Hence, the location where the soil was obtained was named “Haniyasu.

In the following year, on the twentieth day of the second month of the Ji-Mi era, orders were issued to various commanders to select and train soldiers. During this time, in the province of Soho (Agata Tenzuru), there were female bandits known as “Niikitobe” near the Hata-no-okazaki. Additionally, in the Saka-shita region of Wani, there was a person named “Kosenohafuri,” and at Nagara-no-okasaki in Hosomi, there was another named “Inohafuri.” Despite the display of their strength, these local rebels refused to submit.

As a result, the Emperor dispatched a contingent of the army to eliminate them. In the Takao Owari district, there were earth spiders, with a peculiar stature—short in height but with long limbs, resembling dwarfs. The Imperial forces crafted a woven net and used it to ambush and kill them. Consequently, the area was renamed “Kazuraki.”

The original name of the Iware district was either “Katai” or “Katatachi.” Following the Imperial forces’ victory and the gathering of a large army, the region was renamed “Iware.” 

According to some, “In ancient times, when the emperor once took an offering from a sacred vessel and went into battle to defeat Nishikata. At that time, the eighty leaders of Shiki in Isoki had gathered there. They engaged in a fierce battle with the Imperial forces and were ultimately annihilated. Thus, the area was named ‘Iware-no-mura.’”

Additionally, the place where the Imperial forces made its shouts is called Takeda, and the place where the castle was built is called Kita, and the site where the enemy forces fought and fell, using their arms as pillows, was named “Tsuramakita.”

In the previous autumn, in September, the Emperor secretly obtained clay from Mount Amenokaguyama, crafted numerous flat vessels resembling cups, and personally purified and observed rituals to honor the gods. Finally, he succeeded in pacifying the realm. The location where the soil was obtained was named “Haniyasu.


翌年、己未(つちのと ひつじ)の春、二月二十日に、諸将に命じて、士卒の選抜と訓練が行われました。この時、添県(そほのあがた)の波哆(はた)の丘岬(おかざき)には、新城戸畔(ニイキトベ)という女賊(にょぞく)があり、また和珥(わに 天理周辺)の坂下(さかした)には居勢祝(コセノハフリ)という者がおり、臍見(ほそみ)の長柄(ながら)の丘岬(おかさき)には猪祝(イノハフリ)という者があり、その三力所の土賊は、その力を誇示して帰順しようとしませんでした。

その結果、天皇は軍の一部を派遣してこれを殲滅させました。また、*高尾張邑(たかおわりのむら)には土蜘蛛がおり、その人態は身丈が短く手足が長い、侏儒(しゅじゅ 小人)に似たものでした。皇軍は葛の網を作り、これを使って奇襲し、殺害しました。これにより、その邑は葛城(かずらき)と改称されました。

磐余(いわれ)の地の元の名は、片居(かたい)または片立(かたたち)という。皇軍が敵を破り、大軍が集まってその地に溢れたので磐余(いわれ)とした。また、ある人が言うには「天皇が昔、厳瓮(いつへ)の供物を召し上がられ、出陣して西片を討たれた。このとき、磯城(しき)の八十梟帥(ヤソタケル)がそこに屯聚(みいわみ 集兵)した。天皇軍と大いに戦ったが、ついに滅ぼされた。それで名づけて磐余邑(いわれのむら)という」また、皇軍が叫び声(たけびごえ)を立てたところを、猛田(たけだ)と呼び、城(き)を造った所を名づけて城田(きた)という。また、賊軍が戦って倒れた屍が、臂(ひじ)を枕にしていたので頰枕田(つらまきた)という。

前年の秋の九月には、天皇は密かに天香山(あまのかぐやま)の埴土(はにつち)を取り、多くの平瓮(ひらか 盃に似た平たい器)を製作し、自ら斎戒して諸神を祀りました。そして、ついに天下を平定することに成功しました。したがって、土を取った場所は埴安(はにやす)と呼ばれるようになりました。

*≪Bing AIの解説≫


令和5年12月22日(金) 2023

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